I had the best experience of my life studying abroad in Rome! Past Review

By (Business management, University of Houston) for

CEA CAPA Education Abroad: Rome, Italy

What did you gain/learn from your experience abroad? Was it worthwhile?
I learned to be extremely independent and feel I can find my way around in any country. I understand more cultures now and am interested more in international affairs. I loved traveling around Europe and all of the interesting people that I met. This was definitely the best experience of my life and I would do it all over again if I could.

Personal Information

If you took classes at multiple universities, list those universities here: John Cabot University
How much international exposure did you have prior to this program? 0-2 weeks

Review Your Program

* Overall educational experience

Academic rigor, intensity, resources, etc.

The workload was fairly easy, the grading system was fair, and the teaching methods were very hands on i.e. on site classes, trying food and wine in class. This allowed me to learn the material quicker than just sitting in a classroom like I would be back home.

* Host Country Program Administration

On-site administration of your program

The CEA staff was very friendly and personalized. They knew everyone by name and all you had to do was stop by their office if you needed any help. The front desk intern was very nice and organized and answered any of your questions. They knew a lot about where to go within the city for whatever we needed and took us out a few times for local activities i.e. crepes, pizza, gelato, etc.

* Housing:

How satisfied were you with your living arrangements?

We were housed close to CEA, however our second university, John Cabot, was about a 45- 1 hr bus ride away making it sometimes difficult to get to class during strikes. We lived far from the main night life as well, always having to take a 25-45 minute bus ride to the center of the city or Trastevere. We needed to buy hangers, extension cords for extra plugs, a few cooking utensils (sponges, towels), and trashcans. The neighborhood we lived in was safe, however we lived in the middle of a busy piazza so it was always noisy til all hours of the night, making it sometimes difficult to sleep and study. The furniture and decorations in the apartment did not go together and were extremely cheap. In our living room we had a tiny couch and did not receive other sitting chairs until the end of November, almost at the end of our program. Because of this, my room mates and I rarely hung out in the common room and stuck to our bedrooms. This slowed down our bonding process and we only began to become good friends towards the end. We did have a large flat screen TV which was nice. A lot of stuff broke down in the apartment, and usually YPR was quick to fix it, although sometimes they were very rude about it and made us feel uncomfortable reporting anything else that needed to be fixed. Everyone in the program lived 15-30 minutes away from each other making it more difficult to hang out with more than your room mates on a daily basis.

* Food:

Italian food is amazing, get ready to eat a lot of pizza and pasta- there are parks nearby where you can run so you don't gain too much weight. As far as the variety of food goes there's Italian and Chinese and that's about it. You can find gluten free products and dairy products that are for lactose intolerants at the supermarket which is very convenient.

* Social & Cultural Integration:

How integrated did you feel with the local culture?

We took a trip to the Amalfi Coast which was a lot of fun because most of the people in our program went. We also took an Italian Cooking Class which was a lot of fun as well. We visited a Wine Vineyard and had lunch in Tuscany as well which was extremely educational and interesting about the process of wine making. We went on a pizza and gelato crawl where they showed us the best pizza and gelato places in the center of the city. We also got crepes which were extremely delicious too.

* Health Care:

How well were health issues addressed during the program?

* Safety:

In orientation the school had a police officer come and talk to us about safety- this was very thorough and prepared us very well. The city was safe and I only felt threatened once when I went to Testaccio- not the nicest part of town. If you were sick you just went to the pharmacy and they could give you what you needed very easily. There was an emergency number through our program you could call if you were deathly ill and needed to go to the hospital, but I never needed to use it. Be smart about where you put your belongings when you go out to make sure that you don't get pick pocketed. Healthcare was different from America in that you just went to a pharmacy to get what you needed instead of making a doctor's appointment and pharmacies were all over the city- easily accessible. There were no vaccines needed for coming to Italy.

If you could do it all over again would you choose the same program? Yes


* Money: How easily were you able to live on a student's budget?

(1 = not very easy/$200+ on food & personal expenses/week, 2.5 = $100/week, 5 = very easily/minimal cost)


* Did your program have a foreign language component? Yes
If applicable, to what degree did your living situation aid your language acquisition?

Language acquisition improvement?

I used Italian in everyday interactions i.e. going to restaurants, cafes, sightseeing, etc. I could practice Italian with locals that I met and most people spoke Italian where I lived and interacted, forcing me to use Italian more.

Other Program Information

* Where did you live?

Select all that apply

  • Apartment
* Who did you live with?

Select all that apply

  • Americans

A Look Back

* What did you like most about the program?
  • Traveling
  • Nightlife
  • Food
* What could be improved?
  • Location of housing- proximity to all schools and other student's apartments in the program
* What do you know now that you wish you knew before going on this program? Make sure to budget your money because Europe is not a cheap place to live. Traveling can be done cheap if you are smart. Bring all the clothes you need from home because shopping is also expensive here. A person who wants to travel, is open-minded, adventurous, and easy going will definitely benefit from this experience.

Individual Course Reviews

Course Name/Rating:

The Culture of Food and Wine in Italy

Course Department: CUL340FCO
Instructor: Greg Smith
Instruction Language: English
Comments: The exams were challenging because it was about information that I had never studied before, however as long as you read and study you can receive an A. We took a field trip to a wine vineyard which was very fun and informational to our class. The instructor was well knowledgeable of the subject and always prepared with the material. I participated more in the class than I would at home because there were about 10 students in our class, one of the smallest classes I've ever had. I thoroughly enjoyed this class- every week we tasted wine and ate 2 dishes made by an authentic Italian woman which were delicious! We also had to cook a regional meal for students in our class and review a local restaurant. This was an extremely fun and educational class and I recommend everyone to take it.
Credit Transfer Issues: None
Course Name/Rating:

The Art and Archaeology of Ancient Rome

Course Department: CLA340-A
Instructor: Elisabetta Interdonato
Instruction Language: English
Comments: This was my favorite class because we met onsite every week. Instead of reading about art and architecture, we visited many historical places in and outside of Rome and were given a tour and explanation from our teacher who was also a certified tour guide of Rome. The instructor was extremely knowledgeable of the subject material and made the experience in Rome better. I felt like I got to see a lot of the city just within this class. We took a field trip to Pompeii and this was very fun and relevant to the course material. I definitely participated more in this class because there were only 8 people and we were on site having to discuss things. Among places we visited were the Coliseum, Pantheon, Circus Maximus, Capitoline Hill Museum, Ancient Ostia, Roman Forum, Pompeii, and multiple museums. We also went to a 3-D movie of Ancient Rome and dressed up in togas for fun. The exams were challenging because they were essays on a broad range of materials but the grading was fair- however this class is not an easy A. I thoroughly enjoyed this class and would recommend anyone to take this.
Credit Transfer Issues: none
Course Name/Rating:

International Finance

Course Department: FINA 330
Instructor: Alessandro Antonelli
Instruction Language: English
Comments: Just like any other business course. Sit in class and listen to a lecture for an hour and 15 minutes. Its a little difficult to understand the instructor because of his accent, but after time you should get used to it. Everyone sits in class super bored on their lap tops checking facebook, etc. until its over. He puts everything you need to know on powerpoint slides and provides an extended review before each exam. There is a book, but you do not need to purchase it or read anything from it, everything is from the powerpoint slides. This class requires a lot of studying before each exam, but most of it is just memorizing the slides. The tests are short answer format, and you just regurgitate the information from the slides and will be fine. If he did not take attendance, you would not need to attend class, you could just study the slides and be okay. The class is informational about international financial affairs, however its extremely boring.
Credit Transfer Issues: none
Course Name/Rating:

Beginning Italian 1

Course Department: ITA103-A
Instructor: Mario Cacciafeste
Instruction Language: English
Comments: The instructor was my favorite teacher I've ever had. He was very lively and made class fun. We definitely goofed off a lot and always got out of class early. This class is definitely an easy A and doesn't require much studying if you've learned a similar foreign language before such as Spanish or French. The instructor was helpful if we needed to know how to do things within the city and how to go about it. I had a lot of fun in this class, and learned a little bit of Italian.
Credit Transfer Issues: I did not receive credit for this class but I knew this before taking it. I did not need it for my major and it was a 1000 level course therefore I could not receive credit. I took this class just to learn the language.