Study Abroad Scholarship Directory

To help with the funding of your study abroad, we have compiled this list of scholarship opportunities offered by providers of study abroad programs and foreign host universities. In this directory you will see information from these organizations, which may help you fund your dream of study abroad.

Many other resources exist, including those from your home university, you should check with your study abroad office for a list of these. You might also consider how study abroad may impact your existing university Financial Aid package, as the cost of your education will change.

We also recommend you consider a crowd funding campaign for your study abroad. Abroad101 awards money each week to a student with study abroad crowd-funding mission on

Confused by all the complexities surrounding study abroad? Check out Affordable College's Guide to Finding and Financing Study Abroad for some answers and tips.

Abbey Road Programs

1 scholarship available across 9 programs

Abbey Road offers various partial summer fellowships and scholarships annually to its summer programs.


SSA Education Abroad

1 scholarship available across 9 programs

We offer two scholarship options for students attending our regular academic programs in Spain, Puerto Rico, Cuba and Argentina (this does not include faculty-led programs). You may submit an application to only one scholarship: Merit-Based or Diversity. Students may apply for the Merit-Based or Diversity Scholarship prior to their acceptance in an SSA program, but only accepted students may receive a scholarship. *Please note: Spanish Studies Abroad Scholarships cannot be applied to program costs, including tuition. Scholarships are meant to offset extra expenses while abroad, such as flights, gifts, entertainment, etc.

$500 - $1500


1 scholarship available across 9 programs

We want you to share your experience with others and the best way to have them understand the language you learned and the places you visited, is by having them study where you did! Abroadia will award you $100 per student recruited upon confirmation of their enrollment in one of our programs. NOTE: This is a post-program award and cannot be applied to the program you plan to study in.

$100 per student recruited

Temple University International Programs

1 scholarship available across 9 programs

Students studying at Temple University Japan or Rome Program for the fall, spring, or summer semester may apply for a scholarship to help defray the costs. The maximum award is $5000. Students may apply by completing the Scholarship application and essay, available within the online program application.

up to $5000

Sea Education Association

5 scholarships available across 7 programs

If you learned about SEA Semester from an alumnus or alumna of our program, you may be eligible for this award.

Up to $2,500

One award is available per each SEA Semester class for a student from one of the five colleges in the "5-College Consortium" (Smith College, Mt. Holyoke College, Amherst College, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Hampshire College).


One award per year is available to a resident of Canada participating in a SEA Semester.

Up to $5,000

One award per year available to a deserving Journalism major.


For Bermuda students enrolled in SEA Semester, SEA will match the scholarship value for any student who receives an award from The National Transportation Board or the Bermuda Zoological Association.
