Dickinson College
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Below you will find study abroad reviews from students at Dickinson College. We hope you will find these helpful in your search for options in education abroad. If you are a Dickinson College student, please check with the Center for Global Study and Engagement for guidelines on enrolling in a study abroad program and receiving credit for your study abroad experience. If your university has listed recommended programs below, please consider them first and contact any of the program providers referenced in the reviews listed below for more information
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A student Dickinson College
"I gained many life skills and learned how to be adaptive, as well as of course improving my German. It was a worthwhile experience. "
A student Dickinson College
"I feel that I've never made as much personal growth in 6 months as I did living in Bremen. Living in another culture while experiencing the most amount of independence I've ever had before helped me become more confident and adventurous. In addition to learning more about myself and what I may find fulfilling after graduation, t..."
Nick R Dickinson College
"I learned more about myself and my personality and about the global world."
John T Dickinson College
"For the first time, I was able to experience and understand the importance of positionality to a higher level prior to this program. I was able to work with an organization that taught me so much about the world which is an experience I could not have gotten to the same extent without this program. "
A student Dickinson College
"This program was a tremendous learning experience for me in ways I could not have predicted. I am not an environmental studies or marine biology major, like many people on the program are, but I did not realize that last summer when I signed up. I thought I was on a linear track to becoming a biology major, but the interactions ..."
Melissa A Dickinson College
"Even though seven weeks did not afford me enough time to master German, the ways in which I struggled to communicate, create meaning, and to write, and comparing these experiences with fellow students offered insight into how to better acquire a language."
Peter Philips Dickinson College
"I met amazing teachers abroad. The program in general was a little disappointing. "
A student Dickinson College
"I learned a lot about Jordanian culture and I appreciate this program for what it taught me in that regard. "
A student Dickinson College
"gained new friends / knowledge "
Elizabeth Dickinson College
"I learned so much about myself and that traveling is truly the most rewarding experience I have so far in life. I wish I could go back and do it again and again, I can't express how refreshing and eye-opening this experience was."
A student Dickinson College
"History, Culture, Language, Baking"
A student Dickinson College
"I learned so much about the world and myself. My time abroad was honestly isolating, and that forced me to think about the places I was going, the choices I was making. I had never been away from home for so long. Getting past homesickness and realising that my parents have no impact on and are largely not affected by my decisio..."
A student Dickinson College
"A look into Jordanian culture but not as much language as I wanted "
A student Dickinson College
"Yes! I learned so much. From how to cook, how to use Chilenismos properly, how to avoid natural disasters, and how to set up a doctor's appointment in South America. "
Emily B Dickinson College
"Learned about the mafia through culture and field study. Definitely worthwhile "
abbey.fishie Dickinson College
"Norwich was amazing and the people I meet at UEA were all so incredibly nice and welcoming. I had a good deal of trouble with the UEA administration in the beginning but overall I enjoyed the classroom experience as well. Fantastic place to study abroad. "
A student Dickinson College
"It was absolutely worthwhile. I got to travel both in the UK and in mainland Europe. I really felt like I was a part of UEA even though I was only there for a semester. The university is a lot of fun, but it was definitely a break from the academic rigor I am used to. I did not like the academic system very much, but the social ..."
A student Dickinson College
"Perspective into other points of life and cultures and Arabic language skills; certainly worth it."
Ted D Dickinson College
"Absolutely worth it. You learn to rely on yourself and others. Also, with all the hands on work you learn an incredible amount "
Stephanie B Dickinson College
"I would go back to Morocco in a heartbeat. Every program has its strengths and weaknesses, but overall, you can't do better than AMIDEAST. If you really want to immerse yourself and learn, it is absolutely a good environment."
Kathryn M Dickinson College
"I learned how to live more independently and to be more comfortable with myself and in new atmospheres. I greatly improved my language skills and enjoyed the new challenges."
Julie K Dickinson College
"Impacted my cultural understanding and gave me field experience in marine research"
Laura S Dickinson College
"My student abroad experience was amazing and changed me not only as a student but also as a person. I would recommend Turks and Caicos to anyone interested in a hands-on outdoors experience that is truly once in a lifetime. It has made me more excited about my major and I would love to go back someday."
Lauren O Dickinson College
"Yes, it was amazing and has broadened my understanding of how sustainable development is carried out in different parts of the world. I will definitely spend more time in Central America after I graduate and will build off of the experiences I had in CR. "
Rachel G Dickinson College