Student Teaching in Berlin, Germany Past Review

By (Language, Literacy, and Cultural Studies, Western Washington University) for

Western Washington University: Berlin - EducatorsAbroad Student Teaching (EAST)

What did you gain/learn from your experience abroad? Was it worthwhile?
I think my placement at a school abroad in Berlin, Germany has helped me become more aware of the diverse learners in my classroom which is something I have benefitted from doing my placement abroad. While in Germany, there would be times where I would feel really stressed out because I couldn’t communicate what I needed because I didn’t speak the language well enough to portray my thoughts and my needs. I would get frustrated which made me think of all the students that I would have in my classroom who are English Language Learners and would be feeling exactly how I felt. Even though I have had a lot of training in teaching English Language Learners and have worked with a lot of English Language Learners, I never really realized how difficult it is to learn a new language when you are surrounded by an unfamiliar language and really don’t understand what is going on. In the classroom I taught in and in the classrooms in America, a lot of the students are learning English and are expected to speak English in the classroom which can be frustrating for them since they are surrounded by an unfamiliar language and aren’t able to communicate which causes them to shut down and stop learning. Since I have now experienced that feeling of not being able to communicate and being frustrated when being surrounded by a language I don’t really know, I feel like I am going to be able to better help my students who are learning English because I know how it feels and will remember that feeling when planning lessons that are accessible to all the students in my classroom. Having this experience has really helped me see how important it is to think about these students who are struggling with the language and think about ways you can make the material accessible to them such as using visuals, building background knowledge, modeling, using cue cards, and making them feel comfortable in the classroom. Another benefit of doing my placement abroad was seeing how important multiculturalism is and how to successfully incorporate multiculturalism in your classroom. In the classroom I student taught at, there were students from all over the world with different cultures and backgrounds in one classroom. In the United States, our classrooms are becoming more and more diverse with students from all over the world as well. By teaching abroad, I was able to see how each child brings something to the classroom with their rich culture and we shouldn’t ignore that. Before I went abroad, I never thought about how important and beneficial it is to incorporate and promote multiculturalism in your classroom because I’ve never really been around such a diverse group of students before. The teacher I worked with during this experience did a great job educating the students on the different cultures in the world and making every student feel like an “expert” on their culture. Each week, she would research a new celebration or event in a different culture that she would teach about and immerse the students in all week. She would also invite the student and their family to come in and help teach about their cultural celebration as well. Not only did she include the community in her lessons, she also made each child feel a part of the classroom while retaining his or her cultural identity. Watching the students light up when it was their culture that the class was learning about and seeing how interested and excited the students were about learning about all these new cultures and cultural celebrations showed me how important this is and should be included in the classroom. Teaching abroad opened my eyes to how wonderfully diverse this world is and how we should embrace and learn about all the different cultures instead of ignoring them. As the years go on, our classrooms are going to become more and more diverse and I think it is very important and beneficial that we recognize the various cultures in our classroom and incorporate them in our teaching. Overall, this experience has changed my life and has helped me grow and develop into a confident teacher. This experience has helped me acquire the important skills that every teacher should have such as the ability to plan, differentiate instruction for diverse learners, manage the class, communicate, use various teaching strategies and self-reflect. It also has humbled me and has opened my eyes to the world of English Language Learners and multiculturalism as I was able to experience both of these things first-hand. My experiences that I have had from teaching abroad these last three months will forever be reflected in my teaching as I use the various teaching skills that I have acquired and as I strive to support my English Language Learners and incorporate multiculturalism in my future diverse classroom.

Personal Information

How much international exposure did you have prior to this program? 0-2 weeks

Review Your Program

* Overall educational experience

Academic rigor, intensity, resources, etc.

For the most part, I had to do reflective papers for Educators Abroad every two weeks. Once I started to teach full-time, I had to start writing and planning lesson plans but this is nothing new since I've been doing this kind of stuff for the past two quarters before I came abroad. So really, nothing was too different from what I had been doing at my University.

* Host Country Program Administration

On-site administration of your program

Educators Abroad is a wonderful program! Once they place you with your school, I was pretty much on my own. The teachers that I worked with at my school that I student taught at had previous experiences with Educators Abroad so they already knew what I was expected to do. Throughout the quarter, I kept in contact with my Educators Abroad advisor so he always knew what I was doing. He also came and visited me at the school twice. One time for a drop-in and to meet me and the second time was my formal observation. I had a lot of freedom within this program. I was given a list of things I needed to accomplish while I was student teaching and it was up to me to get it done which was nice.

* Housing:

How satisfied were you with your living arrangements?

To arrange my housing, I used to find a flatshare. It's a great website for finding people to share flats with. For the most part, it is pretty secure but like anything, make sure you interview with the person first before accepting the flatshare offer because I did have some experiences with weird people before I found my flat.

* Food:

Don't really have any thoughts on this. For the most part, I went to the grocery store, bought food and prepared it at home. When I went out, I would try all different types of food which was great!

* Social & Cultural Integration:

How integrated did you feel with the local culture?

My program didn't arrange any trips. If I went anywhere, I had to arrange it.

* Health Care:

How well were health issues addressed during the program?

* Safety:

I didn't really have any problems with health and safety. I know in Berlin there are alot of "gypsy's" that will ask you if you speak English and if you say "yes" they will demand money and won't go away. So if someone comes up with you and asks if you speak English, your best bet is to say no in German or ignore them.

If you could do it all over again would you choose the same program? Yes


* Money: How easily were you able to live on a student's budget?

(1 = not very easy/$200+ on food & personal expenses/week, 2.5 = $100/week, 5 = very easily/minimal cost)


If applicable, to what degree did your living situation aid your language acquisition?

Other Program Information

* Where did you live?

Select all that apply

  • Apartment
* Who did you live with?

Select all that apply

  • Local Students
  • International Students

A Look Back

* What did you like most about the program?
  • I liked how well it fit with what I was doing at the University and how much freedom I was given in the program.
* What could be improved?
  • Nothing