Housing was one of the best parts of the program Past Review

By (mathematics, Hamilton College) for

CIEE: Prague - Central European Studies

What did you gain/learn from your experience abroad? Was it worthwhile?
YESSSSSSSSS-studying abroad is sooo sooo worth it. College is incredible but I think that if you have the chance, everyone should study abroad-it's such a once in a lifetime experience. I went to Prague because I was not very interested in learning a language, but I definitely learned a lot about the Czech culture, politics, lifestyle, etc. I'm not sure if the experience impacted me academically, but I certainly enjoyed living in, and learning about a different culture, and plan on traveling a lot in the future.

Personal Information

How much international exposure did you have prior to this program? 1 month - 6 months

Review Your Program

* Overall educational experience

Academic rigor, intensity, resources, etc.

Overall I thought that the workload was very fair. CIEE gave more work than NYU-from what I heard-but compared to my University back home it was way less and very manageable. I did not find that work got in the way of my abroad experience at all. The grading system was fine-I did well, but I would have liked a less strict attendance policy. I enjoyed the majority of my classes but was not thrilled with the teaching methods of every single one of my professors (see below). I would say the major differences between my abroad classes and American classes are that the teachers are somewhat more formal, and use a lecture-based style of teaching more often.

* Host Country Program Administration

On-site administration of your program

The program size was perfect-not too big and not too small-we all got really close-greeeaaat group of kids from all over the U.S. My expectations generally were met--I think that the organized trips were great and I'm somewhat glad that two were required of every student. The orientation was too long but it did a very good job of acclimating you to the country and allowed you to meet a lot of kids during that time. Most of the activities were helpful, i.e. scavenger type hunt around Prague, but the lunch info sessions were unnecessary. The staff was very nice was at times disorganized, and inefficient. They took a few day sometimes to respond to e-mails and the class registration process was poorly organized and run. It was on a first come first serve basis in the morning before classes and after waiting an hour to switch classes I had to get off line, go to my classes, and come back later only to wait some more. Same thing with the trip sign-ups--I think everyone should be able to go on the optional weekend trips if they'd like. Attendance policy was a little too strict.

* Housing:

How satisfied were you with your living arrangements?

Housing was one of the best parts of the program. I looooved the dorms. The rooms were nice, definitely big enough, well-furnished (each room had a somewhat different set-up but had two beds, some type of couch or table, lots of storage for clothing, desks, large windows, etc.), and we were offered the choice of a double or a single (I asked for a double and we were lucky to get our own bathroom-not every room has its own bathroom but rooms without bathrooms are a little larger and the communal bathrooms were not far and were very nice). The dorm itself was in a great location-beautiful suburban like neighborhood right by the study center (classes), transportation, small grocery store, and a few restaurants. The neighborhood was very safe and the dorm was extremely well guarded/monitored. The dorms were not right next to clubs but there were places that were as close as a 5-10 minute tram ride away. To settle-in we had to buy some groceries, school supplies, and throw away utensils and plates/bowls (unless you were willing to borrow stuff from the kitchen at breakfast and lunch time and return it shortly after using it which was kind of a hassle). Sheets, and towels are provided and cleaned by maids every two weeks--the room is mopped, bathroom is cleaned, and re-stocked with toilet paper on a daily basis during the week which was sooooo great. You had to pay $10/night if you had a guest stay over-although this is not a lot at all, I think it should be free of charge. I think that kids in homestays who were very social and wanted to spend time with other kids on the program felt somewhat isolated, however for those who had truly picked a homestay as their first choice-who really were interested in learning the language and 100% immersing themselves in the culture, enjoyed that experience. The apartments I saw were great-so so nice, big, all in great locations throughout the city, and most people enjoyed their roommates. The program clumped several apartments near each other within each neighborhood which was really nice.

* Food:

I loved the food in Prague. The Czech food itself was not my favorite-minus the smazeny syr and a few other things (fast food stands), but there were always choices at Czech restaurants for people who wanted more familiar dishes, i.e. pasta, chicken, etc. Since I lived in the dorms I ate a bunch of times at the two pubs on either side of the building, a mediterranean cafe by the Vyton tram stop, and an italian/pizza place by Tesco express. We went to a really really great italian restaurant only one tram stop up the river-Fresco Vento, and a bunch of places near the national theater-we ate mostly in Prague 1 and 2. The dorm had ok cooking facilities so a bunch of students cooked often.

* Social & Cultural Integration:

How integrated did you feel with the local culture?

Orientation, as I mentioned above, was a great way to meet everybody on the program but was a little too long. Prague itself offers tons of entertainment-sightseeing, museums, shops, etc for daytime, and amazing clubs and bars at night-Prague has great nightlife. As I said above, I overall enjoyed the CIEE field trips. I LOVED the last day programs--the boat cruise was so much fun and a great way to end the program/Prague experience. I was able to travel a lot because I spent long weekends in places (we had no Friday classes so were were able to go thurs night to Su night) and stayed in Europe 10 days after the program ended, but I think that the program should schedule a spring break.

* Health Care:

How well were health issues addressed during the program?

* Safety:

The health care was great and easy to get to. My only complaint is that the CIEE staff were not very helpful when it came to filing claims for health insurance. Prague is very safe and like any other city you just have to be smart about keeping your purse and belongings well covered and by your side, and traveling with another person or in groups if it's really late.

If you could do it all over again would you choose the same program? Yes


* Money: How easily were you able to live on a student's budget?

(1 = not very easy/$200+ on food & personal expenses/week, 2.5 = $100/week, 5 = very easily/minimal cost)


If applicable, to what degree did your living situation aid your language acquisition?

Other Program Information

* Where did you live?

Select all that apply

  • Dorm
* Who did you live with?

Select all that apply

  • Local Students
  • Americans

A Look Back

* What do you know now that you wish you knew before going on this program? I thought that CIEE was great. Amazing housing and such an incredible group of kids-if I had to choose a program again I would choose CIEE a second time!

Individual Course Reviews

Course Name/Rating:

Art and Architecture

Course Department: Art History
Instructor: Marie
Instruction Language: English
Comments: Art and architecture was a great course because it really allowed you to see the city--explore parts which you would probably not see otherwise on your own time (plus admission to wherever we went was free!). However, I found the classes-which were solely lectures-somewhat boring and the textbooks/readers were not well-written. Overall though, worthwhile course.
Credit Transfer Issues: Nope.