
Wellesley College

September 21, 2024

University Information

Wellesley students may select from more than 150 pre-approved programs of study. Select the "Pre-approved Programs" tab to see the full list. Programs featured in the side-bar may or may not be approved for Wellesley students. When in doubt, please contact the Office of International Study at ois@wellesley.edu.

Please note that some programs listed below are pre-approved by Wellesley. If you select one of these programs, you may need to petition the International Study Committee. For more information, please contact OIS.

Important Dates and Deadlines

All Wellesley students who intend to study abroad during the academic year (fall and/or spring) must declare a major and submit a Proposal to Study Away by December 1 each year. Please refer to the Office of International Study website (www.wellesley.edu/OIS/) for details.

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Past Review Enlightening And A Period Of Self Growth. PRESHCO: Study Abroad in Córdoba, Spain

"I learned how to be comfortable with being uncomfortable. "

Wellesley College
Past Review My Happiest Semester! PRESHCO: Study Abroad in Córdoba, Spain

"- I learned to interact with other cultures. - Became more independent and open - Learned so much and tried new things I would not change anything. "

Wellesley College
Past Review Preshco PRESHCO: Study Abroad in Córdoba, Spain

"I learned more than ever to trust my instincts. It was worthwhile"

Wellesley College
Past Review Living In Belo Horizonte Middlebury Schools Abroad: Middlebury in Belo Horizonte

"Besides improved language skills, I appreciate that I got to experience a different aspect of Brazilian culture that isn't often featured in US media. Minas Gerais is very different from Rio. It was worthwhile!"

Wellesley College
Past Review Dartmouth Forever Dartmouth College: New Hampshire - Domestic Exchange Program

"Lots of friends and valuable coursework. Dartmouth feels like a second home / alma mater. "

Wellesley College
Past Review Excellent Exposure To A New Way Of Thinking Oxford Study Abroad Programme (OSAP): Oxford - Study Abroad at Oxford University

"Learned how we are taught to think so differently in different countries. Found my passion for philosophy."

Wellesley College
Past Review A Beautiful And Fulfilling Abroad Experience Middlebury Schools Abroad: Middlebury – CMRS Oxford Humanities Program

"I really improved as a student, especially in my independent abilities. I also have seen a noticeable difference in my academic confidence, especially in discussion. I made amazing friends who I still keep in touch with. Oxford is just also a magical and beautiful place."

Wellesley College
Past Review Academically Fulfilling But Socially Stressful University of Otago, New Zealand: Study Abroad Programme

"I would not do it again given the chance, my semesters at Wellesley have been much more fulfilling."

Wellesley College
Past Review That Was Fun Middlebury Schools Abroad: Middlebury in Tokyo

"Language aside, I got to really explore Japanese culture, and it was definitely worthwhile. I made one friend in particular who I am still in contact often with so that alone was worth it for me. I also got to travel around a lot and make lots of memories with amazing people. "

Wellesley College
Past Review Travel And Learn Worcester College, University of Oxford - Visiting Students Program

"I learned a lot about what I love in literature. I also learned how to write quality essays in a short amount of time. It was definitely worthwhile."

Wellesley College
Past Review Un Sejour Inoubliable Wellesley College: Aix-en-Provence - Wellesley-in-Aix

"Yes, definitely learned tons and gained new perspectives. 100% worthwhile. "

Wellesley College
Past Review One Of The Most Amazing, Stimulating And Fun Experiences. Arcadia: Cambridge - Pembroke Cambridge Summer Program

"I learned about different teaching styles and I learned about which learning styles work for me which I will use in my studies at Wellesley. "

Wellesley College
Past Review Language Based Middlebury Schools Abroad: Middlebury in Mainz

"I feel that this experience provided me with an opportunity for personal growth. I felt that it was extremely challenging and did not meet my expectations for cultural and social experiences. "

Wellesley College
Past Review Dream Semester For Design Lovers DIS Copenhagen: Semester

"Life skills, new ways of thinking about design, lifelong friends, and a bit of Danish!"

Wellesley College
Past Review Life Altering CIEE: Barcelona - Liberal Arts

"It opened my mind to other lifestyles."

Wellesley College
Past Review Canals & Courts Brandeis University: The Hague - Brandeis in The Hague, Spring or Summer

"Definitely worthwhile -- I gained a very strong understanding of the origins and theories surrounding international criminal law and also a wide, diverse view of how the international courts operate/international organizations in general (we also visited NATO, European Parliament, the ICJ/PCA, etc.)"

Wellesley College
Past Review Hobz Bfromage CIEE: Rabat - Language and Culture

"Language, friends, confidence, perspective"

Wellesley College
Past Review The Best Year Of My Life Queen's University Belfast: Belfast - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Definitely. Not only did I learn a lot about my major and concentration, but I learned a lot about myself and my interests. I started to love learning again and was able to get involved in things because I was passionate, not only for my GPA and grad school applications. "

Wellesley College
Past Review My Time Abroad Was An Unforgettable Experience That I Will Cherish. CIEE: Prague - Central European Studies

"I learned how to handle uncomfortable situations. For example, while I was traveling, I got lost in Vienna for two hours. I did not have cellular data (which unfortunately we rely so much on in this generation), so there were moments like that where I was forced to figure it out and navigate, and ask people for help when I was c..."

Wellesley College
Past Review Bologna Is The Bomb.Com Eastern College Consortium (ECCO): Bologna - Università di Bologna Study Abroad Program

"I learned that my Italian is actually pretty good! And that I can make friends in other languages. It was definitely worthwhile, and I wish I had gone for a full year."

Wellesley College
Past Review A Program That Lacks Diversity And Academic Resources BSM: Budapest - Budapest Semesters in Mathematics

"I learned how to live and cook in an apartment for the first time in my life, along with travelling extensively and navigating a city where I didn't speak the language. "

Wellesley College
Past Review Literally The Best 6 Months Of My Life University College London (UCL): London - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Totally worthwhile. I learned so much about myself and what i wanted to do with my life. Plus I learned how much I love Europe!! "

Wellesley College