The SACI experience was rich in culture and treasured the works of artistic masters. Past Review

By (Experimental Animation, Maryland Institute College of Art) for

Studio Arts College International (SACI): Florence - SACI in Florence

What did you gain/learn from your experience abroad? Was it worthwhile?
My study abroad experience was definitely worthwhile. I got alot out of being in a foreign country and learning how to survive on my own. I grew as a more responsible and independent individual and developed strong artistic skills related to my major. It has given me a greater appreciation for the great work of Italian Masters and for Italian culture overall. It hasn't necessarily changed any of my academic interests (because I have always been interest in Italian art and culture) but has changed my future plans in the sense that I would like to travel; and hope that my future careers allows me to do so. I hope to return to Florence one day, whether it be for school, my career or even a visit.

Personal Information

How much international exposure did you have prior to this program? 0-2 weeks

Review Your Program

* Overall educational experience

Academic rigor, intensity, resources, etc.

The courses I had at SACI Florence were Sculpture, Computer Animation and the MICA program at SACI. The sculpture class was great. The teacher was very relaxed and showed us direct techniques on how the use proper tools for modeling, plaster casts, and carving stone. This helped me very much because I personally am very interested in figurative sculpture and the program helped me improve my techniques in that field. The MICA program was very helpful in allowing me to grow conceptually and explore my thoughts with projects. In that class, I was able to produce a finished short in the style of claymation. My only concern was the computer animation class. I think it was SACI's first computer animation class in 3D/ Maya. We had alot of technical problems with SACI computers and internet access. In the beginning weeks, we only had two computers for five students. So we had to share the program, which was difficult for the whole class to function. The teacher was also new and from the United States so there wasn't a great share of European Animation influence. The class also was unorganized because of our computer problems and the amount of work was heavy for the amount of time we had.

* Host Country Program Administration

On-site administration of your program

The program had pros in how it arranged its students in housing, there were field trips every weekend to see different parts of Florence as well as the different cities in Italy, the art history courses were overwhelming with knowledge and the museum trips were a wonderful experience. It was very easy to travel to school by walking or bike and navigating the city of Florence wasn't difficult because SACI supplied maps, stand by assistance from security, and they had a handbook that clearly showed where everything important was located. The art classes were informative and relaxed, so you had to explore ideas on your own and had crits with classmates for help. Teachers encouraged self growth and they would help you when in need. The class room setting was intimate and you got to know what your teachers were like and what they wanted out of you from day one. Some of the problems that the program had were lack of equipment, lack of space for galleries, small classroom sizes, and it was a bit unorganized with events. The amount knowledge gained was similar to that of a MICA class. Overall, SACI definitely gives students a great feel for Italy, Italian culture, art history and the ability to see the work of masters up close. I would recommend this program to either spring semester sophomores and fall semester juniors.

* Housing:

How satisfied were you with your living arrangements?

The apartment I was assigned to was quite large and spacious. I roomed with american students from different universities and even my roomate from school. It was supplied with furniture, sheets, drying rack, washer, dishes, pans, and more. Everyone got along very well. The only huge problem is that the winter was rough and everyone was frozen because the school couldn't afford good heating. If we would have used the heater, the cost of living would have sky rocketed. There was also no real security provided by SACI; housing was just our average apartment but in pretty good areas.

* Food:

Food was good but expensive. Any restaurant was great food, even the kebab places. Making your own food was fine and actually fun. Food was sold fresh and grocery stores sold cheap goods. SACI didnt provide students with food.

* Social & Cultural Integration:

How integrated did you feel with the local culture?

The social and cultural experience was priceless. From the bars, to meeting new university students, to the museums and art works, everything was amazing. Everyone got along and worked together to find soccer games,libraries, museums, the best restaurants and go shopping. Talking to locals and walking all over Florence was a blast. There was so much to see and the semester was filled with fun activities. Florence is a very intimate city that allows people to interact more with one another and you never feel lost or alone. I personally didnt have problems adjusting culturally when coming back home. I just followed the norm. However, when arriving to Florence I allowed myself to explore my surroundings. I used the SACI handbook to find my way around and it was helpful to talk to roommates who could relate when you got homesick, lost when trying to find shortcuts to school and book stores, and when pressured with workload. Studying abroad is a great way to develop independent skills because you have to adapt to a new language, environment and way of living. Parents and friends are far away so you have to depend on yourself and find ways on your own to get by the day. It has helped me tremendously become an independent individual and get my priorities in order.

* Health Care:

How well were health issues addressed during the program?

* Safety:

There were doctors that the school had to recommend and help treat you right away. The doctors spoke English and were able to prescribe the proper medicine in any situation. I heard no complaints from those who had gotten sick.

If you could do it all over again would you choose the same program? Yes


* Money: How easily were you able to live on a student's budget?

(1 = not very easy/$200+ on food & personal expenses/week, 2.5 = $100/week, 5 = very easily/minimal cost)


* Did your program have a foreign language component? Yes
Language acquisition improvement?

There were classes that taught basic introductory Italian to students that counted for credit and for fun SACI provided an Italian cooking class. There was another class given at nights throughout the week to learn basic Italian. The resources to learn the language were definitely encouraged.

Other Program Information

* Where did you live?

Select all that apply

  • Apartment
* Who did you live with?

Select all that apply

  • Americans

A Look Back

* What do you know now that you wish you knew before going on this program? I would say that the student should consider going abroad to this program in the fall, to be ready for challenge when it comes to becoming independent and managing responsibilties whether they are for homework, traveling alone, socializing with friends, money, food, etc..., study from the masters and go to as many museums as possible, explore your own artistic concepts and ask teachers for their opinions, take classes seriously for your own artistic benefit and definitely take an art history class to learn more about the great Italian Masters.