
St. Cloud State University

September 20, 2024

University Information

Our programs allow students to study around the world and still earn credits that can be used to complete major, minor or general education requirements.

St. Cloud State University has semester-long and academic year programs. In addition, there are short-term opportunities available during Winter Intersession, Spring Break, May Intersession, and both summer session terms.

Each program has specific requirements and we encourage all students (undergraduate, international, nontraditional students, etc.) who have a desire to study abroad to find a program that is right for them.
Join in the benefits of a SCSU education abroad program:

* Make friendships all around the world.
* Live and study in places you never thought possible.
* Find your classroom anywhere in the world.
* Boost your résumé with an eye-catching and original experience.
* Learn an entirely new language, or become fluent in one you have already studied.
* Earn SCSU credits while living in another country.
* Create memories that will last a lifetime.

Important Dates and Deadlines

Program Deadlines:
Fall/Academic Year - March 1
Spring - October 1
Summer - February 1

Sort by: Date | Rating
Past Review My Time In Australia Was The Best Time Of My Life So Far! Southern Cross University: Lismore - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"It made me realize there is alot of life outside the US, and it was the best experience of my life."

St. Cloud State University
Past Review Poland. An Experience Of A Lifetime. St. Cloud State University: Lodz - Mass Communication Intersession


St. Cloud State University
Past Review Ich Liebe Ingolstadt. Ingolstadt University of Applied Sciences: Ingolstadt - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Studying abroad changed my life for the better in countless ways. Everyday I spent abroad is now cherished."

St. Cloud State University
Past Review Poland Study Abroad Was Amazing St. Cloud State University: Lodz - Mass Communication Intersession

"Studying abroad definitely impacted me and helped me appreciate my education and learning experiences. I learned so much in two weeks and I realize that I can work abroad if I wanted to now. "

St. Cloud State University
Past Review Alnwick: The Opportunity Of A Lifetime St. Cloud State University: Alnwick - St. Cloud in England

"Yes! I learned things about myself, made some new friends, and got to experience a whole new culture. There is nothing like actually LIVING in another culture. I feel that this program is very unique. I got to live in castle and experience small town life in northern England. Being just a tourist I never would have gotten the sa..."

St. Cloud State University
Past Review Alnwick, England: Best Experience Of My Life St. Cloud State University: Alnwick - St. Cloud in England

"YES!!!!!! I cannot express enough how absolutely wonderful it was. I enjoyed every single second of it, and I would re-live it all over again if I could!"

St. Cloud State University
Past Review I Love Poland St. Cloud State University: Lodz - Mass Communication Intersession


St. Cloud State University
Past Review South Africa Get Ready For The Emotional Roller Coaster Of Your Life. Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (NMMU): Port Elizabeth - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"It was 9 months ago that I went and I think about my trip EVERY SINGLE DAY. "

St. Cloud State University
Past Review Summer England Program Was Jolly Good! St. Cloud State University: Alnwick - St. Cloud in England

"My study abroad experience has made me want to continue to travel. "

St. Cloud State University
Past Review South Africa, Special Price Just For You Sista! Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (NMMU): Port Elizabeth - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"The experience impacted my cultural awareness greatly. I loved living in community with all kind of people from a lot of different places. You learn a lot about each other. Having close friendships with people of different cultures lets you see a lot more than what you could ever "learn" about them on your own. I have been able ..."

St. Cloud State University
Past Review Summer Intersession In Croatia: I Had Lots And Lots Of Fun! St. Cloud State University: Dubrovnik - Criminal Justice and Victimology

"The coursework was very educational and informative and has helped with the courses I am in currently. However, the greatest part of the whole experience was meeting and spending time with people from all around the world."

St. Cloud State University
Past Review Poland Was The Most Unique And Wonderful Experience Of My Life St. Cloud State University: Traveling - Mass Communications

"It was just a great overall experience that not many people get the opportunity to have"

St. Cloud State University
Past Review Alnwick, Check Your Other Options First St. Cloud State University: Alnwick - St. Cloud in England

"Yes but I expected much more from an accredited University. This is what I would expect from a University on a shoe string budget."

St. Cloud State University
Past Review Interesting Experience Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (NMMU): Port Elizabeth - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Yes, I had a great time and would love to go back when I can"

St. Cloud State University
Past Review England Gave Me More Than I Could Have Imagined! St. Cloud State University: Alnwick - St. Cloud in England

"Absolutely!! I definitely learned and gained way more out of this experience than I ever thought I would!"

St. Cloud State University
Past Review Anwick, Wish I Coulda Eaten! St. Cloud State University: Alnwick - St. Cloud in England

"It gave me a sense of independence and taught me that I could handle being away for a long time. I learned a lot about living in a small group and the kind of dynamics that can be created in a small group."

St. Cloud State University
Past Review From Potter To Potter And All Parts In Between St. Cloud State University: Alnwick - St. Cloud in England

"100% worthwhile. I would go again in a heartbeat. No reservations."

St. Cloud State University