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Accademia Italiana Salerno (Salerno, Italy)


Accademia Italiana Salerno is a university located in Salerno, Italy offering 4 direct enrollment and exchange programs Programs offered include Study Abroad, Internship, and Intensive Language abroad programs.

Accademia Italiana Salerno is an Italian language and culture center founded in 1997.
The Institution is specialized in teaching Italian as a foreign language. Accademia Italiana is one of the most accredited institutions in Southern Italy.

The school is located in a historic buinding in the medieval center of Salerno, in the gulf which hosts the wonderful Amalfi Coast. Each classroom offers a stunning view of the Harbor of Salerno.

Accademia Italiana is recognized by the Italian Ministry of Education (p.a. 368/11) and by the University for Foreigners of Siena and the University for Foreigners of Perugia for the official Italian certifications recognized by Law and based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.Our center is officially accreditated by the Univeristy of Mississippi (Oxford-MS) for the transfer of academic credits for Study Abroad Programs in Italy.

The school is a proud member of IALC (International Association of Language Centres), ASILS (Italian Association of High Quality Schools) and has several partnerships with International Universities and high schools in the USA and Europe.Our goal is to provide students with a unique learning experience in a place where they can easily combine the study of the Italian language with a wide range of courses and activities that will increase their awareness of the Italian culture. All the staff and teachers are highly qualified , they have a MA and a post degree specialization in teaching Italian as L2/FL.

Salerno is the ideal study abroad city for US students, who have the chance to regularly interact with local community and international students from all around the world.

Programs offered
Faculty-Led and Summer Term Programs, language and activity inclusive, available for credits
Semester and Short Term Programs available for credits
Italian courses focused on language, culture, art, archaeology, literature, social studies, business, natural sciences and liberal arts, while incorporating language development and cultural immersion inside and outside the classroom.
Semester and short –term internships available for credits in many fields: Art History, Business and Finance,Tourism, digital marketing, communication, Journalism and Media; Arts & Crafts, Architecture, Engeneering, Law; Social/intercultural; Health and Medical Services; Political Science and International Relations; Music and Theater
Civic Engagement and service learning programs: students wishing to broaden their studies wanting to give back to their community can get involved in volunteer programs.
U.S. School of Record: University of Mississippi (OLEMISS)

Language of Instruction: Italian/English; students with Italian language skills may have more placement options.

Study Abroad with Accademia Italiana Salerno

September 19, 2024
Study Abroad Reviews for Accademia Italiana Salerno: Salerno - Italian Language Courses
Accademia Italiana Salerno: Salerno - Italian Language Courses

Accademia Italiana Salerno is an Italian language and culture center  founded in 1997.The Institution is specialized in teaching Italian as a foreign language. Accademia I...


0 reviews
Study Abroad Reviews for Accademia Italiana Salerno: Faculty-Led Program
Accademia Italiana Salerno: Faculty-Led Program

A Faculty Led Program in Italy is a more effective way to continue studying Italian enjoying a full immersion experience in Salerno, near the beautiful Amalfi Coast. Accad...


0 reviews
Study Abroad Reviews for Accademia Italiana Salerno: Semester Programs
Accademia Italiana Salerno: Semester Programs

Semester Programs at Accademia Italiana are a unique experience to study abroad in Italy for a fall semester. Students learn Italian in the vibrant and lively atmosphere o...


0 reviews
Study Abroad Reviews for Accademia Italiana Salerno: Internship
Accademia Italiana Salerno: Internship

Motivated students studying in Salerno have the possibility to join un-paid internships under the supervision of experienced professionals. All Internships in Italy are co...


0 reviews

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