Nebraska Wesleyan University

September 20, 2024

University Information

Nebraska Wesleyan University educates students to become thoughtful citizens and successful leaders. That’s why our general education curriculum is entitled, “Preparing for Global Citizenship.” We believe that students need to explore the world and its peoples to understand their place in that world; this exploration helps them communicate across borders, contribute to the solution of complex issues, and leave the world a better place than they found it.

Nebraska Wesleyan realizes that cost is a major factor in the decision to study abroad. That’s why we belong to the International Student Exchange Program (ISEP) where NWU students can study abroad for the same price as studying on campus. That’s also true for exchange study at our three sister universities in Japan (Kwansei Gakuin University), Mexico (Tec de Monterrey in Querétaro) and Estonia (University of Tartu).

In addition, the International Education Office awards Education Abroad Grants to students with financial need who want to study abroad on exchange programs or faculty–led study abroad trips. The International Education Office also assists students to apply for other study abroad scholarships and grants.

Nebraska Wesleyan offers a full range of study abroad options so that every student has the opportunity to study abroad. These options range from "island programs" where students travel together with a Nebraska Wesleyan professor for two to three weeks to a full year of "immersion" where students study with native students in the classroom.

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Past Review (No Title) Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education (ITESM): Queretaro - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Very worthwhile. It helped me to be more open with other cultures. If I could go back and do it again, I would do it without question. "

Nebraska Wesleyan University
Past Review Northern Irleand Ulster University - Belfast: Northern Ireland - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Yes, I learned a great deal about myself and also about what people think of Americans in general. It was great to get to talk to people from different cultures that have a different understanding and perspective of the world than I do. "

Nebraska Wesleyan University
Past Review The People At Tec Were Very Welcoming Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education (ITESM): Queretaro - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Yes, my time in Queretaro was very much worthwhile. I gained an understanding of Mexican culture and now feel as though I have a greater understanding of non-United States culture worldwide, and an idea of how to be sensitive to cultural differences. It was especially interesting to experience being a minority while I have bee..."

Nebraska Wesleyan University
Past Review Becoming Independent At Universidad De Vigo ISEP Exchange: Vigo - Exchange Program at Universidad de Vigo

"YES! I learned so much about myself during my experience. I also become even more independent and self-sufficient than I was before I left. I have come to love Spain and the Spanish language even more."

Nebraska Wesleyan University
Past Review Itesm Queretaro Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education (ITESM): Queretaro - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Yes, I highly recommend studying abroad. I gained a better understanding of the Spanish language and Mexican culture. As well as a new perspective on life. You will learn a lot about yourself when you are pushed outside your comfort zone."

Nebraska Wesleyan University
Past Review Study Abroad In Queretaro Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education (ITESM): Queretaro - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I loved my study aboard experience. Ever since I've been home I've been trying to return. The things that I have learned while abroad have helped me to understand my global community more than every. STUDY ABROAD! It's the best experience that you could ask for!"

Nebraska Wesleyan University
Past Review (No Title) Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education (ITESM): Queretaro - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I gained a lot of skill in the language, especially writing and some speaking. I also learned a lot about a country which I knew practically nothing about before (which is sad since it is our neighbor). It was also a nice break from the semester at home."

Nebraska Wesleyan University
Past Review Queretaro, Queretaro, Queretaro Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education (ITESM): Queretaro - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"My study abroad experience was very worthwhile. I came to Mexico to learn Spanish and to learn more about Mexico. I had a great internship, which gave me a different experience than I could find in a classroom. The program made it very easy for me to do this. But if you can I would strongly suggest that you spend more than just ..."

Nebraska Wesleyan University