Drexel University
University Information
Below you will find study abroad reviews from students at Drexel University. We hope you will find these helpful in your search for options in education abroad. If you are a Drexel University student, please check with the Study Abroad Office for guidelines on enrolling in a study abroad program and receiving credit for your study abroad experience. If your university has listed recommended programs below, please consider them first and contact any of the program providers referenced in the reviews listed below for more information
Important Dates and Deadlines
No important dates configured."That the world was my oyster!"
Bianca Mitchell Drexel University
Taisia Osipova Drexel University
"Gain insightful experience in different engineering cultures. This experience helps me better cultivate my engineering skills to work internationally and cross-culturally."
James Sato Drexel University
"First and foremost, I was totally inspired by the reverence that Iceland has for nature - they are so respectful with regard to the earth as a whole and to the health of their country. The perspective of an Icelandic person is so radically different from the perspective of a conventional east coast American; environmental consci..."
Katie M Drexel University
"I learned a lot about myself, my interests and experience with renewable energy. I also had the opportunity to meet so many others with my interests! It was definitely worthwhile."
Anthony S Drexel University
"The program helped me learn a lot about myself and helped me gain some perspective. It was totally worth while, it was one of the best experiences of my life and I recommend it to anyone"
Kyle M Drexel University
"I learned a lot about myself and it taught me how to manage my stress and be calm. But it also taught me how to appreciate being on my own more. For example, I traveled by myself to a few countries and it was so much fun and very relaxing because I got to do what I want to do. I travelled with friends and family too and that was..."
Nick P Drexel University
"It was definitely worthwhile. I was able to take business classes with an international view which was cool. I met so many new people and made so many friends that I will keep in touch with. I also was able to travel to 8 countries and 14 cities, experiences and memories I will always remember. "
A student Drexel University
"I gained 40 other new friends that I plan on staying in touch with in the years to come. These new friends had similar ideas and a similar thinking process to myself. It was exciting to talk and bond with everyone on the trip because each person brought something different to the group. Not only was I able to meet new people, I ..."
Meredith R Drexel University
"I made some absolutely amazing friends who made the experience very worthwhile, my French improved, I learned a lot about European politics, I met someone (romantically), I really matured being away from everybody I felt comfortable with from home...It was just all around an amazing experience. "
Hannah A Drexel University
"There is no comparison from the perspective you will get by going to a place. It's invaluable."
ann.m.hager.5 Drexel University
"I thought this was a fantastic experience. Not only did I improve my German dramatically, but I also had a lot of independence to travel and spend my time as I wanted."
Drew H Drexel University
"Definitely worthwhile! The work experience in a foreign office alone is worth it. Meeting international kids as well was so great!"
Sky S Drexel University
"One of the best things I've ever managed to do. Wish I could have spent every semester on the water."
A student Drexel University
"I gained the experience of working in a foreign company and also taking business and communications classes in Spanish. I learned a lot about myself and more about the type of lifestyle I would like to live. The experience was definitely worthwhile. I have been getting a lot more job interviews thanks to my abroad experience."
A student Drexel University
"While at AUR I learned new things about myself and was able to really meet some wonderful people. Stepping out of your comfort zone is what led to a successful experience for me. Don't follow routines and be open minded. Ill never forget my time spent here."
Lorenzo E Drexel University
"I had such a great experience at the American University of Rome. Rome is one of my favorite cities in the world, and I loved every single minute that I was there. I met a ton of great people who instantly became some of my best friends. There was something to do every day and I will cherish this experience for the rest of my li..."
Carlos H Drexel University
"It was completely worthwhile. Anyone who doesn't participate in this is really missing out."
Robert K Drexel University
"Absolutely worthwhile! I loved every minute of it (yes even when dirty and tired) and I love the way SEA runs its programs. It is rare to find an establishment that runs more smoothly than SEA, I have yet to find one. I really think what they do is amazing and they do it right and hope to come back and work for SEA in future. "
Mariya O Drexel University
"It was all worthwhile, a learning experience. You gotta have a positive outlook and see it all in your own way. "
A student Drexel University