Past Review

By (Nursing., SUNY - Binghamton) for

SUNY Binghamton: Juan Dolio - Community Health in Dominican Republic

What did you gain/learn from your experience abroad? Was it worthwhile?
It changed my life in the sense that it opened my eyes to things I knew existed, but it put emotions to reality as I spoke and interacted with those suffering and struggling in such horrid conditions. I made life long friends and gained life altering knowledge. I feel more wise. I feel like every day I want to become a better person because of this trip.

Personal Information

How much international exposure did you have prior to this program? 2 weeks - 1 month

Review Your Program

* Overall educational experience

Academic rigor, intensity, resources, etc.

I learned so much about life, the world, myself, nursing, medicines, people, history, EVERYTHING!!

* Host Country Program Administration

On-site administration of your program

She was extremely educated, knew the country and many of its' people very well, and only took us to the safest areas. She trusted us a lot and let us be independent while still maintaining our safety. She provoked much thought and wonderful discussions at post-conference.

* Housing:

How satisfied were you with your living arrangements?

Hotel. <br /><br /> Safe, clean, comfortable.

* Food:

Lots of flies around food. Tasty though.

* Social & Cultural Integration:

How integrated did you feel with the local culture?

Toured Santo Domingo and other parts of the country with historical significance. Learned a great deal on these trips and really got to absorb their culture even more.

* Health Care:

How well were health issues addressed during the program?

* Safety:

If you could do it all over again would you choose the same program? Yes


* Money: How easily were you able to live on a student's budget?

(1 = not very easy/$200+ on food & personal expenses/week, 2.5 = $100/week, 5 = very easily/minimal cost)

Not including program expenses, about how much money did you spend on food and other expenses each week? $400. Food was included however we bought granola bars and gatorade. We bought souvenirs. Gifts for our instructors.
Do you have any general money-saving tips for future study abroad participants? Bargain!


* Did your program have a foreign language component? Yes
If applicable, to what degree did your living situation aid your language acquisition?

Language acquisition improvement?

We practiced the language with the locals. Most of the people we interacted with knew minimal English so it forced us to communicate with them in their language. Those that did not know Spanish relied on the students on the trip who did.

Other Program Information

* Where did you live?

Select all that apply

  • Hotel
* Who did you live with?

Select all that apply

  • Americans
* Who did you take classes with?

Select all that apply

  • Americans

A Look Back

* What do you know now that you wish you knew before going on this program? DO IT! But be prepared for some culture shocking experiences... be ready to be vulnerable emotionally and physically... it is challenging but extremely rewarding. Life-changing, I promise.