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Study Abroad Reviews for Duke University: Beijing - Duke in China Summer Program
Duke University: Beijing - Duke in China Summer Program

Duke Study in China (DSIC) is one of the longest-running credit-granting programs in China administered by an American university. The program offers an intensive summer l...


0 reviews
Study Abroad Reviews for MEI High School Study Abroad: Trek Through Europe (English)
MEI High School Study Abroad: Trek Through Europe (English)
London, The United Kingdom: Munich, Germany: Paris, France plus 2 other locations

Witness how history comes alive when you study in the places where it happened. As we journey across Europ...


0 reviews
Study Abroad Reviews for Connect-123: Cape Town - Studies in Social Entrepreneurship, Semester
Connect-123: Cape Town - Studies in Social Entrepreneurship, Semester

Participate in this one-of-a-kind experience that gives you the challenges of entrepreneurship throughout ...


0 reviews
Study Abroad Reviews for ACI Baobab Center: Experience Senegal Program
ACI Baobab Center: Experience Senegal Program

The Experience Senegal Program© at ACI’s Baobab Center uses the entire country as a classroom.  The program helps newcomers strengthen their language skills and cross-cult...


0 reviews
Study Abroad Reviews for NYU Steinhardt: Accra - Education and Diversity: Comparative Perspectives
NYU Steinhardt: Accra - Education and Diversity: Comparative Perspectives

Gain a deeper understanding of how racial, ethnic, religious, and gender differences are addressed in Ghan...


0 reviews
Study Abroad Reviews for Staffordshire University: Stoke-on-Trent - Direct Enrollment & Exchange
Staffordshire University: Stoke-on-Trent - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

We have invested over £30 million updating our campus and facilities in Stoke-on-Trent to ensure you have access to cutting-edge technology and industry-standard equipment...


3 reviews
Study Abroad Reviews for API (Academic Programs International): Rome - John Cabot University
API (Academic Programs International): Rome - John Cabot University
Program Announcement:
Special API-only scholarships available at JCU! Learn More

The capital of Italy, Rome has always been a cultural and political stronghold and crossroads for people from across the globe. The glorious history of the eternal city ca...


12 reviews
Study Abroad Reviews for Pacific Lutheran University: Study Abroad in Bø, Norway
Pacific Lutheran University: Study Abroad in Bø, Norway

Formerly known as the Telemark program, this Gateway is located in the town of Bø. Located in a region known for its rich cultural tradition and outdoor life, the Universi...


2 reviews
Study Abroad Reviews for Georgia College and State University: Montepulciano - GCSU in Montepulciano
Georgia College and State University: Montepulciano - GCSU in Montepulciano

Explore central Italy from Rome to Florence and Siena! Classes are held in a renovated medieval fortress near the central piazza, which contains modern classrooms facilita...


2 reviews
Study Abroad Reviews for API (Academic Programs International): Paid Teach Programs in China
API (Academic Programs International): Paid Teach Programs in China
Program Announcement:
Guaranteed position to teach English to Chinese students! Learn More

Teaching English is one of the most budget-friendly ways to travel, give back to a community, immerse yourself in a new culture, and gain practical teaching experience. Ap...


0 reviews
Study Abroad Reviews for Hebrew University of Jerusalem - Rothberg International School: Coexistence in the Middle East (CME)
Hebrew University of Jerusalem - Rothberg International School: Coexistence in the Middle East (CME)

Coexistence in the Middle East (CME) offers a unique opportunity to gain a concrete understanding of the challenges and complexities of coexistence in Israel. Israel is th...


1 review
Study Abroad Reviews for SIT Study Abroad Malaysia: Money, Trade, and the New Silk Road
SIT Study Abroad Malaysia: Money, Trade, and the New Silk Road

Discover the growing influence of Southeast Asia’s economy to the global market while studying in Malaysia, China, and Singapore. Examine the Malaysian model of Islamic ba...


2 reviews