University of Redlands
University Information
Below you will find study abroad reviews from students at University of Redlands. We hope you will find these helpful in your search for options in education abroad. If you are a University of Redlands student, please check with the Study Abroad Office for guidelines on enrolling in a study abroad program and receiving credit for your study abroad experience. If your university has listed recommended programs below, please consider them first and contact any of the program providers referenced in the reviews listed below for more information.
Important Dates and Deadlines
No important dates configured."I gained so much independence and cultural knowledge. I learned how to handle situations that I am not used to and overcoming challenges. "
A student University of Redlands
"I learned a lot about my self when I am away from my support group and family that feels way different from college. I felt like an adult which is incredibly exciting. I also learned to be more open-minded because I got to see the many ways that Germany tries to help it's future through the development of different renewable ene..."
Timoline Jlay University of Redlands
"German Better horn playing how to travel efficiently and make a travel plan how to "squeeze the juice" (slow down and make the most out of your day) Friends How to be independent"
Terrence Perrier University of Redlands
"Studying abroad and traveling to different cities abroad Europe introduced me to a number of cultures and the differences among them. Interacting with people from all over the world allowed me to develop new perspectives. I also feel as though I have gained a greater sense of self and what direction I want to take my life. I gre..."
Noelle D University of Redlands
"Study abroad was so worthwhile. I learned more about myself and grew as a person more than I have in my five other semesters in college. I was able to develop as a student, professional and human in society. "
Faith Pejsa University of Redlands
"Not only was able to improve upon my Spanish and gain invaluable skills for my future but I had some of the most incredible travel experiences that I will never forget. It was beyond worthwhile and it's all I can talk about"
Talia University of Redlands
"My experience was so worthwhile!!! I learned that the world isn't as big and scary as I thought it was! I gained so much self-confidence, personal freedom and independence and was able to explore and discover new parts of the world as an independent and unafraid person. I learned that there is far greater good than there is evil..."
Brianna Brullo University of Redlands
"It was worthwhile. I had a wonderfully human experience in Amsterdam. "
MIH University of Redlands
"My academic interests were reinforced and shaped along the way which has influenced how I'm thinking about my career path now. Even though I know the world's greater than me, being in Dublin and having conversations with people really made that idea stick. It felt as though I was in a box before. The lid was open on this box I w..."
Iyana University of Redlands
"I gained a new appreciation for indigenous people and the struggles they face on a daily basis and learned a lot about myself in a few short months. Completely worthwhile!"
Emma Fortmiller University of Redlands
"I gained an appreciation not just for what I was studying, but how what I was studying fit inside of the Viennese culture as a whole. I went to tons of performances, walked through Mozart tourist shops, and was constantly surrounded by the arts. Being involved with this city and those students made me appreciate performing colla..."
Matthew Dearie University of Redlands
"My core course was Positive Psychology and study that in Copenhagen gave me a new perspective on everything. I realize how vast the world is and how valuable making precious memories are. Being abroad taught me to be mindful, grateful, and aware of my surroundings, which is something that I have brought back home with me. When p..."
Janice Yiu University of Redlands
"This has opened my eyes to the world and how many people there are. I have learned about so many other cultures from all over Africa, Europe and Asia. Cyprus has so many different people and meeting people all these people have changed my life. I am more of a well rounded Person and excited to continue traveling around the worl..."
Isabel Anderson University of Redlands
"Before studying abroad, I had become comfortable and complacent to where my life was, and was not getting myself out of my comfort zone. Initially studying abroad was a complete shock to me and I felt so homesick and was second guessing my abilities to study abroad. I had wanted to study abroad for so long, so I made sure I trie..."
Audrey Paras University of Redlands
"Had a wonderful experience! No real complaints whatsoever! I miss it already and I wish I could go back. Loved the people. Loved the place. Loved the food. Loved the culture. Loved the language. Loved everything. "
A student University of Redlands
"I became way more outgoing, patient, and adventurous. For the changes I can see in myself daily since I've been home, it was definitely worthwhile. "
Lexi K University of Redlands
"Everyone in the world is more alike than you think. Learning is a lifelong process."
Nicole Y University of Redlands
"I don't think I could have picked a better program for my needs. Apart from extensive improvement in my language skills, I gained greater insight into the daily life and culture of Japan. I found it easier to interact with local residents the more my language skills improved, and my confidence improved greatly. I gained many fri..."
Helen S University of Redlands
"Absolutely. I increased my confidence in my independence and became more understanding of the ntion that no matter what culture we come from ,our similarities are greater than our differences."
Emmilea O University of Redlands
"I am more independent, have a global perspective and improved my language skills. I was definitely immersed in a different culture and loved every second of it. "
Lauren V University of Redlands
"I learned how much you can learn when you travel if you make yourself open to new experiences. I also gained a love for Southeast Asia!"
Cara T University of Redlands
"To be honest I learned a lot more about myself and the kind of life I'd like to lead in the future as well as what I might potentially like to do in the future. It was entirely worthwhile and I would do again in a heartbeat, like right now, put me on a plane back, I miss it."
Kayla M University of Redlands
"Everything. It was amazing."
Macy C University of Redlands
"It was more than worthwhile! Going abroad more than anything opened my mind to the fact they are so many other experiences and opportunities available to me I knew nothing about previously. Looking back, I feel like I used to live in a little America bubble and knew little to nothing about other countries as much as I hate to ad..."
A student University of Redlands
"I learned the language which was the most important, I learned quite a bit about myself, I mean, I had a lot of time alone in a foreign country to reflect, I learned a lot about the culture here and learned the value of this sort of experience. All was worth while. "
Stephanie H University of Redlands