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Amauta Spanish School (Cusco / Cuzco, Peru)


Amauta Spanish School is a university located in Cusco / Cuzco, Peru offering 1 direct enrollment and exchange program Programs offered include Study Abroad abroad programs.

AMAUTA Spanish School in South America offers the unique opportunity to study and learn the Spanish language while immersed in Latin American culture. Our experienced teachers utilize the most innovative pedagogies and emphasize interactive way to study Spanish, a proven methodology for foreign language learning.

Study Abroad with Amauta Spanish School

September 20, 2024
Study Abroad Reviews for Amauta Spanish School: Cusco - Direct Enrollment & Exchange
Amauta Spanish School: Cusco - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

AMAUTA Spanish School also offers additional free cultural classes, such as Salsa and Tango lessons, traditional music instruction, and cooking tutorials. These complement...


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