
The University of Texas at Austin

September 20, 2024

University Information

The Study Abroad team is guided by our commitment to promoting access to study, research, internships and experiential learning abroad. We are committed to reducing financial and academic barriers and to removing disparities amongst study abroad participants. We accomplish this by collaborating with the faculty and staff on our campus and partners throughout the world. Partnerships are the foundation of our success. Along with our academic colleagues and our affiliated partners, we are committed to providing pathways for students to participate in education abroad through curriculum integration, innovative programs, and targeted scholarship programs which serve students and the University.

Important Dates and Deadlines

October 1st - Spring Exchange/Affiliate Applications Due
November 1st - UT Maymester Faculty-Led Applications Due
December 1st - UT Summer Faculty-Led Applications Due
February 15th - Summer Exchange/Affiliate Applications Due
March 1st - Fall Exchange/Affiliate Applications Due

Sort by: Date | Rating
Past Review The Unforgettable Time The World Changed My World! University of Sheffield: Sheffield - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Not only did I gain valuable life experience but I also gained friendships with people from all over the world that will last me a lifetime. I was able to experience events and places that some people can dream. To say my abroad experience was worthwhile would be an understatement to say the least! "

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review If You're Looking For An Easy Breezy Time, Look Elsewhere! Nanyang Technological University: Singapore - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Learned a LOT about cultures and cultural differences in Asia! "

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review One Semester Is Enough Time To Understand That You Need One More. University of Freiburg: Freiburg - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I learned how incredibly small Europe is. I also learned that Germany is the best place to watch a World Cup, ERASMUS students (students in the EU) study abroad almost exclusively to learn a language and are not accountable for their GPA while abroad, and that John Travolta was right in Pulp Fiction when he said that Europe is b..."

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review A Cost Effective Way To See A Smaller, Special Area Of Germany. European University Viadrina: Frankfurt - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"It was both fun and a learning experience. The Eastern German culture is so interesting and unique."

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review Absolutely Unbelievable And Unforgettable! University College Dublin: Dublin - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"This was definitely a worthwhile experience. I learned so much about other cultures and met so many amazing people. It gave me a deeper insight into how other people live and view the world which expanded my own personal view. "

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review France Is Very French. University of Jean Moulin - Lyon III - Lyon - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I mostly learned about myself and how to move to a new city and start over. I definitely think it was a great growing experience and worthwhile. It was also great to be able to travel much more easily than here in Texas. But I'd like to warn you: if you have any problems with anxiety or mental distress of any kind, it will bubbl..."

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review C'est La Vie Sciences Po: Paris - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"The greatest thing about being abroad was being able to live & breath the European culture & lifestyle. I had never left Texas before and so this was a huge change for me, in many ways. It was worthwhile in the sense that every stereotype or cliche i brought with me was put to the test. And while some may have held true, most..."

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review Yeah, I Am Basically Two Steps Up To Becoming A Local. Bogazici University: Istanbul - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"More then I can comprehend right now. "

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review Bristol Exchange University of Bristol: Bristol - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"It's a great way to learn to adapt. The university system is completely different in England and it was an adventure to learn how to deal with different circumstances. I would say any abroad program is worthwhile. You'll be put out of your comfort zone multiple times but at the end of it you'll be able to adapt to many things i..."

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review International Friends For A Lifetime! University of Copenhagen: Copenhagen - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"The best part was making friends from all over the world and learning from them. That aspect was definitely worthwhile, but the academic part was terrible."

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review Best Experience Of My Life! Institute for American Universities (IAU): The School of Humanities & Social Sciences, Aix-en-Provence, France

"The overall program was amazing, I'd do it all over again but I'd be smarter with my money. Don't buy much when you first get there just because you're excited, you have plenty of time to buy souvenirs before you leave. What I like about the program was that we were encouraged to travel."

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review Travel And Friends > Mediocre Classes Uppsala University: Uppsala - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Travelling and meeting new people from around the world was the best thing about this trip. You meet people that force you be the best you can be, and who are okay with you and love you when can't be."

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review My Only Regret Is Not Staying Longer. DIS Copenhagen: Semester

"I learned to be less shy and more outgoing. I learned that while it is very important to do well in school, it is also important to create hobbies and make friends with people who share the same interests. I learned to travel and be financially responsible for myself. "

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review 美好的回憶 CET Beijing

"I learned that if you want to get better at a foreign language, you really have to go all out for it. It can get really rough at times, what with massive pollution, large crowds, and a million hours of homework, but it really is one of the best things you can spend some of your college life doing. You make great friends and unfo..."

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review A Very Culturally Enriching And Educational Experience. CIEE: Shanghai - Business, Language, and Culture

"Language and Culture wise it was! I definitely needed that exposure to learn more and understand more! "

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review This Is Not A Dream Institute for American Universities (IAU): The Marchutz School of Fine Arts, Aix-en-Provence, France

"- lifelong friends - a fresh perspective - studio art experience - philosophy on life "

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review Copenhagen Is Amazing, But Don't Expect Support From The Administration University of Copenhagen: Copenhagen - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I think I learned a lot about myself and other cultures. I made a ton of international friends and was able to travel a lot. Even though the classes could have been better and the administration sucked, the experience was amazing because of the people I met and the Danish culture I got to experience."

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review Can Someone Invent A Time Machine So I Can Relive It All Over Again? IES Abroad: Paris - Business & International Affairs

"I can't put into words what I gained from my experience abroad. It was the most incredible journey that I have ever been on and I learned things about myself that I never knew before. I learned that there is more to the world than I ever dreamed of."

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review Great University For Studying European Studies Sciences Po: Paris - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"The experience is what you make of it. "

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review Very Calm, But Life Changing Experience Italy Study Abroad Reflections: Comprehensive Reviews of Past Programs

"100% worthwhile. I learned things I could not have experienced any other time in my life. I gained a new appreciation for just about everything in my life from doing laundry to communicating to strangers."

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review Great Semester In China! CET Beijing

"I am ending the semester with a in-depth understanding of Chinese language and culture, with great new friends and incredible life experiences."

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review I Didn't Expect To Fall In Love With Beijing...But I Did! Beijing Foreign Studies University: Beijing - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"It was 100% worthwhile. My Chinese improved probably two levels, I got to know a new culture, and I made friends that I will have for life! "

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review Becoming Chinese...A Full Take On Immersion CET Shanghai

"I gained different perspectives on how a person lives a life, what I can do with my major, and how I can live up to my university's model of "what start's here changes the world."

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review It Was A Good Year To Be Abroad! National University of Singapore: Singapore - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I gained a broader sense of what my place is in the world. I feel more open-minded, daring, and outgoing than I was before. It was even more worthwhile to study in Singapore because I chose to do so for an entire academic year. It felt less touristy, and more real. Now that I'm back, I can surely say that my year abroad has alte..."

The University of Texas at Austin