
University of Connecticut

September 20, 2024

University Information

With over 300 programs offered, UCONN offers undergraduates an amazing amount of international opportunities. UCONN has faculty-led programs in Africa, Europe, North America, Latin America, Asia, the Caribbean, and more. We offer exchange programs with over 35 partner universities. Last year, more than 1,000 students - from UCONN and from other institutions - went abroad and discovered all that our world has to offer.

Adventure awaits!

Important Dates and Deadlines

Summer deadlines: Around March 1th
Fall/Academic Year deadlines: Around March 15th
Winter deadlines: Around October 1
Spring deadlines: Around October 15th

Sort by: Date | Rating
Past Review Granada The Great UConn: Granada - UConn in Granada, Spain

"My Spanish has improved, I love my host family (I still keep in touch), and I learned to be so much more independent and more confident about everyday life things. "

University of Connecticut
Past Review A Great Learning Experience In All Aspects UConn: Granada - UConn in Granada, Spain

"Yes, my experience abroad was definitely worthwhile. I learned a lot, not only about the Spanish language, but about myself. I became more independent and spontaneous, as I didn´t go into each day with a solid plan. I put myself out there more and was able to make a lot of new friends as result. "

University of Connecticut
Past Review Great Experience In Granada UConn: Granada - UConn in Granada, Spain

"I learned a lot about myself and how to be independent. I also learned a lot about the Spanish culture. I do believe it was worthwhile"

University of Connecticut
Past Review Never Sweat The Small Stuff UConn: Granada - UConn in Granada, Spain

"I'm thrilled with how much Spanish I was able to understand and speak afterwards. I gained some incredible friends and a lot of confidence in uncomfortable situations. I learned the importance of staying positive, especially when things weren't going great. It was absolutely worthwhile."

University of Connecticut
Past Review Greatest Experience Of My Life To Date UConn: Granada - UConn in Granada, Spain

"Very worthwhile. experienced many new cultures and people"

University of Connecticut
Past Review Unforgettably Positive With A Bit Of Chaos Sprinkled Throughout UConn: Granada - UConn in Granada, Spain

"I learnt to not rely on my director for anything and to be self reliant and that I can travel anywhere in the world and do things independently if I have to, solving every problem that comes my way."

University of Connecticut
Past Review A Second Home Is Found UConn: Granada - UConn in Granada, Spain

"I'm much more comfortable with listening to and processing Spanish information. I have a wider perception of the world and also have seen what it is like to live in a small city. This was new to me coming from rural Connecticut "

University of Connecticut
Past Review Truly Changed My Mindset About The World UConn: Granada - UConn in Granada, Spain

"You learn a lot about your limits, what you are capable of doing on your own. You're forced out of your comfort zone and tested to adapt."

University of Connecticut
Past Review Opportunity Of A Lifetime UConn: Granada - UConn in Granada, Spain

"I practiced my Spanish and saw a lot of truly beautiful sites that you don't find in America "

University of Connecticut
Past Review A Journey Of A Lifetime UConn: Granada - UConn in Granada, Spain

"Some incredible friendships, an understanding of the world outside of Connecticut, confidence in my language skills as well as performance, comfort in being independent "

University of Connecticut
Past Review A Trip To Santiago! IES Abroad: Santiago January Term - Health Studies

"I learned a lot about cultural differences"

University of Connecticut
Past Review I Wouldn't Repeat This Experience Universidad Nacional de Cuyo: Mendoza - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I came as a married student with different objectives than the normal student. I gained more patience"

University of Connecticut
Past Review Becoming Just A Little Italian UConn: Florence - UConn in Florence, Italy

"I learned how to communicate kindness to someone who speaks a language with no shared words. I learned how to walk slowly and think quickly, the right ratio of garlic to tomato, how to make airport benches really comfortable overnight beds, everything ever written about Michelangelo, and a little bit of Salsa. Most importantly, ..."

University of Connecticut
Past Review An Incredible Semester National Chengchi University (NCCU): New Taipei City - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Made a myriad of international friends whom I will never forget. You will make so many memories and learn a lot about yourself. Also it's the safest place I've ever lived in, which makes traveling all around very convenient and enjoyable. Just don't forget to engage in the local culture as well and, if you are studying Chinese, ..."

University of Connecticut
Past Review Always Learning Something New. Baden Württemberg Exchange Heidelberg University: Heidelberg - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"It definitely was worthwhile! I learned a lot about my ability to take care of myself. I also got to experience another culture: both university life and the work place "

University of Connecticut
Past Review Studying Abroad In Granada Was The Best Thing I Have Ever Done. UConn: Granada - UConn in Granada, Spain

"I learned to see things from a different perspective and I was able to see how other people in the world live. It was definitely worthwhile."

University of Connecticut
Past Review Fantastic Experience Because Of The Location, Not The Program. UConn: London - Business & Economics in London, England

"The main thing that I liked about the program is that I had a lot of free time to spend in London with many other students. I made a lot of great new friends and made memories for a lifetime. I was able to travel all around England and to many other countries. This was my first experience really being on my own, and I learned a ..."

University of Connecticut
Past Review International Traveler, Cashing Checks And Snapping Pics FU-BEST: Berlin - European Studies Program

"Learned about new cultures and people "

University of Connecticut
Past Review Paris Is Not At All What You Think It Will Be But I Still Loved It. UConn: Paris - UConn in Paris, France

"I learned the language better than I ever could have in the United States. I also learned to be completely on my own, to pay for everything and budget money all on my own, and to make travel plans and travel alone. Being away from home for a year caused me to grow up a lot. "

University of Connecticut
Past Review I Love Spain. I Didn't Love This Program. UConn: Granada - UConn in Granada, Spain

"I learned to be patient when acclimating to a new environment and culture and how to be more tolerant of others. My language skills improved immensely and I learned how to travel on a budget while being able to get in as much as possible."

University of Connecticut
Past Review Study Abroad Sydney Study Abroad Programs in Australia

"unbelievable life-long worldly knowledge and experience "

University of Connecticut
Past Review U Conn In Granda Amazing, But Could Be Better UConn: Granada - UConn in Granada, Spain

"I had a great time in Granada because I made it that way - I went out, learned Spanish, and fell in love with the city and the people. But the program itself is sorely lacking in support, organization, and resources - UConn needs to change things. "

University of Connecticut
Past Review New Zealand Is Amazing! The University of Auckland: Auckland - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I feel like I learned a lot about local culture and the Pacific island culture. It also helped me step out of my comfort zone a lot and allowed me to meet some really awesome people. It was definitely worthwhile and I would do a semester abroad again in a heartbeat, if I could!"

University of Connecticut
Past Review Sweden: Learn A Language And See Europe! Lund University: Lund - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I learned about life in other countries and made friends from all over the world. I had the chance to travel across Europe and see so many things I could never have imagined. I would consider the experience completely worthwhile."

University of Connecticut
Past Review A Wonderfully Unpredictable Rollercoaster UConn: Granada - UConn in Granada, Spain

"I learned that I am more resilient than I thought. I learned to stand up for myself. I also learned that I am pretty good at Spanish. It was definitely worthwhile, but if I could choose a different program I would pick one that has direct enrollment in the school so that I could be more integrated with the locals. "

University of Connecticut