
Fairfield University

September 20, 2024

University Information

Fairfield University's study abroad programs emphasize quality education, exposure to new cultures, and excellent student support services. Our programs are open to students from other colleges and universities as well. Explore our site to see "where in the world" you may want to go for your study abroad experience!
Your passport to the world...

We encourage you to consider the many choices Fairfield offers. Spend a semester, a year, a month, or just ten days abroad earning academic credit and gaining the kind of knowledge only an onsite experience can provide.

Fairfield University offers students from other college and universities semester, year, and short-term study abroad opportunities in Florence, Italy; Managua, Nicaragua; Dar es Salaam, Tanzania; Aix-en-Provence, France; Brisbane, Australia; and Galway, Ireland.

Fairfield's programs offer exceptional learning opportunities for you beyond the classroom including internships, service learning, academic excursions, and other events that will make your experience enjoyable and meaningful. We look forward to meeting with you and exploring the possibilities!

Important Dates and Deadlines

An overall GPA of 2.8 is required to study abroad for all programs including short-term and summer. Individual programs have their own criteria and may require higher GPAs. A student must be in good disciplinary standing with the Dean of Students at the time of application and participation. All students who wish to study abroad for a semester or year must submit an online application for their desired study abroad program. Applications will be due February 1st for students wishing to study abroad during the following academic year. Students studying in a non-English speaking country must take one course (3 credits) in the native language. Students with advanced language skills can choose to take a content course instructed in the native language to satisfy the language course requirement.

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Study Abroad Reviews for The Beijing Center: Semester and Full Year Abroad
The Beijing Center: Semester and Full Year Abroad

Stand out from the crowd and join The Beijing Center for a Semester or Full Year immersion in the heart of Beijing, China!The Beijing Center for Chinese Studies offers qua...


1 review
Study Abroad Reviews for CIEE: Santiago - Liberal Arts, Dominican Republic
CIEE: Santiago - Liberal Arts, Dominican Republic

Raise your strong Spanish language skills to new heights while immersing yourself in the developing Caribbean nation of the Dominican Republic. Along with Spanish language...


1 review
Study Abroad Reviews for CIEE: Santiago - Liberal Arts
CIEE: Santiago - Liberal Arts

Develop your strong Spanish language skills in the capital of Chile by taking courses in Spanish alongside Chilean students at our partner schools, Universidad de Chile, P...


2 reviews
Study Abroad Reviews for CIEE: Budapest - Business + European Studies
CIEE: Budapest - Business + European Studies

Budapest is a grand place to explore Central and Eastern European history while building knowledge in business, economics, finance, management, and marketing. Students tak...


7 reviews
Study Abroad Reviews for CIEE: Prague - Summer Central European Studies
CIEE: Prague - Summer Central European Studies

Soak up magnificent art and architecture from every period while you learn to speak Czech and gain insight into the history and culture of this beautiful city. Choose from...


0 reviews
Study Abroad Reviews for CIEE: Hyderabad - Arts and Sciences
CIEE: Hyderabad - Arts and Sciences

Explore Indian culture in a diverse, cosmopolitan city, while taking courses at CIEE’s partner school, University of Hyderabad, as well as at CIEE Hyderabad. Choose from c...


0 reviews
Study Abroad Reviews for CIEE: Rennes - Liberal Arts
CIEE: Rennes - Liberal Arts

Combine your intermediate to advanced French language skills with the medieval flavor, idyllic setting, and rich culture of the capital of Brittany. Dive into university l...


2 reviews
Study Abroad Reviews for CIEE: Dakar - Language & Culture
CIEE: Dakar - Language & Culture

Senegal is one of the region’s most developed, democratic, and friendly nations, making seaside Dakar a prime spot to explore Senegalese culture and learn French and Wolof...


2 reviews
Study Abroad Reviews for CIEE: Amman - Summer Arabic Language
CIEE: Amman - Summer Arabic Language

Put your learning of Arabic on fast-forward in the heart of Amman’s traditional Eastern district. In a city where spectacular Roman ruins share the landscape with Westerni...


4 reviews
Study Abroad Reviews for CIEE: Khon Kaen - Development and Globalization in Thailand
CIEE: Khon Kaen - Development and Globalization in Thailand

Immerse yourself in Thailand’s grassroots issues and gain insight into the complexities surrounding environmental, development, and globalization issues. Enroll in four co...


4 reviews
Study Abroad Reviews for CIEE: Warsaw - Central European Studies
CIEE: Warsaw - Central European Studies

The capital of Poland is one of Europe’s most dynamic cities, filled with cultural, political, and economic institutions. It’s the perfect place to explore the history, po...


1 review
Study Abroad Reviews for CIEE: Valparaiso - Language in Context
CIEE: Valparaiso - Language in Context

Whether you’re just beginning or have a few semesters of Spanish language courses, come to Valparaíso and take your proficiency to the next level. Immerse yourself in cour...


0 reviews