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Study Abroad Reviews for CIEE: Summer in Dublin
CIEE: Summer in Dublin

Immerse yourself in Ireland’s rich culture and examine the complex relationship between the British and the Irish; discuss issues of national identity, religion, and immig...


0 reviews
Study Abroad Reviews for GEO: Ecuador - Bioregional Community Development in Ecuador
GEO: Ecuador - Bioregional Community Development in Ecuador

Individual programs available to non-UO students include:Bioregional Community Development in Ecuador: Stu...


0 reviews
Study Abroad Reviews for University of the Highlands and Islands: North Highland - Summer
University of the Highlands and Islands: North Highland - Summer

The Scottish Junior Golf Camp, hosted by North Highland College UHI, gives junior golfers (aged 14-18) the opportunity to become part of our exciting new golf training cam...


0 reviews
Study Abroad Reviews for University of Economics: Prague - Direct Enrollment & Exchange
University of Economics: Prague - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

The University of Economics, Prague (VŠE) is the biggest public university of economics in the Czech Republic. The university celebrated its 60th anniversary. VŠE has six ...


1 review
Study Abroad Reviews for Volunteer Honduras La Ceiba: Pre Dental Program
Volunteer Honduras La Ceiba: Pre Dental Program

 There are thousands of adults and child around the world who lack proper oral healthcare. Volunteers are ...


1 review
Study Abroad Reviews for Perrotis College: Thessaloniki - Direct Enrollment & Exchange
Perrotis College: Thessaloniki - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

Study Abroad you can afford!  The Study Abroad Program fees cover on-campus room & board and use of facilities; instruction in Greek language, cuisine, history and dan...


5 reviews
Study Abroad Reviews for Earthwatch: South Africa - Leopards, Hyenas and Primates: Mammal Conservation in South Africa
Earthwatch: South Africa - Leopards, Hyenas and Primates: Mammal Conservation in South Africa

Study the perceptions and reality of human vs. wildlife conflict in the mountains of South Africa while li...


0 reviews
Study Abroad Reviews for AIFS: Buenos Aires – University of Belgrano
AIFS: Buenos Aires – University of Belgrano

Spend a semester, summer or academic year in the charismatic and sophisticated city of Buenos Aires studying at the University of Belgrano. Courses are taught in English o...


1 review
Study Abroad Reviews for NRCSA: Frankfurt - Complete Immersion Homestudy
NRCSA: Frankfurt - Complete Immersion Homestudy

Frankfurt, financial capital of Germany, sits astride the Main river right before it meets the Rhine, but ...


0 reviews
Study Abroad Reviews for Arcadia: Virtual Europe
Arcadia: Virtual Europe

New virtual study abroad program for Europe.Join Arcadia faculty in London, Dublin, Edinburgh, Granada or Rome for a range of fascinating online courses and internships to...


0 reviews
Study Abroad Reviews for Ithaca College: Rome - Photographic Field Program
Ithaca College: Rome - Photographic Field Program

This program provides students with an opportunity to continue their study of photography, creative writin...


2 reviews
Study Abroad Reviews for CUNY - College of Staten Island: Tuscania - Study Abroad at Lorenzo de’Medici
CUNY - College of Staten Island: Tuscania - Study Abroad at Lorenzo de’Medici

The hilltop town of Tuscania is located on the border of the Tuscany and Lazio regions of central Italy, s...


2 reviews