Study Abroad Scholarship Directory

To help with the funding of your study abroad, we have compiled this list of scholarship opportunities offered by providers of study abroad programs and foreign host universities. In this directory you will see information from these organizations, which may help you fund your dream of study abroad.

Many other resources exist, including those from your home university, you should check with your study abroad office for a list of these. You might also consider how study abroad may impact your existing university Financial Aid package, as the cost of your education will change.

We also recommend you consider a crowd funding campaign for your study abroad. Abroad101 awards money each week to a student with study abroad crowd-funding mission on

Confused by all the complexities surrounding study abroad? Check out Affordable College's Guide to Finding and Financing Study Abroad for some answers and tips.

CYA (College Year in Athens)

1 scholarship available across 3 programs

The CYA Board of Trustees has set aside funds for supplemental scholarships for academically qualified students who would otherwise not be able to attend. Scholarships for students applying for a semester or academic year are customarily awarded in amounts ranging from $500 to approximately half the amount of tuition. These scholarships are intended as credit against CYA fees and should not be used to reduce the financial aid package awarded through the home institution. Since CYA scholarships are given as an adjustment in the program fees, rather than as funds received by the student, they may cause a reduction of the student's demonstrated need. Often this means that a scholarship from CYA would not be beneficial because it would cause an equivalent reduction in the amount of financial aid awarded by the applicant's home school.


DIS - Study Abroad

3 scholarships available across 3 programs

DIS offers several scholarship opportunities. The combined maximum scholarship for any individual student is $5,000 per semester (unless granted the Jacob Buksti Memorial Scholarship or the Anders Uhrskov Leadership Scholarship). DIS Scholarship Awarded on the basis of demonstrated financial need (funding up to $5,000 per semester; $250-500 for summer sessions 1, 2, or 3; or up to $1,000 for summer session 4) Diversity Scholarship Awarded to support students from populations that are underrepresented in study abroad including those from diverse ethnic, racial, cultural, sexual orientation, and educational backgrounds including first-generation college students (funding up to $5,000 per semester and up to $250 to $1,000 per summer depending on course/program selection)

Contact DIS

Anders Uhrskov was the Director of DIS for 27 years and was dedicated to developing global leaders of tomorrow through education abroad. The Anders Uhrskov Leadership Scholarship is a merit-based scholarship established to award students who have demonstrated leadership on their college campuses at home and who are dedicated to enhancing and building upon their global leadership and critical thinking skills while spending a semester or summer abroad with DIS. Up to $10,000 will be awarded to one semester student and up to $5,000 to one summer student studying for six weeks or more.


This merit-based award honors a beloved former DIS faculty member, Jacob Buksti, who passed away in 2016. Jacob built a strong legacy in modern Danish politics and made a deep impact on the hundreds of DIS students he taught from 2003 to 2016. Jacob served the Danish Social Democratic Party as a parliamentarian, party spokesperson, and Minister of Transportation during an impressive political career, and he was deeply devoted to sharing his work and passion with U.S. students at DIS. He loved being a politician and, even more than the theories and policy study that fueled his coursework, was passionate about the living, breathing game of European domestic and international politics. We offer this scholarship of up to $10,000 each semester to a deserving DIS Copenhagen or DIS Stockholm student who exhibits: A major in political science, international relations, government, public policy, economics, or a related field Passion about pursuing a career in politics An understanding of the work it takes to be actively engaged to advance yourself and your mission, interest in European/EU politics, and awareness that effective politics has many avenues A high GPA, strong personal essay, and recommendation from a professor or academic advisor Note: summer awards are not offered for this scholarship at this time.


The Beijing Center

10 scholarships available across 3 programs

Offers $500 awards for students attending a member institution.


Provides scholarships to U.S. undergraduate students to study abroad in areas of the world that are critical to U.S. interest. Maximum scholarship awards are $10,000 for a semester program and $20,000 for a full academic year.


Award amounts vary however will range in increments of $500 to $1,500.


The returning student scholarship provides current undergraduate TBC students or alumni with a cash award to support their continued study in China at TBC. To learn more, please contact

Up to $1,000

Award amounts of up to $10,000 (full year abroad); $5,000 (fall/spring semester abroad); prorated by no. of weeks, minimum $1,250 (summer programs)


The fly free scholarships are available to students at: Elon University, Georgetown University, and Marquette University. The fly free scholarships offer up to three students from each university an airfare subsidy of up to $1,000 for their flight to China. To learn more and apply for this scholarship, please contact your home university study abroad office.


The Beijing Center offers paid internships and assistantships, depending on need, in the following departments: Academics and Administration, ChinaContact, Career Ventures, Marketing and Communications, Anton Library, Human Resources, and Student Life.


The Beijing Center (TBC) is committed to remaining a budget-friendly study abroad option for students. We aim to keep our costs similar to, or less than, a semester/year spent at your home university. To further assist students of financial need, TBC offers a Pell Grant Supplement Scholarship. The Pell Grant Supplement will be a $500 scholarship for any semester student who receives a Pell Grant as part of their regular financial aid package. To confirm eligibility, students will simply be required to submit a financial aid office letter detailing your overall financial aid package.


Created to assist U.S. students with demonstrated financial need and limited prior experience in East and Southeast Asia, Freeman-ASIA will fund approximately 400 students over the next two academic years, with awards ranging from $3,000 per student for summer study and $5,000 per semester, to a maximum of $7,000 for a full year abroad.


Recipients receive up to $5,000 and are available for U.S. citizen undergraduate students of limited financial means to pursue academic studies abroad and credit-bearing internships abroad. Also, students studying Mandarin (a critical need language) are automatically considered for the Gilman Critical need Language Award, with a total award of $8,000.

Up to $8,000

Santa Barbara City College

1 scholarship available across 3 programs

SBCC offers several scholarships for studying abroad on one of the SBCC Study Abroad programs offered every semester. To apply for the scholarships, you have to be enrolled at SBCC and apply during the appropriate application time frame for the chosen study abroad program. Additional requirements may apply. Scholarship awards are between $800 and $2,500 and a student may be selected for more than one scholarship. When completing the application, make sure you check YES for wanting to study abroad to open the section for Study Abroad Scholarships.

$800 - $2,500

CEPA Foundation

2 scholarships available across 2 programs

Two $1,000 scholarships are available each year to students, who are the first generation in their family studying at a university / college and participating in any CEPA Foundation semester abroad program.

$ 1,000

Three $1,000 scholarships are available each year to qualified students participating in any CEPA Foundation semester abroad program.

$ 1,000