Governors State University
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Below you will find study abroad reviews from students at Governors State University. We hope you will find these helpful in your search for options in education abroad. We also hope that these first-hand accounts of education abroad from previous students at your institution will help you understand what to expect from study abroad and help you set your expectations. If you are a Governors State University student, please check with GSU Study Abroad for guidelines on enrolling in a study abroad program and receiving credit for your study abroad experience. If your university has listed recommended programs below, please consider them first and contact any of the program providers referenced in the reviews listed below for more information.
Important Dates and Deadlines
No important dates configured."I learn to live with the minimum things in my life. I stop shopping and I stop eating outside. I am still doing it and I hope it becomes a lifestyle."
Karina Governors State University
"I learned so much about the Wounaan indigenous community of Darien! I learned what it means to fully respect and honor the earth and the people who live on it."
Sydney Governors State University
"I learned lot about the history and fun facts about Panama. I also learned about Wounaan Community."
Elizabeth Koontz Governors State University
"I overcame fears of traveling to an unfamiliar place and not speaking the language, and was absolutely delighted by my experience. The connections made with the locals and my group were beyond powerful. I laughed and cried more than I would have ever imagined. I am forever thankful for this opportunity and will carry these memor..."
Hannah Carroll Governors State University
"Yes it was worth it. I gained a widened world view and a greater appreciation for various resources I took for granted such as hot water and plastic bottle containers. "
Brandi Governors State University
"I learned a lot about the culture and their values. The people from Nicaragua are very resourceful and so humble."
A student Governors State University
"It was eye-opening to see a people with so little, yet who were so content. I never heard one complaint from anyone. It made me reflect on myself and my country. The United States is a powerful and rich country, yet we have some of the most unhappy, ungrateful, and complaining people. I left Nicaragua much more appreciative of t..."
Eloise Orr Governors State University
"It was definitely worthwhile. I gain a lot of knowledge about the Thai people as well as various other cultures while on the trip. Additionally, I gained a lot of knowledge during or presentations about counseling skills and different counseling interventions that can be used. "
Victoria Engel Governors State University
"Overall, I learned a whole lot of Korean. while I might not have made a Korean friend, I did make three or four American friends I keep in touch with. The entire experience is well worth the money. I no longer fear public transportation in any way and feel more comfortable in foreign surroundings."
Dana Governors State University