
Tufts University

September 20, 2024

University Information

The Tufts University Office of Programs Abroad assists and advises students who wish to study abroad on both Tufts and Non-Tufts Programs.Please note: students who are reading the evaluations found on this site in hopes of studying abroad themselves should refer to our website for official information on which programs are currently approved and for what period (ie. some of the programs on the list here are NOT approved for fall semester only, whereas they may be approved for spring semester and/or full academic year).

Important Dates and Deadlines

Tufts Programs Abroad applications are due February 1 for study at any point during the academic year (including spring). Tufts-in-Oxford applications are due two months earlier, on December 1.

Sort by: Date | Rating
Past Review Maravilla En Sevilla Sweet Briar College: JYS in Seville

"The best four months I will ever have and I could not have possible asked for a better program/experience! It was literally unreal. NO8DO"

Tufts University
Past Review Studying In A Gated And Safe Campus While Exploring Istanbul On The Weekends Koc University: Istanbul - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"What I enjoyed most about the program were the people. Koc University attracts many exchange students from all over the world, so I not only got to interact with Turkish students but also students from all over. The campus is very safe and easy to navigate. Professors are accessible and classes are not difficult."

Tufts University
Past Review Great Cultural Experience, Poor Academic Experience DIS Copenhagen: Semester

"amazing travel experiences, great culture, incredible learning experiences outside of the classroom, poor academic standards and teachers "

Tufts University
Past Review You'll Eat Goat Organs If You're Hungry Enough Middlebury Schools Abroad: Middlebury In Amman

"People will say that Amman is boring, that it's hard to be a girl, that they didn't have enough opportunities to get involved with local cultures, etc etc. This has everything to do with attitude. Amman is not Paris, and you shouldn't expect it to be. But Amman is beautiful in its own way... it's a city built largely due to the ..."

Tufts University
Past Review Morocco: Syncretism In Flux CIEE: Rabat - Language and Culture

"Absolutely worthwhile; I felt like I learned more than I have ever learned in my life each day, from strangers, family, American friends, and teachers. I learned to accept what I can't change, and to work with what I can. Open minds are key and judgement is not worth it."

Tufts University
Past Review Tufts In Tübingen Tufts Programs Abroad: Tufts in Tübingen

"It was absolutely worthwhile, since being abroad helped me appreciate aspects of life at home that I had been taking for granted. Being able to travel also gave me the confidence to navigate a foreign country by myself."

Tufts University
Past Review Tufts In Chile: An Informal Education Tufts Programs Abroad: Tufts in Chile

"That is really hard to sum up in a few short lines. It was incredibly worth while and I learned A LOT. I guess in concrete terms my Spanish improved a lot, especially during the second semester. I got really good at planning trips and coping with foreign experiences. Overall it was a great experience, not because I had fun and e..."

Tufts University
Past Review Great City, Mediocre Program Arcadia: Barcelona- Arcadia in Barcelona

"Absolutely worthwhile, though I had a better experience when I directly enrolled in the University of Barcelona, rather than participating in an American program. Would highly recommend Barcelona to students of all Spanish levels, especially those with an affinity for languages who will pick up some Catalan!"

Tufts University
Past Review Amazing Brown University: Bologna - Brown in Italy at University of Bologna

"so worthwhile. lead to me changing my major to Italian"

Tufts University
Past Review Unreal! University of Minnesota: Fez - Arabic Language & Culture in Morocco

"Absolutely worthwhile. I have learned to embrace daily challenges: My cab driver who stops halfway to my destination to drink milk with his buddies; Crouching on a squat toilet in the dark, comprehending only a rapid whirl of guttural vowels on the other side of the door; Adjusting to the slow-paced, yet thorough teaching style ..."

Tufts University
Past Review Kenya: The Experience Of A Lifetime University of Minnesota - MSID: International Development in Kenya

"I dont think I can answer this in a short response. My time in Kenya changed me as a person in more than one way. It was incredible to see and live with people 10,000 miles from home. It was undoubtedly the most worthwhile 5 months of my educational experience so far. "

Tufts University
Past Review Madrid: "We Have To Go Back, Kate" IES Abroad: Madrid - IES Abroad in Madrid

"I would say I'm more outgoing and adventurous now. Spanish lifestyle is fairly laidback you have to go with the flow. They have this saying in Madrid "No pasa nada". Madrileños say it all the time. It means "Don't worry about it. Everything's gonna be okay". Even though it made my senior year schedule slightly less flexible, goi..."

Tufts University
Past Review An Eye Opening Experience That I Wish I Had Done With Another Program Middlebury Schools Abroad: Middlebury In Amman

"It was worthwhile but definitely not due to the program. It was eye-opening in certain ways, but at times it was eye-opening because these were situations the program should not have put me in. "

Tufts University
Past Review Excellent, But Somewhat Isolated Tufts Programs Abroad: Tufts in Japan

"Definitely. My ability to speak and read Japanese improved tremendously."

Tufts University
Past Review Life Changing Sweet Briar College: JYS in Seville

"I fell in love with a city and a culture. It was more than worthwhile."

Tufts University
Past Review Best Time Of My Life. Tufts Programs Abroad: Tufts in London

"I learned a lot academically -- international business, corporate finance, graphic design, documentary film making etc. I also gained a keen knowledge of British culture and made life-long friends."

Tufts University
Past Review A Wonderful 5 Months Tufts Programs Abroad: Tufts in Paris

"It was definitely worthwhile."

Tufts University
Past Review Bologna Is Tasty Eastern College Consortium (ECCO): Bologna - Università di Bologna Study Abroad Program

"I can speak Italian now (sort of/kind of). I loved being able to be independent and free to wander Europe--it's an amazing privilege that you better take advantage of! No matter where you go and what your experience was (positive or negative), I think the experience of living abroad is always worthwhile."

Tufts University
Past Review Wonderful Tufts Programs Abroad: Tufts in Madrid

"I gained a ton. I improved my Spanish, made new friends, fell in love with Madrid, and learned a lot about myself. It was completely worthwhile."

Tufts University
Past Review Sevilla: The Most Amazing Place On Earth CIEE: Seville - Liberal Arts

"It was amazing! I learned to really be independent and travel all over Europe with friends. I got the most amazing host family who I still keep in touch with and i got to use all the spanish that I learned so it was very rewarding!"

Tufts University
Past Review There Is No Such Thing As Home Sickness Eberhard Karls Universitat Tubingen: Tubingen - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Worthwhile, i got to travel through most of europe. gained the obvious, cultural experience, language improvement, a desire to continue traveling, etc. "

Tufts University
Past Review Best Year In College London School of Economics (LSE): London - General Course, Year-Long Study Abroad Programme

"The experience was amazing. The academics were ideal and I learned more in one year at the LSE than had the past two years at my home university. If you love math and economics it's a great place to be because the two are integrated so seamlessly. I was also able to plan my schedule in a way that made it possible for me to tr..."

Tufts University
Past Review A Lot Of Fun And Independence In Edinburgh IFSA: Edinburgh - University of Edinburgh

"Totally worthwhile--I learned a lot about myself academically and socially. I became way more independent and learned how to be a savvy traveler. "

Tufts University
Past Review One Of The Best Times Of My Life Tel Aviv University: Undergraduate Semester / Year in Israel

"I learned about and experienced the real Israel (good stuff and bad). Definitely worthwhile. Tel Aviv is one of the most beautiful and exciting cities I have been too. "

Tufts University