
The University of Texas at Austin

September 20, 2024

University Information

The Study Abroad team is guided by our commitment to promoting access to study, research, internships and experiential learning abroad. We are committed to reducing financial and academic barriers and to removing disparities amongst study abroad participants. We accomplish this by collaborating with the faculty and staff on our campus and partners throughout the world. Partnerships are the foundation of our success. Along with our academic colleagues and our affiliated partners, we are committed to providing pathways for students to participate in education abroad through curriculum integration, innovative programs, and targeted scholarship programs which serve students and the University.

Important Dates and Deadlines

October 1st - Spring Exchange/Affiliate Applications Due
November 1st - UT Maymester Faculty-Led Applications Due
December 1st - UT Summer Faculty-Led Applications Due
February 15th - Summer Exchange/Affiliate Applications Due
March 1st - Fall Exchange/Affiliate Applications Due

Sort by: Date | Rating
Past Review The Best Choice Of My Life University of Texas at Austin: Chinese University of Hong Kong

"I think I grew up on this program. You learn how to handle yourself in a variety of diverse environments. It helped me become more confident, more self-assured and it will definitely give you a better perspective on what it means to be a global citizen and will give you a more objective view of American culture. "

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review The Most Unforgettable Experience Ever Korea University: Seoul - International Summer Campus

"I learned some korean. Not enough to have a basic conversation, but it was enough to get by. I struggle a lot with speaking different languages due to my speech impediment, so I am pleased at the amount of korean I've learned. I also learned about some cultural customs that helped me show respect to the locals and immerse into t..."

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review Amazing Unforgettable Experience Hanyang University: Seoul - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"It was definitely a worthwhile experience. I learned to be independent in a foreign country, while creating meaningful connections in a place where I previously had none. I learned more about Korea that I ever would've in a textbook. "

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review Best 6 Weeks Of My Life! Korea University: Seoul - International Summer Campus

"I was able to stretch my open mind to other areas such as food and opinions on politics. Yes, it really was. "

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review Rewarding And Humiliating IFSA: Buenos Aires - Advanced Language and Culture in Buenos Aires

"I learned to be a more considerate and open person. There is so much kindness to spread! The language (Spanish) is so expressive and beautiful!"

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review Do This Program!!! Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education (ITESM): Queretaro - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I have a much better grasp on the Spanish language after 6 short weeks. This experience really made me fall in love with the Spanish language and Latin America in general - I can't wait to go back to Mexico. "

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review Learning Politics And Society In Buenos Aires IFSA: Buenos Aires - Advanced Language and Culture in Buenos Aires

"I learned a lot about the political and social structure of a foreign country. It was definitely worthwhile because it gave me a better picture of what the United States' place in the world is like. It was a very enlightening experience to live in a major city and see how the natives navigate their daily lives. "

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review An Experience I Will Never Forget J. F. Oberlin University: Tokyo - Reconnaissance Japan Program

"I learned to have an open mind about culture and my language skills improved exponentially"

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review A Wonderful, Enriching Experience That I Would Love To Do Again! Mexico Study Abroad Reflections: Comprehensive Reviews of Past Programs

"I learned how they live in Oaxaca, Mexico. I learned how different their culture is. It was definititely worthwhile!"

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review Ku Best Summer Campus In Korea! Korea University: Seoul - International Summer Campus

"too much to describe. just try to immerse yourself in the culture as much as possible"

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review Interesting Chapter University of Texas at Austin: Chinese University of Hong Kong

"See different places, makes you think more about what you want to do with your life and possibilities as far as work, living, languages, places you want to see, etc. "

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review Semester In Seoul Korea University: Seoul - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Aside from "gaining a different perspective" about the world, I was able to make a lot of memories in Seoul. For the first time, I learned what it was like to live far away from home and have to rely on myself more than ever, especially in a place that I didn't know the language. I had to teach myself to get by and I relied on m..."

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review Best Semester Of My College Career At Cuhk University of Texas at Austin: Chinese University of Hong Kong

"I had to be more independent and a better problem solver, since I couldn't ask for help from my parents. I also learned to be more adaptable and adventurous; I traveled to so many places that I've never been before and stepped out of my comfort zone. "

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review The Best, The Craziest, The Happiest Heart Victoria University of Wellington: Wellington - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Open minded, accepting, personal growth, try new things, do things that you fear and conquer it!!!"

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review I Miss It Already! IES Abroad: Buenos Aires - Society & Culture

"culture of BA and learned the language a lot better and am way more confident. Yes, worthwhile!"

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review My Travel Experience To Germany! IES Abroad: Freiburg - European Union: Politics, Law & Economics

"You learn a lot about the way the EU works. "

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review Lacking In Organization, But Wonderful Location And People IES Abroad: Berlin - Study Abroad With IES Abroad

"My language skills improved drastically, and I got to live abroad for an extended period of time, so it was definitely worthwhile."

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review Great Experience! University of Copenhagen: Copenhagen - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I met people from all over the world and gained a greater appreciation for travel and other places in the world. "

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review Fika Is Sacred Uppsala University: Uppsala - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I learned a lot about taking responsibility for your work and Swedish culture."

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review Moving Across The World Alone Teaches You Independence Victoria University of Wellington: Wellington - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I gained a lot of independence. I also learned a lot about a part of the world I knew little about. It was very worthwhile"

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review Pros And Cons Of Copenhagen University of Copenhagen: Copenhagen - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I'd definitely say my experience was worthwhile. I met so many people from all over the world, many of which I will stay in touch with. I got to travel around Europe a LOT, and Copenhagen was a nice "home base" to do this from. I learned a lot about adjusting to living in foreign environments, how to travel intelligently, and in..."

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review The Scenic Road Victoria University of Wellington: Wellington - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"It was worthwhile. I got to reflect a lot on my experiences in Texas and became more proud of my home as a whole. I did a lot of solo travel which I learned that I really prefer to anything else. "

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review Study Abroad In Mexico City Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM): Mexico City - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"It was definitely worthwhile. I gained more independence, awareness of reality, firmness, decisiveness, and confidence."

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review Hygge :) University of Copenhagen: Copenhagen - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I gained so much knowledge about myself and others while I was abroad and without a question, it was worthwhile. I could write a book to answer this question but I will stop here. Studying abroad in Copenhagen was one of the best life decisions I've ever made. "

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review A Dane At Heart University of Copenhagen: Copenhagen - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Learning how to become independent while still knowing when it's okay to ask for help. How to live more with less. Completely worthwhile!"

The University of Texas at Austin