
Wellesley College

September 20, 2024

University Information

Wellesley students may select from more than 150 pre-approved programs of study. Select the "Pre-approved Programs" tab to see the full list. Programs featured in the side-bar may or may not be approved for Wellesley students. When in doubt, please contact the Office of International Study at ois@wellesley.edu.

Please note that some programs listed below are pre-approved by Wellesley. If you select one of these programs, you may need to petition the International Study Committee. For more information, please contact OIS.

Important Dates and Deadlines

All Wellesley students who intend to study abroad during the academic year (fall and/or spring) must declare a major and submit a Proposal to Study Away by December 1 each year. Please refer to the Office of International Study website (www.wellesley.edu/OIS/) for details.

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Past Review Ihre A Once In A Lifetime Experience University of Witwatersrand: Johannesburg - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"It was worthwhile. My experience has ensured me that I do NOT want to build a career within Human Rights, IR, Politics, Law or anything else along those lines. I learned that academic institutions may not always be there to support you, and that you may at times, need to rely on yourself for progress. I learned to be self-su..."

Wellesley College
Past Review Soas London Study Abroad Experience SOAS, University of London: London - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"My study abroad experience was worthwhile, because being on my own taught me how to be more independent and rely on myself. It also broadened my horizons because I traveled to places I had never been to before. "

Wellesley College
Past Review Impossible Is Nothing! PRESHCO: Study Abroad in Córdoba, Spain

"Yes, I a lot more about myself as a person and was able to come back to host institution refreshed and eager to experience to world in a new, more daring way. "

Wellesley College
Past Review University Of Edinburgh: Exploring European Cities University of Edinburgh: Edinburgh - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"My study abroad experience was amazing. I got to meet tons of people from all over the world. I also had the opportunity to explore the beautiful city of Edinburgh. My favorite part about studying at University of Edinburgh is that I had free weekends to travel all around Europe. "

Wellesley College
Past Review Gah I Wish I Was Back In India SIT Study Abroad: India - Sustainable Development and Social Change

"I love India. I dont romanticize it. I see its diversity, the positives, the negatives. I want to live there and work in the non-profit sector. But first, I plan on going back this summer to continue working with the Guild for Service in Delhi."

Wellesley College
Past Review Sydney: Nice Place To Visit; Wouldn't Want To Live There University of Sydney: Sydney - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Yes, study abroad was worthwhile. Once I realized that it was my experience to have and I did not have to define it by anyone else's experiences, it was easier for me to enjoy the culture and my time in Sydney. Study abroad really is what you make of it. I tried as much as I could to fit into the culture and do the things that m..."

Wellesley College
Past Review Senegal: Learning From Your Failures CIEE: Dakar - Language & Culture

"Yes, definitely "

Wellesley College
Past Review Spain: The Experience Of A Lifetime" PRESHCO: Study Abroad in Córdoba, Spain

"I learned a lot about who I am and what my goals are. I also experienced an entirely different culture. "

Wellesley College
Past Review Dis: Practical Learning And Travel Opportunities DIS Copenhagen: Semester

"Yes, this program has solidified my decision to become a doctor and increased my cultural awareness. I got to visit eight different countries which was an amazing aspect of the program."

Wellesley College
Past Review Ucl: A Great University In An Amazing Location. University College London (UCL): London - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Yes, I'd say my experience was very worthwhile overall. It was a great learning experience in many ways. I grew in independence and confidence in my ability to live in a foreign country on my own and learned a lot in my classes. I made some great friends from all over the world, and had the opportunity to travel to several count..."

Wellesley College
Past Review New Zealand: A Whirlwind Of Adventure The University of Auckland: Auckland - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I gained personal independence, perspective and greater worldview. I didn't gain much in the academic sense, but in the personal realm I grew as a person, student and traveler. "

Wellesley College
Past Review Finding Myself: Discovering My Roots On Italian Soil Eastern College Consortium (ECCO): Bologna - Università di Bologna Study Abroad Program

"My experience was more than worthwhile. And, because my closest friends happened to also be natives, I left Italy with an impressive knowledge and understanding of the language after arriving in Italy unsure and unconfident in my language skills."

Wellesley College
Past Review Aix: One Of The Best Memories I Ever Had! Wellesley College: Aix-en-Provence - Wellesley-in-Aix

"It was just so incredible to have the opportunity to spend a semester away! Aix was great, and we got to learn and experience a lot of new things. "

Wellesley College
Past Review Kunming, China: Not Bad CET Kunming

"I made really good (perhaps even lifetime long) friends. I am now looking into grad school programs for Chinese. I would like to go back to China and further my learning of Chinese. "

Wellesley College
Past Review Ucl: Life Changing And Extremely Fun Experience In London University College London (UCL): London - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I learned so much and I loved every moment of it. I grew as a person and learn to love my major. I met so many amazing and inspiring people."

Wellesley College
Past Review The Best Of European City Life In Edinburgh University of Edinburgh: Edinburgh - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Definitely; I became more independent, learned more about practical aspects of day-to-day life (cooking, shopping, transportation), became familiar with the literature of a specific, lesser-known country (one of the classes I took for credit towards my English major was Edinburgh in Fiction, which covered Scottish novels set in ..."

Wellesley College
Past Review Studying Spanish Culture. PRESHCO: Study Abroad in Córdoba, Spain

"Yes it was amazing, i'm hoping to return this summer. "

Wellesley College
Past Review Studying Abroad In Cordoba PRESHCO: Study Abroad in Córdoba, Spain

"Absolutely. I'm still working on forcing myself to use Spanish, but aside from that, it's been a really great break from stress. It hasn't really changed my future plans, but I definitely feel I understand Spanish culture 100% better than I did before this last semester."

Wellesley College
Past Review Barcelona, The Cosmopolitan Center Of The World CIEE: Barcelona - Economics and Culture

"Having just spent the summer in Southern and Central America encouraged me to discover a lot of the similarities and differences between the cultures, their origins and uniqueness. Studying abroad in Spain not only helped me satisfy these curiosities but also encouraged new ones. The courses I took while studying abroad reflecte..."

Wellesley College
Past Review Sfs Kenya & Tanzania (Wildlife Management Studies) The School for Field Studies / SFS: Tanzania - Wildlife Management Studies

"It was a good change of pace from a normal college setting- I was studying the ecosystem, culture and policy of the places in which I was learning. "

Wellesley College
Past Review Bella Bologna Eastern College Consortium (ECCO): Bologna - Università di Bologna Study Abroad Program

"I am so glad to have had the opportunity to put my home institution on hold for a semester, and what's more, to have chosen to be in Bologna, on a really great program. It was SUCH a positive experience for me, because of everything from the city to the program to the Americans I became so close to."

Wellesley College
Past Review A Bolognese Blast Eastern College Consortium (ECCO): Bologna - Università di Bologna Study Abroad Program

"Definitely! Increased cultural awareness, learned a second language, made great friends, unforgettable memories, learned classes through a completely different perspective than I am used to , traveled around Europe by myself, and hope to return in the near future. "

Wellesley College
Past Review Prescho Forever!! PRESHCO: Study Abroad in Córdoba, Spain

"Absolutely "

Wellesley College
Past Review England: Why Oh Why Did We Ever Leave??? University of York: Heslington - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"My experience was incredibly worthwhile! I loved every minute of it. It has definitely been one of the defining experiences of my life. I learned that not only do I want to live in England, I want to live in York specifically for the rest of my life. My experience also helped me realize that attending graduate school abroad is n..."

Wellesley College