Study Abroad Scholarship Directory

To help with the funding of your study abroad, we have compiled this list of scholarship opportunities offered by providers of study abroad programs and foreign host universities. In this directory you will see information from these organizations, which may help you fund your dream of study abroad.

Many other resources exist, including those from your home university, you should check with your study abroad office for a list of these. You might also consider how study abroad may impact your existing university Financial Aid package, as the cost of your education will change.

We also recommend you consider a crowd funding campaign for your study abroad. Abroad101 awards money each week to a student with study abroad crowd-funding mission on

Confused by all the complexities surrounding study abroad? Check out Affordable College's Guide to Finding and Financing Study Abroad for some answers and tips.

University of the Arts London

2 scholarships available across 7 programs

Apply for our Summer Study Abroad scholarship. The Award winner will receive a tuition-fee waiver (3 week courses only). Submissions should be sent to with the subject Summer Study Abroad 2022 Scholarship Application. The deadline for scholarship submissions is 1 April 2022. Scholarship winners will be asked to take part in promotional activities to promote Summer Study Abroad and the scholarship scheme.


4 awards of £1,500 each. UAL Study Abroad awards are available to students on Integrated and Semester programmes. We are looking for a visual project that encapsulates the spirit of your home institution - it can be a video, piece of artwork, performance piece...anything goes! Entries should be as creative as possible and must meet the brief above. Please email your entry to with your full name and the course title in the subject line. If submitting a video, submissions should be no longer than 2 minutes and should be sent via a file-sharing or video hosting site such as YouTube, Vimeo or Dropbox.


London School of Economics (LSE)

1 scholarship available across 7 programs

Full details of the Academic Director’s Scholarships for study in summer 2022 will be announced shortly. LSE is delighted to offer a number of Academic Director’s Scholarships for Summer School applicants who have shown a passion for, or exceptional promise in the areas of: Sustainability and Development; Responsible Leadership; or Technology, Media & Society These scholarships are designed to help students wishing to broaden and enrich their university career with the opportunity to participate in the LSE Summer School. The scholarships aim to help recipients gain a global perspective, achieve academic excellence and develop civic leadership skills. Vision: The scholarships aim to equip students with the skills to engage with some of the critical challenges facing our world today. The Academic Director’s Scholarships support LSE’s 2030 Vision and will be informed by the 2030 guiding principles, namely to: Sustain excellence through an inclusive and diverse community Extend our impact and reach Ensure a sustainable future

Full tuition

University of San Diego School of Law

1 scholarship available across 7 programs

Scholarship funding may be available to USD law students. USD law students should apply via the International Study Abroad Scholarship application form.


Webster University

1 scholarship available across 7 programs

The award is only offered to students that are degree-seeking at an institution that is a member of the Webster International Network of Schools (WINS) and meet all eligibility and conditions of the award. The WINS Travel Award is provided directly to accepted affiliated student and covers up to one thousand dollars ($1,000) toward the round-trip coach airline ticket.


Round River Conservation Studies

1 scholarship available across 6 programs

Round River offers scholarships to students through our Edward Abbey Scholarship Fund. Edward Abbey was a friend to many and an inspiration to all associated with Round River. Ed’s family has graciously agreed that we may use his name in this manner. We are committed to involving dedicated and qualified students in our conservation projects and we will work with you to facilitate your application and financial needs. Financial assistance to qualified students from Round River is available from the Edward Abbey Scholarship Fund.
