
Illinois State University

September 20, 2024

University Information

To be considered for a study abroad program, you must:
• Be in good academic standing with a cumulative GPA of at least 2.5 (Note: some programs require a higher GPA, see specific program flyer for details)
• Have completed at least two (2) college semesters prior to term of participation (If a transfer student, at least 30 hours of transfer credit or after completing one (1) full semester at ISU)
• Meet with a Study Abroad Advisor

Important Dates and Deadlines

Application Deadlines:
Fall semester – March 15th
Spring semester – September 15th
Summer term – Program deadlines vary, please see flyer for specific deadline information

Sort by: Date | Rating
Past Review Leicester University of Leicester: Leicester - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"It was definitely worthwhile. I learned so much about how other countries view America."

Illinois State University
Past Review I Learned To Appreciate All Cultures And Met Tons Of People I Will Never Forget. Waterford Institute of Technology: Waterford - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I learned a lot about the Irish way of life and a lot about German culture from my two German roommates. I had a lot of fun, met a lot of interesting people, traveled to 5 countries, and managed to get some credits."

Illinois State University
Past Review My Experience Lorenzo de' Medici – Florence

"I learned a lot about the Italian/ European culture. I got to see some of the most historically famous and beautiful things. During my time abroad I visited 7 different countries and captured some of the most irreplaceable moments and memories, and made so many great friends. I will greatly value this experience for the rest ..."

Illinois State University
Past Review Bittersweet! Lorenzo de' Medici – Florence

"The more i traveled, the more i realized how different America is from Europe....it's so uptight and everything has to be planned out and we're in a huge rush. Europeans take time to smell the beautiful flowers and embrace the one-day-at-a-time lifestyle and just live/work to enjoy life. SO worthwhile, and definitely one of the ..."

Illinois State University
Past Review Awesome Lorenzo de' Medici – Florence

"culture "

Illinois State University
Past Review Il Magnifico Lorenzo de' Medici – Florence

"friendship/ cooking/ ues"

Illinois State University
Past Review Awesome Lorenzo de' Medici – Florence

"I learned so much it is hard to put into words. The main thing is that you don't realize how much you miss it until you have left."

Illinois State University
Past Review Best Experience Of My Life, So Far. Lorenzo de' Medici – Florence

"I grew up a lot. Learned so much about other places and cultures. Met friends from other countries like the netherlands and england. learned how to live on my own in another country. "

Illinois State University
Past Review Living Like An Italian Lorenzo de' Medici – Florence

"I learned more about the Italian culture than I could have ever learned from reading a book for watching a film. I learned to be more tolerant of tourists and became more independent. "

Illinois State University
Past Review An Experience That'll Be Hard To Beat Lorenzo de' Medici – Florence

"I learned a ton! It was worthwhile!"

Illinois State University
Past Review Best Experience In My Life Lorenzo de' Medici – Florence

"Gained a new perspective, learned how to travel, definitely worthwhile"

Illinois State University
Past Review My Thoughts Lorenzo de' Medici – Florence

"I gained a better understanding about the world. Now I can relate when others speak about the countries I visited. "

Illinois State University
Past Review Amazing, Expensive, Unexpected, Exciting, Scary, Sad, Happy... Everything! Lorenzo de' Medici – Florence

"the best thing i learned was how to actually travel and not waste a bunch of money on the overly priced planned trips through student groups"

Illinois State University
Past Review The Best Experience Of My Life! University of Canterbury: Christchurch - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I gained a better understanding of other cultures and world views"

Illinois State University
Past Review It Left An Impression On Me That Will Last A Lifetime. University of Limerick: Limerick - Summer School Programme

"I wouldn't change a thing. The social, educational, professional and personal growth that I have gained is truly remarkable."

Illinois State University
Past Review Mediocre Leicester University of Leicester: Leicester - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I am glad that I got to experience Leicester, but I would not chose this school again. It was very far from London and if you wanted to travel to any other country, you had to fly. I wish I would have chosen somewhere in mainland Europe."

Illinois State University
Past Review I Learned So Much About The World That I Would Have Otherwise Not Known. Lorenzo de' Medici – Florence

"I learned so much about other cultures. It was definitely worth it"

Illinois State University
Past Review Amazing University of Limerick: Limerick - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"i learned so much about the irish culture. I also learned that people live very differently from me and how to adapt to meet the needs for that culture."

Illinois State University
Past Review The Best Four Months Of My Life Lorenzo de' Medici – Florence

"I learned to dive in full force to cultures, I learned that I can be on my own and figure out things all on my own. I would recommend studying abroad to every college student, it is beyond worth it!"

Illinois State University
Past Review It Was An Eye Opening And Humbling Experience That Changed My Life. Lorenzo de’ Medici – Tuscania

"I grew up a lot and matured. I learned from the Italians along with the other Americans that I studied with. It was all worthwhile, mostly traveling."

Illinois State University
Past Review Take Me Back! Lorenzo de' Medici – Florence

"I learned how to make decisions, cook, live on my own. Basically, I learned how to grow up. It was definitely worthwhile. "

Illinois State University
Past Review Swedish Semester Uppsala University: Uppsala - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I learned to try everything at least once, be open to other's 'usual', understand how internationals speak english, and how to not only get by, but really live in a foreign place. It was worthwhile."

Illinois State University
Past Review Wish I Stayed A Whole Year. CEA CAPA Education Abroad: Granada, Spain

"I learned how easy it is to make new friends from around the world and how much you can learn from other cultures."

Illinois State University
Past Review Words Can't Describe Life Change Experience Once In A Lifetime Experience Lorenzo de' Medici – Florence

"It was worth it and more. I did and learned things I never thought I would. These are the best time in your life to travel, take advantage of it. You learn so much about different countries and people but also about yourself. You're forced to be outside of your normal comfort zone which only helps you grow as a person."

Illinois State University
Past Review La Mejor Experienca De Mi Vida CEA CAPA Education Abroad: Granada, Spain

"I gained a whole new perspective on the world. It was cool seeing how other people live. I became a more open, non judgmental person. Granada was 100% worth my time, and I wish more than anything that I could go back."

Illinois State University