
Texas A&M University - College Station

September 20, 2024

University Information

Texas A&M University is committed to providing a high impact learning experience for all students. This includes quality study abroad programs. Visit our university education abroad website for details on fairs, getting a passport, scholarships and deadlines.

Important Dates and Deadlines

Application Deadlines (aligned with university scholarship application deadline):
- Winter break and Spring: October 12
- Summer I, Summer II, Summer 10 week and Fall: February 1

Sort by: Date | Rating
Past Review Unforgettable Spain. Spain Study Abroad Reflections: Comprehensive Reviews of Past Programs

"I learned the simplicity one can and should live their life with. "

Texas A&M University - College Station
Past Review Bacan! (Awesome) USAC Chile: Santiago - Spanish Language, Latin American Cultures, Journalism, and International Studies

"I gained the perspective of Latin American people that you don't consider in the United States. I got to see some of the most breathtaking geography in the world and be part of a group as well. "

Texas A&M University - College Station
Past Review It Was Dope CEA CAPA Education Abroad: Barcelona, Spain

"learned a bunch of stuff"

Texas A&M University - College Station
Past Review Aifs 6 Week Summer In Barcelona AIFS: Barcelona - Universitat Autònoma Barcelona

"I became so much more independent and self confident. My Spanish improved and I really felt so incredibly self sufficient."

Texas A&M University - College Station
Past Review Archaeology And Camping Slavia: International Field School in Mortuary Archaeology

"I got a lot of hands on experience and made some very good friends so I think it was definitely worth it."

Texas A&M University - College Station
Past Review Expectations And Reality Study Abroad Programs in Argentina

"I gained some adaptability in my Spanish, since certain vocabulary in Buenos Aires is different than in other countries."

Texas A&M University - College Station
Past Review I Did Not Want To Leave, I'm Returning Soon. API (Academic Programs International): London - FSU London Study Center

"I learned to live outside our American bubble and way of life."

Texas A&M University - College Station
Past Review Amazing AIFS: Salamanca - University of Salamanca

"Amazing and absolutely worthwhile "

Texas A&M University - College Station
Past Review Being Involved And Integrated Into The Local Culture! Study Abroad Programs in Costa Rica

"I learned a lot about Tico culture and the directors of the program were always available and did their best to help students feel comfortable and learn more,"

Texas A&M University - College Station
Past Review Worthwhile The Education Abroad Network (TEAN): Shanghai - Fudan University

"What living in Shanghai was like"

Texas A&M University - College Station
Past Review Definitely A Life Changing Experience CEA CAPA Education Abroad: Paris, France

"I gained knowledge on the aspects of culture and how to fit in as best as possible without losing self identity in the process."

Texas A&M University - College Station
Past Review Amazing Experience If You Try New Things And Make The Effort AIFS: Athens - American College of Greece

"I learned to push myself out of my comfort shell and say yes to more things and go to countries I would normally not go to."

Texas A&M University - College Station
Past Review An Unforgettable And Amazing Experience CISabroad (Center for International Studies): Kyoto - Semester in Japan

"I gained a better understanding of the Japanese culture and language and just how beautiful they are. It was definitely worthwhile!"

Texas A&M University - College Station
Past Review The Best Month Of My Life. Spain Study Abroad Reflections: Comprehensive Reviews of Past Programs

"Very worthwhile. I learned so much about the Spanish culture, about Spanish, and myself."

Texas A&M University - College Station
Past Review Beautiful City And Beautiful People USAC Japan: Nagasaki - Japanese Language, Society, and Culture Studies

"I learned how to adapt to a different culture. I think it was very worthwhile to see all of the differences between America and Japan and it gave me a new and better understanding of how other countries might behave differently than I am used to. "

Texas A&M University - College Station
Past Review Worthwhile Florida State University: London - Florida State in London

"It was a great experience overall. Definitely worthwhile."

Texas A&M University - College Station
Past Review Best Experience Of My Life API (Academic Programs International): Florence - Lorenzo de’ Medici – The Italian International Institute (LDM)

"I not only gained knowledge of the historical monuments in the city and their food culture, but I gained a perspective about how others live. I acclimated to a different language, lifestyle, and setting. I was challenged to make new friends (as I came alone) and to keep up an apartment with 4 roommates. I learned to appreciate t..."

Texas A&M University - College Station
Past Review Adventure Entrepreneurship and Empowerment in South Africa / EESA

"1. It is not enough to stop at political freedom and basic human rights - economic empowerment must follow. 2. Empathy must be employed when designing solutions to complex world problems. 3. On the ground, businesses are a series of processes - everything is interconnected. 4. Storytelling and shared language are powerful too..."

Texas A&M University - College Station
Past Review A Wonderful Experience That I Would Repeat In A Heartbeat! ISA Study Abroad in Meknes, Morocco

"To keep an open mind and constantly work to grow and learn. It was definitely worthwhile. "

Texas A&M University - College Station
Past Review Unforgettable USAC Cuba: La Habana - Cuban History, Society, Politics, and Culture

"I learned a lot about myself living in another country for an extended period. I met new people from all over the world, and it was definitely a worthwhile experience. "

Texas A&M University - College Station
Past Review It Was A Blast! Texas A&M University: MSC L.T. Jordan Internship and Living Abroad Program (ILAP)

"Experience living abroad was something I would never give up. Not only was I able to learn things about three separate cultures but also what it means to be self-sufficient and open to the world around me. "

Texas A&M University - College Station
Past Review I Would Do Anything To Relive Every Single Moment Abroad. ISA Study Abroad in Barcelona, Spain

"Every second was worthwhile. I learned so much about different cultures and values. I gained so much confidence, joy, passion for traveling and understanding of what things are like on the other side of the world. Taking classes at an actual university made things so much more worthwhile as well. I got a lot better at Spanish an..."

Texas A&M University - College Station
Past Review Experience Of A Lifetime CEA CAPA Education Abroad: French Alps, France

"I learned how to be independent and live and travel alone. I also improved my French to the point of near fluency and made amazing friends. I am no longer afraid of taking chances. "

Texas A&M University - College Station
Past Review Was A Great Experience Would Do It Again But For Shorter Time. Academy for International Education /AIB: Sabina - Summer Academy Bonn International

"Learned to make sure I have promises in writing, and to be patient. "

Texas A&M University - College Station
Past Review An Amazing Experience That Every Student Should Experience ISA Study Abroad in Málaga, Spain

"I gained more than I can even describe. I am such a different person and I grew more in those two months than I have in all of my previous years combined!"

Texas A&M University - College Station