Bethel University
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Below you will find study abroad reviews from students at Bethel University. We hope you will find these helpful in your search for options in education abroad. If you are a Bethel University student, please check with the Office of Off-Campus Programs/International Studies for guidelines on enrolling in a study abroad program and receiving credit for your study abroad experience. If your university has listed recommended programs below, please consider them first and contact any of the program providers referenced in the reviews listed below for more information.
Important Dates and Deadlines
No important dates configured."I became so much more comfortable speaking Spanish, but overall I think my biggest takeaway was how much my confidence grew. I interviewed strangers, lived with a new family, navigated a new city, made new friends, and experienced new cultures. "
Annessa I Bethel University
"I developed a much greater confidence in my abilities to be independent in a foreign setting. I also found a comfort with trying new things and getting to experience a new place that eventually became a home away from home for me. I also feel like the academic setting really pushed me to explore new ideas and to go deeper on the..."
A student Bethel University
"So much. I learned how to be more independent, including finding my way around new cities by myself. I learned how to navigate another culture, including becoming pretty proficient in the language. I also learned to appreciate all the things that were different from home that I both liked and didn't feel as comfortable with. I f..."
Jonah Venegas Bethel University
"I gained confidence in myself, and the immense value of communicating with others, especially in their language. I was able to connect with people on the other side of the world, celebrate our similarities, learn from our differences, and create lasting memories. I was pushed to leave behind any semblance of a comfort zone and j..."
A student Bethel University
"My ability to understand and speak Spanish improved a ton!"
Emma Freebersyser Bethel University
"I gained a better use of the language and a much deeper understanding of Spain's history and culture."
lauren Bethel University
"I learned how to speak Spanish. I had more than 4-5 years of high school and college level Spanish experience, but I was unable to hold a conversation. Now, I can claim I know Spanish and show it too. It was worth the hard work and I would do it over again if given the opportunity."
John Migliore Bethel University
"What I gained from the experience abroad was that I can do and be a lot more than I give myself credit for. If you would tell me now that I could understand all of the Spanish that I do and actually feel comfortable speaking it, a year ago, I wouldn’t believe you. I was always self conscious to speak Spanish and now I’m confiden..."
Courtney Demuth Bethel University
"I learned so much about the Indian culture that you can't grasp from simply reading a textbook. Living and studying in a new culture is such an amazing opportunity to grow as a young adult. I became more independent, adaptable and developed a passion to travel. Going abroad was one of the best choices I have made in colle..."
A student Bethel University
"I gained a broader view of the world. Absolutely."
A student Bethel University
"Main thing was culture and how to be an adult. "
Patrick Lira Bethel University
"I learned to believe in myself again. After going through a rough semester before I came, I was coming to Cyprus needing to be rejuvenate and to build myself up again. Coming abroad pushed away all the other distractions from home and I could really focus on myself."
Holly Tag Bethel University
"I learned a lot about myself."
A student Bethel University
""overall, my experience in Cyprus was amazing. I met life-long friends from all over the states that I hope to continue to keep in touch with. Cyprus was a beautiful island. Although I wished we had live somewhere on the coast line instead of Nicosia that would have been ideal. However, it makes since that we are so close to ..."
A student Bethel University
"Absolutely love the employees of global semesters!!! However, I did feel that Cyprus is not the ideal study abroad location. It's hard to explore the rest of the island and stay busy due to the limits of transportation. I would recommend a global semesters but not studying in Cyprus. Overall, I don't regret studying in Nicosi..."
A student Bethel University
"I had a great time learning about Cyriot culture, yet having the opportunity to explore around a large portion of Europe. The travel portion of the program made it entirely worth it! Can't wait to refer others to the program! "
A student Bethel University
"I gained an appreciation of what life is like on the other side of the world. "
carly w Bethel University
"My experience was worthwhile, don't get me wrong, it is just that my mindset was different from many Cypriots, so it was hard to fit in. I gained a broader perspective, but most importantly, I gained gratefulness. I can't even believe how good we have it in the United States. Especially after we had visited Greece and seen al..."
Brock B Bethel University
"I gained a new experience on life and the cultures of other people. It was well worth my time and I would love to do it again."
Mishiah t Bethel University
"I gained independence, strong conviction of my faith, joy for life and other people, and more than I could actually describe without taking hours to do so. It was definitely worthwhile!"
Rachel M Bethel University
"I learned more about myself than I thought I would have. I learned how to deal with conflict, how to stand up for myself, and how to handle being different. I loved (almost) every minute of it. There were times where it was really, really difficult for me to step out of my comfort zone and experience something different, but I f..."
Katie C Bethel University
"I learned so much Spanish and I learned to really love the culture. I loved my time abroad and I miss it everyday. I want to go back to visit soon. "
Sarah F Bethel University
A student Bethel University
"I can't sum up what I've learned--I got to learn how to use a HUGE university's resources, how to get plugged into local culture and theatre, that Emma Watson is very short, that I identify with the UK and that I am going to miss England for the rest of my life!"
bre.blaschke Bethel University
"It was helpful to see how other people live and what they vaule compared to many Americans. Yes."
A student Bethel University