
Providence College

September 20, 2024

University Information

Study Abroad programs are organized by international education organizations, otherwise known as “program providers.” Program providers can be affiliated with a regular college or university, or they can be separate non-profit organizations. These providers work with academic institutions in the U.S. and abroad to create study opportunities that vary in duration from a summer, semester, or year in length.


All eligibility requirements remain in effect up to the point of departure

Minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75 (please note some programs may require a higher CGPA)

Must be in at least Junior standing at time of departure

Declared a major prior to December 1st of Sophomore year

Enroll in a minimum of 15 credits per semester abroad

No serious disciplinary record or current probation​

Important Dates and Deadlines

No important dates configured.
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Past Review Take Me Back! IES Abroad: Study Rome - Language & Area Studies

"I learned to come out of my shell and to go into the experience with an open mind. It paid off!"

Providence College
Past Review A Sometimes Challenging But Incredible Exploration Of Celtic And Other Cultlure Arcadia: Dublin - University College Dublin

"It was definitely worthwhile; I learned new things about myself, that I am fully capable carving out a space for myself in a foreign area without anyone familiar nearby. I also was exposed to a taste of Irish culture and history."

Providence College
Past Review Study Abroad In Spain The Best Time Of My Life Boston University: Madrid - Madrid Internship

"I learned to be independent and to go with the flow. It was definitely worthwhile. "

Providence College
Past Review Amazing Experience! CEA CAPA Education Abroad: Rome, Italy

"Learned a lot about many countries and gained valuable experience that I would not gain if I did not go. Extremely worthwhile."

Providence College
Past Review The Extended Roman Holiday CEA CAPA Education Abroad: Rome, Italy

"I learned how the Italian culture lives, and how different it truly is. It was worthwhile both in that I gained knowledge in what Americans do better, while I also gained an appreciation for the things that we have in the United States."

Providence College
Past Review No Regrets Best Semester Of My Life! CEA CAPA Education Abroad: Rome, Italy

"I learned how to travel on my own and overcome obstacles that I had no control over. I matured and I think I can handle anything now! "

Providence College
Past Review Experience, Fun, Love, Life, Fright And Education All In One Trip! Arcadia: Sydney - Macquarie University

"I learned many things. I learned to appreciate different types of schooling and to appreciate my smaller school that i attend in the US. I learned other peoples view points and cultures. I met amazing people and did amazing things, of course it was worthwhile. When else in your life will you be young and beautiful and allowed to..."

Providence College
Past Review Great Boston University: Sydney - Sydney Internship Program

"I learned that there is more to the world than what we know and it is so important to leave your comfort zone and get to see that"

Providence College
Past Review Experience Of A Lifetime! Fairfield University: Florence - Early Renaissance Art in Italy, January Session

"I learned the importance of leaving your comfort zone and embracing new and different situations where you have to adapt to different cultures. It was amazing seeing how much bigger the world is outside of our own. It was more than worthwhile, I want to go back!"

Providence College
Past Review Learn To Travel And Travel With Those Learnings! CIEE: Barcelona - Business & Culture

"I gained an open mind, one that only my experiences in unfamiliar surroundings could give me."

Providence College
Past Review Ireland Changed My Life, I Am A Completely Different Person Now Arcadia: Dublin - University College Dublin

"I learned that the only person you can truly rely on is yourself. Before I went abroad I was always trying to make everyone around me happy but in reality what matters is my own happiness. Traveling and those experiences I had made me realize how independent I actually am and can be."

Providence College
Past Review Florence Is The Best City In The World!!!!!! Studying There Was A Dream! Fairfield University: Florence - Semester or Year in Italy

"Too many lessons to count, but mainly nothing ever goes according to plan, so learn to let go and roll with the punches! "

Providence College
Past Review An Experience That Changed Me In More Ways Than One CIEE: Seville - International Business & Culture

"I found my true self and I realized that some things matter more in life than materialistic things and who has the nicest car,etc. What matters is relationships and establishing bonds especially with people from other cultures because you can not only learn about their culture but you can also learn about yourself."

Providence College
Past Review Eye Opening Experience And The Start Of The Travel Bug CEA CAPA Education Abroad: Rome, Italy

"I learned how small my own bubble at home was and it made me want to explore my own country"

Providence College
Past Review Aussie Aussie Aussie! Oi Oi Oi! Arcadia: Brisbane - Queensland University of Technology

"I learned that you can meet amazing people anywhere you go. "

Providence College
Past Review Life Changing SIT Study Abroad: Kenya - Global Health and Human Rights

"It was worthwhile for sure. I learned so much about Kenyan culture as well as I learned a lot about myself."

Providence College
Past Review Amazing Fairfield University: Florence - Semester or Year in Italy

"Learned how people in a different culture live. Very worthwhile. "

Providence College
Past Review Good Time Arcadia: Canberra - Australian National University

"It was worthwhile and I learned a lot from the experience."

Providence College
Past Review Best Decision I Ever Made Royal Holloway, University of London: London - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I learned how to live on my own and not be afraid to explore unfamiliar territory (literally and figuratively). This was absolutely a worthwhile experience!"

Providence College
Past Review The Essence Of Rome CEA CAPA Education Abroad: Rome, Italy

"Living in Rome for four months is a chapter in my life that I won't ever forget! I enjoyed being able to experience the culture and people first hand: the best art and food truly do live here. If you are looking to do a lot of traveling, Rome is a great place to be! The FCO airport is an international center and it is easy to fi..."

Providence College
Past Review Life Changing Experience! Boston University: Sydney - Sydney Internship Program

"It was definitely a worthwhile experience. Having never really traveled internationally or on my own before, I was able to grow as a person. I also was able to see how big and beautiful the world truly is and how there is so much to see and all different kinds of people and cultures that are worth getting to know. "

Providence College
Past Review Best 3 Months Of My Life CEA CAPA Education Abroad: Rome, Italy

"I grew as a person. became more confident. "

Providence College
Past Review Life Chaging IFE: Paris Field Study

"Everything. Friends, education, work experience, networks, new passions, "

Providence College
Past Review Worth It CIEE: Barcelona - Business & Culture

"Yes very worth it"

Providence College
Past Review Amazing Experience Getting To Know The Culture Of Sevilla! CIEE: Seville - Language & Society

"Definitely worth it. Gained new understandings, language skills, and an amazing experience. "

Providence College