University of Dayton
University Information
Below you will find study abroad reviews from students at University of Dayton. We hope you will find these helpful in your search for options in education abroad. If you are a University of Dayton student, please check with the Office of Education Abroad for guidelines on enrolling in a study abroad program and receiving credit for your study abroad experience. If your university has listed recommended programs below, please consider them first and contact any of the program providers referenced in the reviews listed below for more information.
Important Dates and Deadlines
No important dates configured."In order to succeed in business you need to be able to identify how you are different and how you are similar to the person you are dealing with (whether customer, supplier, employee or boss). Once you do this you can then bridge the gap and achieve a successful outcome. There is no better classroom than Asia to learn and prac..."
Timothy A University of Dayton
Pierre-Arnaud H University of Dayton
"This trip have changed the way I look at the world. I'm considering getting a job in Asia now."
Andrew P University of Dayton
"It was an AMAZING experience that changed my life and actually changed the course of my entire life. Having never traveled abroad prior to my participation in ASAP, traveling to countries/areas like Myanmar, Tibet, Singapore, etc. was an eye-opening experience (to say the least). ASAP changed how I viewed the world, how I viewed..."
C. A University of Dayton
"I will never experience anything more culturally diverse in that short of time. I have a much greater understanding of people outside the U.S., and have gained skills and knowledge not able to be taught in the classroom."
Doug P University of Dayton
"I had an incredible college experience and wouldn't change a thing. But if I had to do it all over again and only keep one constant, I would choose the ASAP program. It is that good. I know all of my classmates would say the same thing."
Christopher I University of Dayton
"My experience was definitely worthwhile! My goal used to be to travel and work in Europe as it was a culture that I am familiar with. Now after traveling to Asia, my vision has expanded to the desire of working and traveling across that region. I can now feel comfortable returning to these areas and can acknowledge the differenc..."
Lauren47 University of Dayton
"After graduation from college, I began work with a company that had international operations and was stationed in Tokyo, Japan at age 25. After working there for three years, I left to obtain my international MBA in Barcelona, Spain at ESADE, a top ranked international program. After these five years, and becoming fluent in Ja..."
Michael S University of Dayton
"There are too many things that I learned from it to share them here. Cultural awareness, global awareness, politics, economics, religion...."
Steven G University of Dayton
"My participation in the Asia Study Abroad Program was the most formidable experience of my undergraduate career. ASAP is not just an exposure to different cultures, but an immersion into global business environments and religion that have changed my perspective on the world. As a direct result of my ASAP experience I had ..."
Jon D University of Dayton
"As previously stated I am better for it. People in America tend to complain that they had to park too far away from the front door of the Wal-Mart or that Ben and Jerry's stopped making their favorite flavor of ice cream. If we all could see just how good we have things I think we would be a more appreciative people. "
Jim D University of Dayton
"Participating in this program was, without question, the best thing I ever did in college. It changed the way I look at everything: my family, my social circle, my military and business careers, etc. It put my entire life into perspective. "
Bryan B University of Dayton
"Cultural sensitivity has been a major gain from this study abroad experience."
Alex H University of Dayton
"most definitely - I learned enough to be able to completely start a new life in another area."
Heidi G University of Dayton
"The speakers and field trips that Sorrento Lingue arranged were great. I am definitely happy I decided to go abroad, even for only 2 weeks."
Alyssa B University of Dayton
"My experience was definitely worthwhile. After studying in Ireland, I know I want to live overseas again. This time I'm thinking Scotland or Australia. Studying abroad really opens your eyes to larger world and inspires you with a desire to want to see that world. I am also no longer scared to try new things. After figuring out ..."
Laura S University of Dayton