
Truman State University

September 20, 2024

University Information

Truman offers you the amazing opportunity to choose from more than 50 countries in which to study. The language of instruction depends on the program you select – from some programs that require extensive knowledge of a foreign language to others that require little or no knowledge of a language other than English.

Participating in a study abroad program as part of your Truman experience will enhance your undergraduate years, help in your preparation as a citizen of the world, and create cherished memories that will last a lifetime.

Important Dates and Deadlines

See the study abroad office for specific program deadlines.

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Past Review Gold Coast, Australia Bond University Bond University: Gold Coast - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"DEFINITELY. It was the best four months of my life!"

Truman State University
Past Review Incredible India Study Abroad Programs in India

"Very much so worth while. Every westerner should go to India. "

Truman State University
Past Review My Experience Studying In France L'Universite Catholique de l'Ouest / Catholic University of the West: Angers - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I learned a lot about the culture and lifestyle. I plan to return to France to visit more of the country. "

Truman State University
Past Review Study Abroad In Russia Changed Helped Me See The World Through A New Perspective. College Consortium for International Studies (CCIS): Moscow - Grint Centre for Education and Culture

"Yes, definately worth while. I learned so much about the situation in this country as well as history and culture I knew so little about before. I definately gained many skills other then language that with stay with me for life."

Truman State University
Past Review Getting To Know India Ignited A Love That I Never Would Have Known Study Abroad Programs in India

"I have always loved culture. Seeing a new world has motivated me to explore any place that might surprise or shock me. I have a newfound addiction to pushing my limits. "

Truman State University
Past Review Learning German In Heidelberg College Consortium for International Studies (CCIS): Heidelberg - Collegium Palatinum

"Yes!!! I learned so much and grew as a person even more. You really have to rely on yourself when you are in a different country thousands of miles form home. "

Truman State University
Past Review I'm So Glad I Chose Ireland! University of Limerick: Limerick - Summer School Programme

"I learned a great deal about Ireland and Irish culture. It also was interesting to look at parts of Irish society and see how they are similar or different to the US. It gave me a new understanding on a lot of social and international issues as well. "

Truman State University
Past Review Aix En Provence; One Of The Best And Most Memorable Experience Of My Life Institute for American Universities (IAU): The School of Humanities & Social Sciences, Aix-en-Provence, France

"I made fantastic long-term friends during my time abroad, I learned a lot about cultural differences between America and France and Europe in general. In addition, I fell in love with the language and culture of France. It has motivated me to continue learning the language and I will try to go back as soon as possible!"

Truman State University
Past Review Moving Past Myself: How Mirrors Aren't Mirrors. Wayne State University: Junior Year in Munich

"My study abroad experience was worthwhile. I enjoyed my time in Germany and I learned a lot about both Germans and myself. "

Truman State University
Past Review Sevilla: A City L Like No Other College Consortium for International Studies (CCIS): Seville - International College of Seville

"Yes. I learned so much about myself and the world."

Truman State University
Past Review Florence Is Like Disney World. Lorenzo de' Medici – Florence

"I learned so much more than I expected to. I can't even explain how much more independent I feel now. It was a semester of firsts, and it was the best four months of my life."

Truman State University
Past Review Sevilla: No8 Do College Consortium for International Studies (CCIS): Seville - International College of Seville

"Everyone takes something different away from their time abroad. I have yet to meet a person who did not enjoy their time studying abroad. I couldn't have enjoyed my time abroad more and I definitely plan on returning which will definitely change to plans I had. I don't just plan to return for a vacation of a couple weeks but ..."

Truman State University
Past Review London: Big City, Big Budget, Big Perspectives. College Consortium for International Studies (CCIS): London - Kingston University

"Yes. Absolutely. Some things (the particular school, details of my living arrangements) I would be happy to go back and change, but the confidence and better understanding of what things are really important in life - to me, but also, I believe, objectively - are going to be invaluable."

Truman State University
Past Review Study Abroad In Florence Italy: More Of A Social Than An Academic Experience Lorenzo de' Medici – Florence

"Absolute worthwhile. There will always be minor complaints, but the people I met and the experiences I had far outweighed these. I feel way more culturally aware, in a way one can only be after experiencing another culture for an extended period of time. I have always wanted to spend more time learning in Europe, and this pro..."

Truman State University
Past Review Angers, France A Very Beneficial Year Abroad! L'Universite Catholique de l'Ouest / Catholic University of the West: Angers - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Absolutely! My study abroad experience was the best one so far during my academic career. Nothing can give you the same linguistic benefit as studying in a country that speaks the foreign language you are stuyding--nothing! Plus, it changes the way you look at global affairs, and even your own country. "

Truman State University
Past Review Australia: Loving The Life Down Under Bond University: Gold Coast - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Absolutely! The experience changes you in so many ways its hard to describe and I have yet to find a problem with any of these changes."

Truman State University
Past Review My Life As A Muscovite College Consortium for International Studies (CCIS): Moscow - Grint Centre for Education and Culture

"I gained a new experience of how others view Americans and how i can disprove their thinking. "

Truman State University
Past Review Korea: Go Big Or Go Home CIEE: Seoul - Arts and Sciences

"Absolutely. I feel more confident traveling on my own and functioning as an individual in a foreign setting. I am now much more interested in Asia in general than I was before, and am left with a strong desire to learn more Korean."

Truman State University