University of Northern Colorado

September 20, 2024

University Information

The University of Northern Colorado is a public baccalaureate and graduate research university with approximately 12,000 students and six colleges.

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Past Review My Immersion In Moroccan Culture ISA Study Abroad in Meknes, Morocco

"Absolutely. Gained language skills and lifelong friends. I am going back to volunteer in the same city after graduating, so it had a major impact on my life."

University of Northern Colorado
Past Review St. Pat's Is A Good Good Education School Dublin City University: St. Patrick's Campus - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I had a great time while in Ireland, and I learned so much about myself. I know that is so cliche, but it is very true. I also really enjoyed learning about people from other cultures while living with them, and I made a lot of great connections in Europe, although not from Ireland. "

University of Northern Colorado
Past Review Semester At Sea Was The Best And Most Valuable Experience Of My Life Semester at Sea Study Abroad: Make the World Your Campus

"My study abroad experience was way mor than worthwhile. It was the happiest, most confident,interesting, engaging, exciting semester I have ever had and I wish that I could participate int he program for my entire college career. I gained a global perspective unlike any other because we went all around the world. I gained a sens..."

University of Northern Colorado
Past Review Semester At Universidad De San Ignacio De Loyola ISA Study Abroad in Lima, Peru

"My study abroad experience was so worthwhile. It was very different from my expectations, but I think that is a good thing. One of the reasons I studied abroad was to push my comfort zone and do something new, so it is for the best that things didn't always work out how I planned them. As cliche as it sounds, I learned a lot abo..."

University of Northern Colorado
Past Review Study Abroad At St. Patrick's College Of Education Dublin City University: St. Patrick's Campus - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I absolutely loved my experience abroad. Even though the program was not always the best, I would never trade the experience I had at all. Going to classes provided a great insight to the culture and I learned a lot. One of the best parts of my time abroad was getting into the culture and taking the time to travel around the c..."

University of Northern Colorado
Past Review (No Title) ISA Study Abroad in Heredia, Costa Rica

"It was so worthwhile! I learned so much about myself and became so much more independent! I realized just how much I can accomplish on my own and I realized so many things that I have taken advantage of here in the US!It opened my eyes to a whole new World outside of the US and made me change my views on a lot of things!"

University of Northern Colorado
Past Review Study Abroad At University Of Limerick AIFS: Limerick - University of Limerick

"I loved being in Ireland. I learned a lot about myself and a different culture."

University of Northern Colorado
Past Review (No Title) CIEE: Dakar - Language & Culture

"Yes. New perspective. Changed my future plans (made me really appreciate my home state and the connections I have with my family and community; convinced me that I was not, after all, interested in working for an NGO). Changed the way that I view happiness, the world, etc."

University of Northern Colorado