How to get the most from Abroad101 before and after you go abroad
This website is designed to help get the most out of study abroad and is intended to serve American college and university students, their parents, and advisors. Our website also offers information on pre-college and post-graduate programs, as many students will have multiple stops with their education abroad.
Students have submitted their study abroad program evaluations at the invitation (or requirement) of their home university, their program provider, or their host university. You will see programs listed by city, country, their type and their academic area of study. Included in Abroad101 are volunteer programs, intensive language programs and internships, most are credit bearing. Before you make your final choice double check the credit options with you home university advisor.
We encourage you to use the reviews not just to compare programs, but also to gain a better understanding of what to expect. Then, when you return, we suggest that you submit your story by leaving a review to showcase your experience, your talents, and your expanded perspectives. Share that with the world and use your study abroad review as a stepping-stone in your career, as well as a point of pride to show all that you have "the Study Abroad Advantage."