Texas Lutheran University
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Below you will find study abroad reviews from students at Texas Lutheran University. We hope you will find these helpful in your search for options in education abroad. If you are a Texas Lutheran University student, please check with the Study Abroad Office for guidelines on enrolling in a study abroad program and receiving credit for your study abroad experience. If your university has listed recommended programs below, please consider them first and contact any of the program providers referenced in the reviews listed below for more information.
Important Dates and Deadlines
No important dates configured."Many, many thing. It was more than worth it."
Katherine C Texas Lutheran University
"That there is an entire world out there ripe for the taking. Most worthwhile. "
gonzaloacorral Texas Lutheran University
"It was worth whiles and I learned that Geeks are really happy"
Stephanie B Texas Lutheran University
"It taught me to be secure in who I am. It taught me to not fear going places. "
Elizabeth M Texas Lutheran University
"It was very worthwhile. I had the opportunity to tap into a whole new world, culture, etc. It gave me a new view of life and I gained new memories and friendships from it."
Cassy G Texas Lutheran University
"I learned about ancient and modern Greece. It was especially neat to learn the customs and culture of modern Greece and to be there during an important political time. It was a very worthwhile trip."
A student Texas Lutheran University
"I think the thing that I took away the most was the way that they live in Athens. It is so much more relaxed and fun than the way of life here. It was 100% worth it because I am now thinking about attending Graduate school abroad."
A student Texas Lutheran University
"i gained a whole new prospective on different cultures, we might speak a different language but we are all still people!"
amanda e Texas Lutheran University
"Confidence, spanish skills. It was worthwile. "
Samantha G Texas Lutheran University
"Very worthwhile. As much as we talk about different cultures and different beliefs, everyone has a sense of humor. Never be afraid to talk to people."
Lauren K Texas Lutheran University
"i broadened my spanish vocabulary and learned alot about the rainforest. it was worth while. "
megan s Texas Lutheran University
"Very worthwhile and I learned a lot about myself and about how off American ideas are of other people."
A student Texas Lutheran University
"I saw what the rest of the world calls "daily life." The conditions that Americans call poverty is a lie! It was eye opening and life changing, and I recommend this trip to everyone who can take the time to go!"
zack.gottleib Texas Lutheran University
"new perceptive on life."
A student Texas Lutheran University
"I learned so much. I learned to be a peace and that life can be so simple and enjoyable. I saw a generosity I had never seen before and have brought that back with me. It was so worthwhile. "
Sydney B Texas Lutheran University
"It was worthwhile. I gained a different persepective on poverty and public health."
A student Texas Lutheran University
"It was worthwhile. I learned that certain things in Greece are being blown out of porportion by the media."
Alyssa T Texas Lutheran University
"I learned that Greece is a very hospitable country. Nearly everyone is friendly there. I also gained a lot of know how of the country and city of Athens in general, which will be good for when I come back to visit. It was extremely worthwhile, and I'd do it all over again if I could."
A student Texas Lutheran University