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Agualivar Spanish School (Malaga, Spain)


Agualivar Spanish School is a university located in Malaga, Spain offering 1 direct enrollment and exchange program Programs offered include Intensive Language abroad programs.

We are two enthusiastic Spanish teachers and sisters that a long time ago dreamed of turning our family house into a special place. A place open to people with interests in nature, arts, culture, gastronomy, Spanish language and everything "off the beaten tracks". Our house is located in a quiet and rural setting, a perfect place to learn Spanish, live the culture as a local and share experiences with us and our family.

Study Abroad with Agualivar Spanish School

September 20, 2024
Study Abroad Reviews for Agualivar Spanish School: Málaga - Spanish Immersion Program
Agualivar Spanish School: Málaga - Spanish Immersion Program

We welcome you, the students, to our house-school where you live with us, the Spanish teachers, and our family. You are immersed in Spanish and in the culture of our count...


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