Grove City College

September 20, 2024

University Information

Below you will find study abroad reviews from students at Grove City College. We hope you will find these helpful in your search for options in education abroad. If you are a Grove City College student, please check with the Office of International Education web page for guidelines on enrolling in a study abroad program and receiving credit for your study abroad experience. If your university has listed recommended programs below, please consider them first and contact any of the program providers referenced in the reviews listed below for more information

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Past Review Best Decision I Made! Ecuador Study Abroad Reflections: Comprehensive Reviews of Past Programs

"I learned a lot about the South American and Ecuadorean culture, improved my Spanish language abilities, and also learned a lot about myself. I highly recommend this study abroad for anyone interested in a small family like relationships who have an interest in Spanish!!"

Grove City College
Past Review Reflecting On Study Abroad CISabroad (Center for International Studies): Semester at Aix-en-Provence

"I learned so much about myself and my personality. I learned how to REALLY step out of my comfort zone and try new things. My life will never be the same!"

Grove City College
Past Review Study/Intern In Aix En Provence, France With Ci Sabroad CISabroad (Center for International Studies): Semester at Aix-en-Provence

"I gained the perspective of a different culture, independence, confidence, new skills, amazing friends, and memories that will always be with me. It was SO worthwhile!"

Grove City College
Past Review Academics And Paradise ISA Study Abroad in Málaga, Spain

"I learned so much in my time abroad. From a sense of flexibility to the ability to think on my feet, I benefited in so many ways from studying abroad in Malaga. The classes I took were relevant and interesting, and really contributed to my overall experience. It was absolutely, one hundred percent worthwhile and I would do it ag..."

Grove City College
Past Review The Most Rewarding Four Months Of My Life: Studying Abroad In Salzburg AIFS: Salzburg - University of Salzburg

"I really couldn't imagine a better experience abroad. This was my first time traveling outside of the US, and I was able to visit ten European countries over the four months I was there. For the first time, I lived in another culture and was forced to recognize some of my own societal assumptions, biases, and preferences. I abso..."

Grove City College
Past Review Cuzco, Peru Incredible Cultural, Social, And Life Changing Experience ISA Study Abroad in Lima, Peru

"Yes it was very worthwhile. I learned how to interact with all sorts of different people. I also learned to be an outsider and to make my place in a completely new culture and society. After my experience, I am much more appreciative and aware of other cultures. I would love to continue travelling and experiencing such thril..."

Grove City College
Past Review Tuanis! ISA Study Abroad in San José, Costa Rica

"I loved my study abroad experience! I wouldn't trade it for anything! Costa Rica was a great place to learn about a different culture, and it is a beautiful country to explore. Hopefully I will be able to use the Spanish I learned in Costa Rica in the future, and I plan on returning to Costa Rica at some point later on."

Grove City College
Past Review Florence, Italy: Better Than I Ever Expected...Paradise API (Academic Programs International): Florence - Lorenzo de’ Medici – The Italian International Institute (LDM)

"I learned a lot about myself and the kind of goals and directions I want to go in life. I am now looking to teach abroad in either international schools or mission-oriented schools. I absolutely love learning new cultures and cannot wait to go for it."

Grove City College
Past Review (No Title) API (Academic Programs International): Granada - Universidad de Granada

"To call it worthwhile would be a huge understatement. It was incredible--an amazing blessing! I learned how to truly appreciate people from different cultures and lifestyles, how to be flexible and open to change, how to communicate more effectively in Spanish, and how to make the most of my circumstances for good instead of c..."

Grove City College