Study Abroad Scholarship Directory

To help with the funding of your study abroad, we have compiled this list of scholarship opportunities offered by providers of study abroad programs and foreign host universities. In this directory you will see information from these organizations, which may help you fund your dream of study abroad.

Many other resources exist, including those from your home university, you should check with your study abroad office for a list of these. You might also consider how study abroad may impact your existing university Financial Aid package, as the cost of your education will change.

We also recommend you consider a crowd funding campaign for your study abroad. Abroad101 awards money each week to a student with study abroad crowd-funding mission on

Confused by all the complexities surrounding study abroad? Check out Affordable College's Guide to Finding and Financing Study Abroad for some answers and tips.

University of New Orleans

22 scholarships available across 6 programs

The Pickering Fellowships help highly motivated and academically excellent college juniors and graduating seniors or college graduates who want to pursue a Foreign service career in the U.S. Department of State. The goal of the programs is to attract outstanding students from all ethnic and social backgrounds who are dedicated to representing America's interests abroad. Women, members of minority groups historically underrepresented in the Foreign Service, and students with financial need are encouraged to apply to one of the two programs. The Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation, which administers the Pickering Fellowships, identifies and develops leaders and institutions to meet the nation's most critical challenges. Program Awards: $40,000 annually for academic expenses covering the last year of undergrad or first year of grad study (for Undergraduate Fellowship); or the first and second year of grad study (Graduate Fellowship) Two paid State Department summer internships (domestic and abroad) Professional development through workshops and informational seminars Mentoring by U.S. Foreign Service Officers

For more information: / 504-280-7116

Boren Scholarships provide up to $20,000 to U.S. undergraduate students to study abroad in areas of the world that are critical to U.S. interests and underrepresented in study abroad, including Africa, Asia, Central & Eastern Europe, Eurasia, Latin America, and the Middle East. The countries of Western Europe, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand are excluded

Campus Representative: Mary Hicks - e-mail:

This valuable funding resource allows you to search by country or subject to find the study abroad funding information that you need. Their comprehensive database of study abroad scholarships, fellowships, and grants can help make your dream of studying abroad a financial possibility and a profound reality

For more information: / 504-280-7116

Phi Kappa Phi Study Abroad Grants are designed to help support undergraduates as they seek knowledge and experience in their academic fields by studying abroad. Seventy-five $1,000 grants are awarded each year

Seventy-five $1,000 grants are awarded each year

The UAS7 Consortium is an exchange partner with UNO, giving UNO students the ability to study at any of the seven member institutions in Germany. The UAS Study and Internship Program (SIP) has enabled highly qualified undergraduates from U.S. and Canadian colleges and universities to experience the German approach to hands-on education at a member of UAS7, a consortium of Germany's top universities of applied sciences. SIP students spend a semester studying at a UAS7 campus and a semester interning. Starting in 2013, our offerings will be expanded to include the Internship Program (IS) and Study Program (SP). IP students will intern at laboratories at UAS7 members over a period of 2-6 months. SP students will study for a semester at a UAS7 member

Successful applicants are eligible for a UAS7 Travel Scholarship (1000€) for transatlantic travel expenses

For over 50 years, the Council for International Exchange of Scholars (CIES) has helped administer the Fulbright Scholar Program, the U.S. government's flagship academic exchange effort, on behalf of the United States Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. Founded in 1947, CIES is a private organization. It is a division of the Institute of International Education (IIE). CIES maintains deep ties with the U.S. higher education community, including individual universities and colleges and major scholarly organizations. It also works with a network of binational Fulbright Commissions in 50 countries and 90 U.S. diplomatic posts around the world, as well as international universities and higher education associations

Campus Representative: Dana Criswell- e-mail:

Don't forget that your own federal financial aid package may be applied to all UNO study abroad programs. Talk to your financial aid counselor about your study abroad plans

For more information: / 504-280-7116

Sponsored by the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, this congressionally funded program is administered by the Institute of International Education through its Southern Regional Center in Houston, TX The Gilman International Scholarship Program offers grants for U.S. citizen undergraduate students of limited financial means to pursue academic studies abroad. Such international study is intended to better prepare U.S. students to assume significant roles in an increasingly global economy and interdependent world

Campus Representative: Mary Hicks - e-mail:

A new online scholarship database,, was recently launched at the European Association for International Education (EAIE) conference. is an integrated, centralized European platform providing information on all scholarships offered for studying in Europe. The database already contains over 700 scholarship programs. You can now find and compare relevant programs based on your nationality, background, where and what you want to study, and many more search criteria. ScholarshipPortal has been developed by StudyPortals and the Academic Cooperation Association (ACA) and funded by the European Commission Lifelong Learning Programme

For more information: / 504-280-7116

This scholarship will be awarded to a deserving LGBTQI student who aims to participate in a high-quality, rigorous education abroad program. This scholarship is made possible by the generous support of a group of international education professionals who are committed to advocating on behalf of LGBTQI students

For more information: / 504-280-7116

With hundreds of scholarship and grant listings, IIE’s online directory Study Abroad Funding,, is among the most comprehensive directories for U.S. students to find funding for studying abroad. The website features detailed descriptions of study abroad scholarships, fellowships, grants, and paid internships for U.S. undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate students. These are searchable by name, field of study, continent, and country. All listings are free of charge and provide an excellent opportunity to publicize your institution's programs

For more information: / 504-280-7116

Up to $2,000 for undergraduate & graduate students to study abroad. Three application cycles annually, with very early deadlines!

Up to $2,000

More students are looking into personal fundraising. Personal fundraising can take different forms, and one of them is launching online fundraising campaigns. Fundraising helps cover the cost of study abroad and gets your friends and family involved in your study abroad plans. Some possible crowd funding online tools you might want to consider

For more information: / 504-280-7116

As part of the National Security Language Initiative (NSLI), a U.S. government interagency effort to expand dramatically the number of Americans studying and mastering critical need foreign languages, the Department of State Critical Language Scholarships will provide funding for U.S. citizen undergraduate, master’s and Ph.D. students to participate in beginning, intermediate and advanced level summer language programs at American Overseas Research Centers. Recipients of these scholarships will be expected to continue their language study beyond the scholarship period and later apply their critical language skills in their professional careers

For more information: / 504-280-7116

The Department of History and Philosophy may provide a supplementary monetary award to history / philosophy majors. Please contact the department head for more details.

Depending on specific program requirements and the applicant’s qualifications

Not to be confused with the Division of International Education Global Ambassador Awards. Each semester the UNO Ambassadors host Swampball, a mud volleyball tournament, to raise money for the UNO Ambassadors Scholarship fund. Our scholarship was created to ease the financial hardship that comes with a college education. Each year in the spring semester, the Ambassadors give out multiple scholarships to UNO students

Depending on specific program requirements and the applicant’s qualifications

The Diversity Abroad Network “Diversity Network” will offer two summer scholarships in the amount of $1,000 for full-time undergraduate (both community college and university level) students attending a member institution. The University of New Orleans is a member of the Diversity Abroad Network

For more information: / 504-280-7116

Are you earning a degree in Science or Engineering? You could be the next UNO student to receive the prestigious and generous Marshall Plan Scholarship to study in Innsbruck, Austria!

You are eligible to apply for a grant of up to 10,000 Euro (approx. $14,000)

For more information: / 504-280-7116

For more information: / 504-280-7116

There are a number of generous awards available to students who choose to study in Germany at one of our partner schools. Please go to the URL link for information on their many programs

For more information: / 504-280-7116

Deutsches Haus in New Orleans is one of the oldest cultural institutions in town with a mission to celebrate and foster German culture, language, and history. On the occasion of the Ten Year Anniversary Celebration of Center Austria at UNO, Keith Oldendorf, the President of the Board of Deutsches Haus, announced a new annual award for UNO students to study in Austria or Germany. For  over 40 years, the University of New Orleans has been nurturing a strong relationship with the University of Innsbruck and more recently with other Austrian universities. In addition, the Division of International Education has been building new partnerships with universities in Germany. Deutsches Haus wants to help UNO students study abroad and improve their German language skills utilizing these UNO networks in Austria and Germany.

For more information: / 504-280-7116

This is awarded by the Austrian government to three UNO degree-seeking students each year. Students must spend two semesters on Academic Year Abroad program in Innsbruck, Austria to be eligible

The award currently carries a stipend in the amount of 350 Euro monthly for a 9-month period

UW-Platteville Education Abroad

1 scholarship available across 6 programs

This Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies (NUFS) Academic Scholarsip is available to students applying to study at NUFS through UW-Platteville Education Abroad. Students with at least a 3.2 cumulative GPA will be awarded 70,000 yen and students with at least a 3.5 cumulative GPA will be awarded 120,000 yen. If awarded, the scholarship amount will be deducted from the awardee's program cost.

70,000 - 120,000 yen

Modern Language Studies Abroad (MLSA)

1 scholarship available across 5 programs

Awards for students who demonstrate a strong interest in study abroad in Spain or Costa Rica and who are pursuing a major or minor in Spanish.

Up to $500

Global Education and Career Development Abroad / GlobalEd

2 scholarships available across 5 programs

Students who attend a university that has an affiliate relationship with GlobalEd will be eligible for a $300 scholarship on GlobalEd's summer internship in Seville, Spain


Students who attend universities that have an affiliate relationship with GlobalEd will benefit from an affiliate Scholarship of $500.



1 scholarship available across 5 programs

This scholarship is for young, travel passionates, open minded university students or recent grads who are ready to teach English overseas and share their culture when abroad. Must be native speakers of English!

100-500 USD