Brandeis University
University Information
The Office of Study Abroad supports Brandeis students who participate on any of our 300 approved programs in some 65 different countries around the world.
On average 40% of the junior class studied abroad during the academic year while still more students took advantage of various international opportunities in the summer. There is a huge diversity of transformative experiences that Brandeis students have engaged in abroad including studying biodiversity conservation hands on in Panama, conducting ethnographic research on sacred figures in Mongolia, interning with Parliament in Edinburgh, United Kingdom, and interning in special education classrooms in Sydney, Australia to name a few.
Whatever your story, journey or adventure is destined to be, come by our office to learn more about the steps to going away!
Additionally, by logging in to Abroad101, all approved programs will be tagged with an "Approved" badge.
Important Dates and Deadlines
The Study Abroad Application Deadline for Fall, Academic Year, and Spring is mid-February.
The summer study abroad application deadline is mid-March.
A student Brandeis University
"I experienced a university with a campus which was unique. I did enjoy my time abroad."
A student Brandeis University
"It was 100% worthwhile, and I'm so glad I chose this program. It was the perfect blend of topics of history, politics, economics, anthropology, social justice, community development, culture, and more. I learned more outside the classroom than within it, and am so grateful for the experiential learning structure that is emphasiz..."
Alexandria Brandeis University
"I definitely learned to be more independent and stand up for myself. It can be difficult, especially while meeting so many new people to continue to remember who you are, but I definitely did! Going abroad was definitely worthwhile, because it forced me to break out of my shell. "
A student Brandeis University
"I learned to challenge yourself and change will eventually follow."
A student Brandeis University
"I gained more of a confidence about traveling and the knowledge that I can be independent. "
A student Brandeis University
"I gained perspective on a new culture and I learned how to appreciate my culture even more. There was a lot of time for reflection, which was worthwhile."
A student Brandeis University
"It can be very eye opening to be so deeply immersed into another culture. It's interesting to see the similarities and differences between life at home and life abroad."
A student Brandeis University
"I improved my Spanish so much that I would now consider myself to be fluent. I think in Spanish without trying and I use it regularly to communicate with the friends I made. I learned a lot about the political and economic structure of México from conversations with my peers and host family. I also learned about differences that..."
Nina R Brandeis University
"It was interesting to function within a different academic system, but it did make me appreciate my education in the US. I also loved being able to go to so many museums and learn outside of the classroom. It was an incredible five months of living independently, getting to know London, and traveling all over."
A student Brandeis University
"I gained stamps on my passport and learned to how to make it through a semester you hate. It would have been worthwhile on a different program. "
A student Brandeis University
"European/South Spain culture; workplace culture. Yes, worthwhile; apply to internships for summer during study abroad! Explore Seville!"
Lauren Chin Brandeis University
"My (Cantonese) language skills improved immensely while I was abroad, which was one of my primary goals before going. I additionally learned to keep an open mind and to not be afraid to put myself out there to try new experiences-- you'll never know who you'll meet and what you'll discover! "
A student Brandeis University
"Having not done much journalism before, the journalism experience was unparalleled. Being able to see a non-Western, Islamic perspective on the world was invaluable. Being in Morocco is incredibly worthwhile, particularly for Americans. "
A student Brandeis University
"I got to understand different ways of learning. I got to understand the ways that city planning can impact citizen's relationship to the land. "
A student Brandeis University
"I learned I can live in a foreign place away from family and thrive, and I am good at languages. Very worthwhile."
Noah M Brandeis University
"I learned a lot about the Chinese culture, history and language through the local people I got to meet. I would definitely "
A student Brandeis University
"I learnt about more cultures than I was expecting. I thought I would only learn about Singapore culture but traveling allowed me to learn about various different cultures which was very worthwhile. "
A student Brandeis University
"A deeper understanding of the language and culture is definitely acquired. The program was completely worthwhile!"
A student Brandeis University
"I have learnt a lot about Danish culture, education, and scientific research. It was worthwhile in terms of having a hub/home in Europe while exploring the region and of learning about the country im depth."
A student Brandeis University
"In addition to academic learning, I learned about a very interesting country in the midst of a modernization transition by experiencing it firsthand. It was absolutely worthwhile."
Shira G Brandeis University
"I learned a lot in my subject matter, but also grew as a person. "
A student Brandeis University
"I gained a ton: more confidence to go out of my comfort zone, appreciation of the world and different cultures/histories, independance, strength in my Jewish identity and more friends/networks! Definitely worthwhile. This experience abroad is a door to many other opportunities in the future!!"
A student Brandeis University
"Cross-cultural experiences especially exposure to many different NGOs + nonprofits and approaches to development issues"
A student Brandeis University
"I learned a ton from my experience abroad. I learned a ton about South Africa, and this helped me to think about the U.S. in a different way. I learned that I can go through difficult situations without my usual support systems and still make it through. I gained independence, confidence in my abilities, more knowledge about the..."
Michaela Cabral Brandeis University