Salisbury University

March 11, 2025

University Information

Below you will find study abroad reviews from students at Salisbury University. We hope you will find these helpful in your search for options in education abroad. If you are a Salisbury University student, please check with the Center for International Education for guidelines on enrolling in a study abroad program and receiving credit for your study abroad experience. If your university has listed recommended programs below, please consider them first and contact any of the program providers referenced in the reviews listed below for more information.

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Past Review An Amazing Experience Improved By A Great Staff! AIFS: Berlin - Humboldt University

"As an international relations major, studying in another country made me far more confident that I was making the right academic choices and that I was in a career field that I belonged in. In addition, I gained a lot of confidence about being in strange situations and adapting quickly to new things--after all, handling daily ta..."

Salisbury University
Past Review Truly German Experience USAC Germany: Lüneburg - German Language, European and Sustainability/Environmental Studies

"Study abroad is not a joke. If a student's study abroad priority is to vacation, travel, meet neat American from all over the US and party, you would be better in a different program in a larger city with a light class load. If you are interested in really studying a culture, learning the language aggressively and working hard ..."

Salisbury University
Past Review Internship At The Irish Osteoporosis Society Global Experiences: Internships in Dublin, Ireland

"Interning with the Irish Osteoporosis Society has certainly been a life changing experience for me. IOS is the national health NGO/non-profit organization that focuses on the prevention and awareness promotion of Osteoporosis throughout Ireland. I have grown both personally and professionally throughout my time in Dublin, Irelan..."

Salisbury University
Past Review Global Experiences Succeeds Again Global Experiences: Internships in Milan, Italy

"The most notable quality I gained from this experience was independence. I have a better idea of who I am and what I want to do with my life after interning in Italy"

Salisbury University
Past Review Education At Its Finest Global Experiences: Internships in Florence, Italy

"I learned how different cultures across the world can be and how good Italian food is."

Salisbury University
Past Review The Time Of Your Life... This Far Travel & Education: Salamanca - University of Salamanca

"Studying Abroad changes your life. All the cliche things everyone says is True, just do it. "

Salisbury University
Past Review Best Study Abroad Experience ISA Study Abroad in London, England

"I gained so much. It is a semester I will never forget, I just wish it last longer! I made wonderful life-long friends, experienced different cultures, and learned a lot about myself."

Salisbury University
Past Review Israel Helped Me Realize The Person I Want To Become Ben Gurion University of the Negev: Beer Sheba - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I learned about myself through the people I met and the places I visited. I learned more about my religion and why it is important to me. I also learned that I don't enjoy hikes in the desert during August! I know so much more about the issues Israelis face within their country and with the Middle East. They are amazing human be..."

Salisbury University
Past Review Grenoble, France: A Beautiful Semester Abroad API (Academic Programs International): Grenoble - Université des Alpes

"I gained a better understanding of myself from study abroad. I gained confidence in my language abilities, but more importantly I understood that I could do anything. I didn't need to be pigeon-holed into one group of friends. I discovered I truly love traveling, I love to walk everywhere, and I appreciate a good bread. Study ab..."

Salisbury University
Past Review Granada Spain The Best Semester Of My Life! CEA CAPA Education Abroad: Granada, Spain

"YES YES YES. I have gained so much knowledge, culture and experience. I have always loved traveling and coming to Spain was a fantastic decision. I know I'll be back."

Salisbury University
Past Review Wonderful London Interns AIFS: London - Richmond International Internship Program

"It was definitely worth while. I learned so much more than I could have done in a classroom."

Salisbury University
Past Review La Vie Grenobloise API (Academic Programs International): Grenoble - Université des Alpes

"My study abroad experience changed my view on a lot of things. It changed my perspective on life, what I want from my life and what I want to do with my life. I met people who I will never forget and had an opportunity most people never have; to live in a different country."

Salisbury University
Past Review "Best Thing Ever" CEDEI: Cuenca - Semester in the Andes

"I understand how people see our country and how I am viewed as a typical american girl."

Salisbury University