Past Review

By (Psychology, International Service, Valparaiso University) for

CGEE: Windhoek - Nation-Building, Globalization, and Decolonizing the Mind

What did you gain/learn from your experience abroad? Was it worthwhile?
Absolutely. I gained understanding, both of the globe and of myself.

Personal Information

The term and year this program took place: Fall 2009

Review Your Program

* Overall educational experience

Academic rigor, intensity, resources, etc.

The statement that this is the easiest semester (academically speaking) is true. But it was very worthwhile because of all of the out of class learning that took place.

* Host Country Program Administration

On-site administration of your program

Administration was very knowledgeable and helpful, though it seemed a little less organized at times.

* Housing:

How satisfied were you with your living arrangements?

CGE house where all the students lived, as well as three different homestays with host families. <br /><br /> All of the housing was very good.

* Food:

Good food, given the difference between Namibian and American diets.

* Social & Cultural Integration:

How integrated did you feel with the local culture?

Very laid back atmosphere. Cultural events were always a great time.

* Health Care:

How well were health issues addressed during the program?

* Safety:

A lot of students were sick throughout the semester, but they were all taken care of. I never personally felt that I was unsafe at the house or out in the neighborhood.

If you could do it all over again would you choose the same program? No


* Money: How easily were you able to live on a student's budget?

(1 = not very easy/$200+ on food & personal expenses/week, 2.5 = $100/week, 5 = very easily/minimal cost)

Not including program expenses, about how much money did you spend on food and other expenses each week? about $500 or $600 for the entire semester. It all depends on personal spending habits.
Do you have any general money-saving tips for future study abroad participants? If at all possible, plan to save more for the trips (Swakop, Etosha, fall break, etc.).


How would you rate your language skills at the beginning of the program? Beginner
Language acquisition improvement?

I have never learned Damara/Nama before this program. While difficult for me to learn (the clicks), it was very enjoyable to be able to use it in conversation.

Other Program Information

* Where did you live?

Select all that apply

  • Other
* Who did you take classes with?

Select all that apply

  • Americans

A Look Back

* What do you know now that you wish you knew before going on this program? It's a beautiful experience. Difficult at times, but worth all the effort that is put into it.


I believe it would be incredibly beneficial for every student to spend some time overseas.

Skitch November 09, 2009