Study Abroad Scholarship Directory

To help with the funding of your study abroad, we have compiled this list of scholarship opportunities offered by providers of study abroad programs and foreign host universities. In this directory you will see information from these organizations, which may help you fund your dream of study abroad.

Many other resources exist, including those from your home university, you should check with your study abroad office for a list of these. You might also consider how study abroad may impact your existing university Financial Aid package, as the cost of your education will change.

We also recommend you consider a crowd funding campaign for your study abroad. Abroad101 awards money each week to a student with study abroad crowd-funding mission on

Confused by all the complexities surrounding study abroad? Check out Affordable College's Guide to Finding and Financing Study Abroad for some answers and tips.

University of Prince Edward Island

1 scholarship available across 1 program

UPEI supports you and your educational goals. We offer our students competitive tuition rates and administer millions of dollars in scholarships and awards to our undergraduate and graduate students every year.

up to 3000

Learn International

1 scholarship available across 1 program

Scholarship applications are submitted as part of your general application. You must have a 3.0 GPA to apply. The scholarship section has two parts: a one-page essay about why study abroad is important to you, and a choice of how you might record your experience (with a blog & instagram updates or video-blog and testimonial). Please note that you must apply for your programme before you can qualify for our scholarship offerings. If you are interested in learning more about our scholarship offerings, please contact us.

Up to €1,000

Institute for Field Research

1 scholarship available across 1 program

The Vera R. Campbell Promise Scholarship is dedicated to the support of California State University Los Angeles (CSULA) undergraduate students as well as undergraduate students with economically challenged backgrounds who were raised in Los Angeles County. Several past Vera R. Campbell Promise Scholarship awardees were the first in their families to attend a college or university and had never traveled outside California, let alone the US. This scholarship provides significant funding for selected students who preferably have not yet attended a field program and who otherwise would not have the financial means to participate in a field school. IFR’s field programs take place throughout the world and across disciplines. This scholarship provides the following benefits: Direct financial support of up to $5,000 to offset the cost of attending an IFR field school. Two one-on-one personalized mentorship sessions (via video conferencing) with an IFR Academic Board member prior to the field program so that you gain insight from an expert archeologist about getting the most from this field school. Access to online asynchronous materials to help you get ready for and succeed in your field experience, the new location, and as a member of a group working to discover the past. Post field school mentorship sessions to help you leverage this field school experience for work careers, both inside and outside academia. Upon completion of their field programs, all scholarship awardees will be supported and mentored in preparing a short (10-15 minute) presentation about the field experience to a group of business leaders in Los Angeles. The goal is to provide students with the ability to reflect, articulate and present their field experience, to get feedback from leaders in a range of businesses, and to start forming relationships and networking with these prominent individuals. Awardees of each annual scholarship cycle will be given the opportunity to serve as mentors for students who will come after them in future years. Our goal is to create a broad system of support for all awardees that will leverage financial, intellectual, academic and community gains to support and advance your long-term life and careers goals.
