American University

September 19, 2024

University Information

Below you will find study abroad reviews from students at American University. We hope you will find these helpful in your search for options in education abroad. If you are an American University student, please check with the AU Abroad Office for guidelines on enrolling in a study abroad program and receiving credit for your study abroad experience. If your university has listed recommended programs below, please consider them first and contact any of the program providers referenced in the reviews listed below for more information.

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Past Review Conquering The Eternal City The American University of Rome: Rome - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I learned that I can travel by myself without any fear. I learned how to navigate in a foreign city, and I feel comfortable with the idea of graduating next year and having to set off on my own. I learned so much about different cultures and points of view that I can grow from. This trip was worthwhile and I highly encourage stu..."

American University
Past Review Challenging, But Rewarding! IFSA/Alliance: Pune - Contemporary India

"I am so thankful that I chose this program. Looking back at all of the positive experiences I had, I truly learned how the locals of Pune lived on a daily basis, even though it is such a completely different culture. The academic component connected the larger social and development issues of India into my understandings as we..."

American University
Past Review Across The Pond And At The Beach IES Abroad: London & Oxford - Health Practice & Policy

"My study abroad experience in the Health Practice and Policy program was great. All of my professors were very qualified and experienced in the subjects that they taught me. I had a Study London course that was taught by an Oxford lecturer who regularly explored European politics in his research. For my three HPP courses, I felt..."

American University
Past Review Great Independent Learning Program IES Abroad: London & Oxford - Health Practice & Policy

"I thoroughly enjoyed my time in London through IES Abroad. I ultimately chose this program because of the classes I would be taking. As a public health major interested in global health policy, the classes corresponded wonderfully to my academic goals and allowed me further explore possible career opportunities in social service..."

American University
Past Review India Is The Place For Me IFSA/Alliance: Manipal - Global and Public Health

"This experience helped be decide that India is truly the place for me and that I should do as much as I can to go abroad as often as I can. "

American University
Past Review Best Semester Ever! Sarah Lawrence College: London - London Theatre Program

"This program really is an intensive in classical acting. The teachers were dedicated and knowledgable, although some were a little harsh and not the best at communicating. London is a truly amazing city, and the resources there are unmatchable. There is a little bit of bullshit you have to sot through if you go to BADA, but it i..."

American University
Past Review A Great Experience In An Incredible Place AMIDEAST Rabat - Area & Arabic Language Studies

"I had previously spent time in the Middle East while studying in Jordan, so I was already somewhat familiar with the region. That being said, I gained a TON being in Morocco with AMIDEAST. The culture is incredible and Morocco is a gorgeous place. More than worthwhile."

American University
Past Review When Do I Get To Go Back? AMIDEAST Rabat - Area & Arabic Language Studies

"I learned very much and relearned important life lessons that I have never paid much attention to, forgot, or pushed to the back of my life. It was the most worthwhile decision I have ever made. "

American University
Past Review I Matured More In The Past Semester Than I Had In The First Four Of College. AMIDEAST: Amman - Area & Arabic Language Studies

"It was very worthwhile to see social issues that I learned about in textbooks. I also improved greatly with Arabic."

American University
Past Review Wonderful Experience! CET Prague

"So, so worthwhile. I fell in love with Central Europe - Prague definitely, but also Krakow and Budapest through the trips that CET organized for the whole program. I learned a lot about the history and culture of all of Central Europe, and I also learned how to live abroad and exist immersed in a culture that was not my own. I m..."

American University
Past Review The Best Months Of My Life CET Prague

"I fell in love with the city, the culture, the experiences, the food and the people. If I could do it all over again, I definitely would. "

American University
Past Review An Amazing Experience. CET Prague

"I learned so much about the region; but also a deeper understanding of the people and culture. Totally worthwhile, would do it again."

American University
Past Review Cet And Prague: Two Unexpected, But Incredible Successes CET Prague

"Definitely worthwhile, the best way to see Europe starts in the middle of Europe"

American University
Past Review Russia Exceeded Every Expectation And Made For An Unforgettable Experience! American Councils (ACTR): Advanced Russian Language & Area Studies Program (RLASP)

"I learned not only how to express my thoughts, ideas, and emotions in another language, but also learned how to better understand the Russian people. Definitely a worthwhile experience!"

American University
Past Review Great Program! AMIDEAST: Cairo - Area & Arabic Language Studies in Egypt

"It was absolutely worthwhile! I gained language skills, got to see and understand perspectives I couldn't learn about in America, and became more flexible and independent. "

American University
Past Review On Hell Of A Ride AMIDEAST Rabat - Area & Arabic Language Studies

"I learned that living abroad is not easy but that it's all about growth. I learned so much about myself and how I approach and deal with certain situations. I learned how to open up to people I don't know and how to embrace difference until it becomes a familiarity. "

American University
Past Review An Adventure That Improved My Language And Love Of Morocco AMIDEAST Rabat - Area & Arabic Language Studies

"The language I learned was invaluable, since I have continued with Arabic and am again living in Morocco. I learned how to become a smart risk-taker, constant traveler, and flexible housemate."

American University
Past Review Challenging But Exceptionally Rewarding AMIDEAST: Cairo - Area & Arabic Language Studies in Egypt

"Egypt is always worthwhile. There is a reason it is called "Um al-Dunia," Mother of the World. There is so much life to learn from in Cairo. Egypt taught me that nothing is black and white and everything is connected. I've gained independence, further curiosity about the world, and a feeling of investment in culture, people,..."

American University
Past Review Changed Everything I Thought Was True About Myself. AMIDEAST: Cairo - Area & Arabic Language Studies in Egypt

"I feel more grounded and happy. I made friends for life that I still keep touch with. "

American University
Past Review The Only Thing Better Than Leaving Morocco, Is Coming Back To Morocco! AMIDEAST Rabat - Area & Arabic Language Studies

"I learned what it would feel like to have a fulfilling life abroad. It was definitely worth it. And I'm profoundly glad that I stayed for the entire year instead of just one semester. I had a whole different impression of Morocco after my second semester compared to my first. It became my home, instead of a place I lived. "

American University
Past Review I Don't Regret Going At All, But I Am So Thankful I'm Ome AMIDEAST: Amman - Area & Arabic Language Studies

"I learned a great deal about myself and what I am interested in, what I want to do in my career and what I don't want to do. This was not a fun semester, there were a lot of parts that were difficult but I am glad that I did it. "

American University
Past Review Awesome Experience In Cairo AMIDEAST: Cairo - Area & Arabic Language Studies in Egypt

"I absolutely loved my time in Cairo and that was mostly because of the opportunities provided by AMIDEAST. I made long-lasting friendships with both the students in my program and with Egyptians. The thing I really love about the program is that it is great at creating an environment where students are challenged academically, b..."

American University
Past Review A Great (But Not Typical) Abroad Experience! AMIDEAST Rabat - Area & Arabic Language Studies

"While I was abroad, I improved my Arabic, made some great friends and memories, and experienced a wonderful culture. It was worthwhile."

American University
Past Review Amazing Amman AMIDEAST: Amman - Intensive Arabic, Summer

"It was definitely worthwhile. "

American University
Past Review Ehh Sarah Lawrence College: London - London Theatre Program

"Studying abroad itself was a worthwhile experience. However, a lot of damage was done to my psyche and made me quit the acting profession, a godsend if you really ask me. "

American University