
University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse

September 20, 2024

University Information

If you have the desire to experience a new culture, learn about yourself, and have the journey of a lifetime, then you are definitely the kind of person we are looking for! Whether you have questions about studying abroad, or you just want to be kept informed about what's happening at UW-La Crosse, then please become a fan of this page.

Program updates including new locations, scholarships, and special events will be posted. You can also contact the office to set up an appointment with one of the advisors! Let the Study Abroad Office help you become a global citizen!

Important Dates and Deadlines

Please note that the application deadline for summer, fall, and academic year programs is March 1st, and the deadline for spring and January intersession programs is October 1st. SOME PROGRAMS HAVE EARLIER DEADLINES SO BE SURE TO CHECK THE WEBSITE FOR SPECIFIC INFORMATION!

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Past Review Buenos Aires: The Fact And Fiction ISEP Exchange: Buenos Aires - Exchange Program at Universidad del Salvador

"Yes. despite the inevitable setbacksa and frustrations, I would do it again in a heartbeat."

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse
Past Review Interesting Experience In Ireland University of Wisconsin - La Crosse: Galway - National University of Ireland

"It definitely was worth it, there are just some things I would change about this program. "

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse
Past Review Aix En Provence, France: The Best CEA CAPA Education Abroad: Aix-en-Provence, France

"open, understanding... blah "

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse
Past Review Pacific Challenge: The Best Time And People Of My Life University of Wisconsin - La Crosse: Australia & New Zealand - Pacific Challenge

"It was the best two months of my life. I gained more confidence and a more outgoing and open-mindedness than i thought i would get. Prior to going on the trip I was a recreation management major, however during it i realized that i was much more keen to the geography of it so i changed my major to geography and it has been more ..."

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse
Past Review Studying In Scotland Was The Best Decision Of My Life! University of Glasgow: Glasgow - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"YES! best time of my life! I grew in my independence and learned a lot about a ton of other cultures"

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse
Past Review Self Discovery In Ireland University of Wisconsin - La Crosse: Galway - National University of Ireland

"I think I gained knowledge of myself and took the time away from the people influencing my life to reevaluate their role in my life, but other than my personal experiences I don't think studying abroad was really worthwhile."

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse
Past Review Granada: My Only Regret Is Not Going Sooner CEA CAPA Education Abroad: Granada, Spain

"Yes. I feel more cultured. I am more confident in my language abilities and in just life in general. I feel like "I was in Spain on my own, I can do anything." I do like to keep up with things that are going on in Spain now because I feel like it is important to me now. This experience caused me to change from a minor in Spanish..."

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse
Past Review Studying Abroad In Germany/Europe: The Best Decision You Will Ever Make. Exchange: Hessen - Hessen-Wisconsin Exchange

"Is this really a question? Of course it was. Best decision I've ever made."

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse
Past Review Aixcellent Aix-Marseille Academy: Aix-en-Provence - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Studying abroad is the best thing you could ever do. It makes you more of an open-minded independent individual."

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse
Past Review Leave The Winter Behind. Come To Costa Rica For The Best Time Of Your Life! CEA CAPA Education Abroad: San Jose, Costa Rica

"I learned so much about a completely different part of the world. My experience is unforgettable and I still get excited about talking about Costa Rica even though I've been back for 3 years. Speaking spanish is now a true passion of mine and I decided to major instead of minor in Spanish. I want to be a translator now."

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse
Past Review Italia CEA CAPA Education Abroad: Rome, Italy

"I learned a lot about other cultures in countries I traveled to outside of Italy. I want to travel more after this experience. "

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse
Past Review Peru: Rustic But An Amazing Experience Proyecto de Investigación Arqueológico Regional Ancash / PIARA: Hualcayán - Archaeological Field School

"I feel like I learned so much through this experience, not only about archaeology but about a different culture and way of life. It's given me an new perspective. I made some great friends and great contacts for the future. It has given me a drive to continue with South American archaeology and hopefully continue to work on th..."

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse
Past Review La Trobe University Gateway To Oz La Trobe University: Melbourne - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Must higher appreciation for a different way of living. I cannot wait to go back someday. An incredible experience that will change every aspect of how you think and live. "

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse
Past Review Ireland: An Overall Excellent And Life Changing Experience. University of Galway: Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"It was definitely worthwhile. It opened my eyes to a whole new world out there and was just a great travel experience. The Irish culture is very similar to our in a way, but there are differences which were definitely noticed. "

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse
Past Review One Month, But A Lifetime Of Memories CIEE: Seville - Summer Language and Culture

"In only that short time frame, I feel that I changed and matured greatly as an individual. As I had hoped, I gained an appreciation for my culture as well as others. I want to travel so much now so I can improve my knowledge of the diverse cultures in our world. I tend to keep a more open mind now. Also, I am much more indep..."

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse
Past Review The Hessen Wisconsin Exchange Program Changed My Life, It Gave Me A New World Perspective! Exchange: Hessen - Hessen-Wisconsin Exchange

"A completely worth wile experience that I will never forget. I will always cherish the friends and memories I made during my time in Frankfurt. I will be pursuing employment in Frankfurt within the next year and plan on spending a few more years of my life in Germany. "

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse
Past Review Granada Throw Yourself Into A Large Tradition City And Live Like A Spaniard University of Granada: Granada - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"culture, time in the city, learning about the people"

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse
Past Review Dealing With The University In Order To Live In The City Universidad De Santiago de Compostela: Santiago de Compostela - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"My rating of overall satisfaction is entirely based on my life in the city and in no way reflects the program advising or coordinators of the host university. "

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse
Past Review Studying In Spain Was The Most Amazing Experience I Have Ever Had! CEA CAPA Education Abroad: Alicante, Spain

"YES! I learned about new cultures, traveled abroad, have a more in depth understanding of the Spanish language and culture, I am more independent, I have made new best friends... I could go on for days!"

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse
Past Review Chile: The Best Place On Earth ISEP Exchange: Valparaíso - Exchange Program at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso

"I now understand myself, as an USA-ian, and why I do things the way I do, and why my culture is the way it is. Cultural insight both of your host country and home country was super influential for me. I now know myself. "

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse
Past Review Study Abroad In Galway University of Galway: Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"No comment"

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse
Past Review Costa Rica: Discovering A Different Life! CEA CAPA Education Abroad: San Jose, Costa Rica

"I became so much more confident while abroad. I was forced to talk to new people and be quick on my feet. I sought out different experiences than others and learned to manage traveling independently . The places I was shown by class excursions really impacted my life and I actually left my residencia early to go back to one comm..."

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse
Past Review Puebla Changed My Life! University of Wisconsin - La Crosse: Puebla - Puebla Internship Program

"Complete worthwhile. I learned so much and I plan on visiting again next summer."

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse
Past Review Spain: My New Home CEA CAPA Education Abroad: Granada, Spain

"Absolutely. It was worth every cent."

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse