Wellesley College
University Information
Wellesley students may select from more than 150 pre-approved programs of study. Select the "Pre-approved Programs" tab to see the full list. Programs featured in the side-bar may or may not be approved for Wellesley students. When in doubt, please contact the Office of International Study at ois@wellesley.edu.
Please note that some programs listed below are pre-approved by Wellesley. If you select one of these programs, you may need to petition the International Study Committee. For more information, please contact OIS.
Important Dates and Deadlines
All Wellesley students who intend to study abroad during the academic year (fall and/or spring) must declare a major and submit a Proposal to Study Away by December 1 each year. Please refer to the Office of International Study website (www.wellesley.edu/OIS/) for details.
"Being immersed in a language and culture was incredible. I loved being able to constantly practice the language and be slightly outside of my comfort zone. "
A student Wellesley College
"New Zealand is very pretty. Traveling is expensive."
Island Dreams Wellesley College
"Words can't do it justice. As a student of religion and political science interested in Buddhist practice, this program was an excellent fit. Living in a monastery and keeping up with the program's schedule requires considerable discipline but it is entirely worth it. As a result of living and studying within the heart of a Bu..."
A student Wellesley College
crysti.wang Wellesley College
"I learned so much about Islam, feminism, colonization, and education in the Moroccan context. It was a great experience. "
A student Wellesley College
"I learned that even if you choose to travel domestically and attend another school in the U.S.you can have an extremely different experience than at Wellesley. I met so many diverse people and really got the opportunity to experience a different type of college life. The experience was definitely worthwhile."
A student Wellesley College
"Even though I felt I was already independent, I definitely became even more confident in my ability to take care of myself. I learned a lot about living in a city, which I appreciated after living in the suburbs my whole life. I learned to appreciate my surroundings and really embrace new experiences, even more so than I have do..."
A student Wellesley College
"I had very little fieldwork experience before my program, and knew the minimal amount of ecology for my program. After the program, I was by no means an expert, but definitely knew a lot more than when I began the program. "
A student Wellesley College
"I gained a huge amount of confidence, as well as an appreciation for and awareness of cultural differences. Plus, my Chinese is so much better!"
A student Wellesley College
"Of course, I learned a bunch of academic stuff. But I think the "life lessons" I learned were much more worthwhile. For example, I'm a blonde/blue-eyed/white girl from Minnesota. I'd never left the U.S. before this trip. I'd never had the experience of being The Other. I'd never been constantly stared at/made to feel like I did..."
A student Wellesley College
"I learned about Denmark's history and culture from the people who know it best and I also learned how to be more independent and confident in myself and my ability to navigate new situations. Studying Abroad was definitely a worthwhile experience."
Jordan S Wellesley College
"I learned that I really dislike the French education system and really enjoy the American one."
A student Wellesley College
"I learned how to budget and support myself more efficiently. I also learned so much from the British and International friends I made. We shared many cultural traditions and experiences with one another. I made life long friends in London that I feel very comfortable visiting any time and that I still talk to today!"
Abby O Wellesley College
"I learned to be more confident and self-sufficient. I also really discovered my passion for medieval English history. It was definitely worthwhile, and I regret not going an extra semester."
Seraphina O Wellesley College
"1) I learned that my personal well being should be a high priority in my life. 2) Enforcing top-down policies is effective for city strategies. 3) Big isn't always better. Study abroad was super worthwhile! I respect the city and the people so much. I am trying so hard to go back"
A student Wellesley College
"Living independently, adjusting to new cultural environments, greater insight into the history and politics of the region"
Scarlett K Wellesley College
"I gained a better awareness and love for the multicultural realities that exist in our world and gained a lot of self confidence by speaking Arabic daily and stretching myself by traveling and living in a place so different from what I defined as familiar five months ago. In other words, now the medina in Rabat and the US feel b..."
Micah B Wellesley College
"I found a new confidence in myself and my ability to converse and make my way around a foreign city. I figured out public transportation and learned so much about the culture and history of Argentina and other South American countries. The academics were an important piece to me, but I also learned to relax a bit and take in the..."
Mackenzie H Wellesley College
"Academic, personal, and above all language growth"
Shweta P Wellesley College
"I learned the language and a lot about Chinese culture. I also learned to roll with the punches because China is full of surprises and crazy experiences"
Allie H Wellesley College
"It was amazing. Being abroad gave me such a newfound sense of confidence and independence. Living in a giant city like London by myself was well worth it and traveling solo throughout my time really enriched my experience. "
A student Wellesley College
"I gained more confidence in my language skills, was able to make friends in classes and a connection with my host family, and was able to travel around Europe. It was definitely worthwhile. "
A student Wellesley College
"London itself was very stimulating and enjoyable. The program was just alright."
A student Wellesley College
"I learned how to independently navigate a city in a language I do not know. I improved communication skills, I am less hesitant to reach out to people I would like to learn from or meet and I am more extraverted. I learned how to connect with people more easily/ readily, how to find commonalities and similar values. I learned ho..."
A student Wellesley College
"I was able to explore a new region of the world, be immersed in a culture that few in the States are even aware of, create lasting friendships, take courses in disciplines I would otherwise not have explored. I am so grateful I had the opportunity to spend a semester in Bishkek."
A student Wellesley College