
Fairfield University

September 20, 2024

University Information

Fairfield University's study abroad programs emphasize quality education, exposure to new cultures, and excellent student support services. Our programs are open to students from other colleges and universities as well. Explore our site to see "where in the world" you may want to go for your study abroad experience!
Your passport to the world...

We encourage you to consider the many choices Fairfield offers. Spend a semester, a year, a month, or just ten days abroad earning academic credit and gaining the kind of knowledge only an onsite experience can provide.

Fairfield University offers students from other college and universities semester, year, and short-term study abroad opportunities in Florence, Italy; Managua, Nicaragua; Dar es Salaam, Tanzania; Aix-en-Provence, France; Brisbane, Australia; and Galway, Ireland.

Fairfield's programs offer exceptional learning opportunities for you beyond the classroom including internships, service learning, academic excursions, and other events that will make your experience enjoyable and meaningful. We look forward to meeting with you and exploring the possibilities!

Important Dates and Deadlines

An overall GPA of 2.8 is required to study abroad for all programs including short-term and summer. Individual programs have their own criteria and may require higher GPAs. A student must be in good disciplinary standing with the Dean of Students at the time of application and participation. All students who wish to study abroad for a semester or year must submit an online application for their desired study abroad program. Applications will be due February 1st for students wishing to study abroad during the following academic year. Students studying in a non-English speaking country must take one course (3 credits) in the native language. Students with advanced language skills can choose to take a content course instructed in the native language to satisfy the language course requirement.

Sort by: Date | Rating
Past Review Australia Made Me An Adventurer Fairfield University: Brisbane - Semester or Year in Australia

"I learned so much about the Australian culture while I was abroad, but I also learned a lot about myself. My experience abroad was by far the best five months of my life. I became so much more independent, while simultaneously embracing the free spirited Australian culture."

Fairfield University
Past Review Incredible Host Family, Culturally Comfortable, And Now I Speak Swahili! University of Dar es Salaam: Dar es Salaam - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Cultural respect, learning to live with other cultures, learning a new language, living with a large Tanzanian family was awesome. "

Fairfield University
Past Review La Bella Vita: Travels, Good Food, And Incredible Renaissance Beauty Fairfield University: Florence - Semester or Year in Italy

"Studying abroad in Florence changed me. I'm more confident, more relaxed, and more cultured. "

Fairfield University
Past Review International Adventure With Myself As The Guide. University of Galway: Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Sense of independence and a better understanding of other cultures and myself. Living in Galway was one of the best experiences of my life. "

Fairfield University
Past Review Absolutely Amazing Fairfield University: Galway - Semester or Year in Ireland

"It was so amazing, words can't even describe"

Fairfield University
Past Review My Favorite Place With My Favorite People Australian Catholic University: Brisbane - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I learned that I need to move to Australia"

Fairfield University
Past Review A Forgetful Memory Fairfield University: Galway - Semester or Year in Ireland

"I learned to break out of my comfort shell and just say yes to experiences I normally would not say yes to. It all pays off in the end, whether the outcome is good or bad."

Fairfield University
Past Review The Most Opportunity Filled Months Of Your Life. Fairfield University: Florence - Semester or Year in Italy

"It was totally worthwhile to see how people in Europe live. Also, I had the opportunities to travel to Ireland, England, Germany, and France as well- which I seized. I feel quite worldly now. "

Fairfield University
Past Review Amazing Europtrip Fairfield University: Florence - Semester or Year in Italy

"Became more independent; definitely worthwhile"

Fairfield University
Past Review La Vie (รก Aix) Est Belle. Institute for American Universities (IAU): The School of Humanities & Social Sciences, Aix-en-Provence, France

"It was absolutely worthwhile and definitely the best and most rewarding experience of my life so far. I gained so much from my time in Aix with my host family, the people at IAU, and everything that Aix has to offer as a city."

Fairfield University
Past Review Distinctly Uncomfortable But Amazingly Worth It Fairfield University: Florence - Semester or Year in Italy

"I gained a lot of common sense and leadership skills. It was so worth while because I learned so much about the world, other people, and myself. I can't imagine who I'd be if I didn't go. "

Fairfield University
Past Review Overall Amazing And Unforgettable Experience! Fairfield University: Florence - Semester or Year in Italy

"I learned a whole new culture and it was definitely worthwhile. I would recommend it to anyone who is considering studying abroad."

Fairfield University
Past Review Fun Semester In Ireland Fairfield University: Galway - Semester or Year in Ireland

"So worthwhile. I am personally Irish, so it was very great to return back to my culture and learn more about it. The people were friendly and it was easy to travel in Ireland. Loved it."

Fairfield University
Past Review Awesome! API (Academic Programs International): Barcelona - Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona

"I learned how to be independent and also very open to other cultures. It was very worthwhile and an experience I will never receive again. I would definitely do it again."

Fairfield University
Past Review Once In A Lifetime! Fairfield University: Galway - Semester or Year in Ireland

"I learned new cultures, independence and much more. It was 100% worthwhile."

Fairfield University
Past Review The Most Interesting And Growth Developing Experience In My College Career. Fairfield University: Florence - Early Renaissance Art in Italy, January Session

"I gained the knowledge that I can adapt very well to experiences completely foreign to me. It was absolutely worthwhile because I chose to immerse myself and not hold back."

Fairfield University
Past Review Aix Cellent Fairfield University: Aix-en-Provence - Semester or Year Program

"I learned more about myself than I thought, but I definitely would choose a different program in the same location. I don't feel like IAU offered exactly what I was looking/hoping for."

Fairfield University
Past Review Living Art History! Fairfield University: Florence - Early Renaissance Art in Italy, January Session

"Loved experiencing history as i walked to class. "

Fairfield University
Past Review Best City In The World (Trust Me, I've Been To A Lot!) University of Edinburgh: Edinburgh - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Words can't even describe it! It's been the time of my life and I would come back in second. I am seriously looking into living here after graduation. "

Fairfield University
Past Review Most Amazing Three Months Of My Life In My New Favorite Place On Earth! The School for Field Studies / SFS: Turks and Caicos Islands - Marine Resource Studies

"It is not possible to list all that i gained and learned from my experience abroad. Not only did I learn factual information about my host country, the Caribbean and my field of study, but I also learned practical knowledge about how to be a scientist, write different types of reports, analyze and present data, and teach. Addit..."

Fairfield University
Past Review Completely Immersed The Beijing Center: Semester and Full Year Abroad

"There is really no way to truly explain how much i've learn from my experience in China. It was more than what i had expected from the program. "

Fairfield University
Past Review A Much Needed Break Filled With Adventures! Fairfield University: Galway - Semester or Year in Ireland

"School is not the most important thing, relationships with people are. It's good to go out of your comfort zone a little bit, but keep your senses about you, and don't let people push you to places you truly are not comfortable with."

Fairfield University
Past Review Very Beneficial Washington Internship Institute: Washington D.C. - Academic Internships

"gained experience and it was very worthwhile"

Fairfield University