Colorado State University
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Below you will find study abroad reviews from students at Colorado State University. We hope you will find these helpful in your search for options in education abroad. If you are a Colorado State University student, please check with the Education Abroad Office for guidelines on enrolling in a study abroad program and receiving credit for your study abroad experience. If your university has listed recommended programs below, please consider them first and contact any of the program providers referenced in the reviews listed below for more information
Important Dates and Deadlines
No important dates configured."Through the independent study project, I made many contacts that will help me in my professional aspirations down the road. I am using those contacts to help me return to China for a research internship this upcoming summer."
Francis C Colorado State University
"I learned so much from this trip, especially about myself and the world around me. Every second was worth it. "
Kevin H Colorado State University
"I learned about Irish history, culture, and landscape. I would not have been able to achieve the depth of my understanding without being there, seeing the historic and modern places, talking to other travelers, and talking with locals. My study abroad experience in Galway, Ireland was beyond worthwhile. It was life changing! Not..."
A student Colorado State University
"amazing, totally worthwhile"
Kyanne A Colorado State University
"I gained a lot of friends from my program because we had to work together to figure out what we wanted to do during our free time. I also learned a lot about how the UK style of dealing with horses is different from how I work with them at home."
C.c. C Colorado State University
"Great adventure abroad, made some really wonderful friends."
Maranda V Colorado State University
"I learned how to travel and explore independently, and how to plan trips with other people as well."
Kate W Colorado State University
"As I learned about Thailand and Asia in general I unexpectedly learned almost just as much about myself, my culture, and my home country. I learned to go with the flow and lets thing happen as they do. "
Jack F Colorado State University
"I learned so much about each individual horse and learned more problem solving on horses."
laura.johnson.71271 Colorado State University
"I loved seeing Scotland and the other girls in the program were absolutely amazing and they made it so much better to experience it with!"
Nadine J Colorado State University
"Studying abroad is about more than the physical time spent in another country, but about the skills that a student walks about with from the entire experience. In Australia, a major skill I have gained is the ability to adapt; adapt to new cultures, places, situations. Every person will be in a situation with unexpected changes,..."
Melissa Z Colorado State University
"I learned a lot in class, but also travelling, visiting museums, eating food, talking to locals, shopping etc. It was worth every penny and I would go again if I had the time. "
Rebecca R Colorado State University
"There wasn't a single day that I didn't learn something new and exciting. My life was an adventure, consistently surprising me with each and every turn. I Have learned what it is truly like to be outside of my own comfort zone, and welcomed into the world of another. Each passing day continuously increased my understanding of an..."
Johnathon O Colorado State University
"It was very worthwhile. It was great to see how the Equine Industry works in Scotland/the UK"
A student Colorado State University
"I have learned so much about so many things, its impossible to put it into words!"
A student Colorado State University
"Can't even begin to answer this question for myself, let alone on this web page. Best thing I have done in my life."
Bayne S Colorado State University
"I really enjoyed living in Italy and feel like I have gained a greater cultural understanding."
A student Colorado State University
"I learned to appreciate other cultures, and recognize ways in which all cultures are similar. I was able to feel what a foreigner feels like in the U.S. and understand what he may struggle with better."
A student Colorado State University
"Definitely a worthwhile experience, I made many new friends and learned a lot. While China was never top on my list of places to visit, after this experience I can't wait to go back!"
Kim R Colorado State University
"I learned a little Chinese, I got to experience the magnificent city of Beijing and most of all I got to make friends from three different continents!!!"
Seth D Colorado State University
"I gained an understanding of Chinese culture and language. I had barely any knowledge of any Asian culture and I learned so much through this experience. I also gained some great friends. I hope to see them again whether in their country or in the US. "
Shannon A Colorado State University
"I gained friends from around the world, who along with myself, love to travel and now have places to stay wherever we go. "
Kyle S Colorado State University
"I think that my experience was very worth while. I had wanted to go to Spain for the longest time but was afraid that my expectations would not be met, on the contrary they were actually superseded. It was a wonderful cultural and linguistic opportunity for me as well as to build international relationships. I would like to go b..."
Evan2 Colorado State University
"I learned a lot about myself and grew as a person since you have to be independent to study abroad. I'm more culturally aware and my future plans are now to come back to Costa Rica and possibly live here for a couple years."
Kasia T Colorado State University
"Yes! I gained confidence, independence, sense of self. I have caught a love for the culture over there and Bilbao now feels like a home to me. I want to return to europe to travel more and work...maybe teach English abroad!"
Rachel D Colorado State University