Berea College

September 19, 2024

University Information

Berea College is a liberal arts work college in Berea, Kentucky, U.S.A., founded in 1855.

Important Dates and Deadlines

Application deadlines:

  • 15 September: Berea Term Abroad (Spring)

  • 1 October: Berea International Summer Term

  • 15 February: Berea Term Abroad (Fall) and Summer Abroad

Sort by: Date | Rating
Past Review Breathtaking And Adventurous! Speak + Write Marburg: Intensive German in Marburg

"I learned how to be academically disciplined and how to balance social and academic life."

Berea College
Past Review Summer Of A Lifetime! University of Nicosia - Global Semesters: Summer in the Mediterranean

"I learned about the various cultures in which I was submerged. It was amazing to see the differences that the Greek culture has from American culture. It was definitely worth while to have experienced this adventure."

Berea College
Past Review An Italian New Year KIIS: Italy - Experience Italy, Winter Program

"I learned a great deal about myself and how quickly I can adapt to a strange location. Though I was met with challenges (language barrier) and the timing was poor (during the holidays, away from family), I believe the trip was worthwhile. I would definitely recommend it to anyone! "

Berea College
Past Review I Fell In Love With A Country, A City, A People, And The Poetry Of Place. University of Galway: Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I discovered what it was like to have relationship with a city. Galway is big enough to be interesting and alive and small enough to be friendly and intimate. I learned so much about myself, my ability to take care of myself with very little support. I learned about a culture and place that I thought I already knew something abo..."

Berea College
Past Review Archaeological Adventure, Fantastic, Eye Opening, Experience Of A Lifetime! University of North Carolina - Greensboro: Tanzania - Paleoanthropological Field School at Olduvai Gorge

"I learned a plethora of archaeological skills and lab-work, I can apply to my career. I learned the hardships of traveling in another culture. I experienced a world focused on completely different things and I got to think about how my culture responds to them. I am more capable now to provide support for my friends abroad and ..."

Berea College
Past Review Study Abroad In Germany: An Amazing Experience Trip Study Abroad in Germany! Programs and Reviews!

"A few friends both American and German, use of language, history and an awesome time"

Berea College
Past Review Life Changing Experience. AIFS: San José - Universidad Veritas and Internship Program

"I learned more Spanish, and met some amazing people. It was a life changing experience and I would recommend this to anyone. "

Berea College
Past Review Wonderful! Wouldn't Have Asked For A Better One! AIFS: San José - Universidad Veritas and Internship Program

"Too much to write about! Experienced a wide range of ecosystems and wildlife including watching sea turtles lay eggs on the beach and monkeys as abundant as squirrels. "

Berea College
Past Review I Love Australia! James Cook University - Townsville: Townsville - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I gained a lot of knowledge about future career paths and I learned about myself. It was very worthwhile. "

Berea College
Past Review Italian Adventure KIIS: Italy - Experience Italy, Summer Program

"I gained a lot of knowledge about art history, mythology, and Italian culture. I got to see so much, meet great people, and have fun and explore a beautiful country. It was totally worthwhile."

Berea College
Past Review The Adventures Of A Culturally Relativistic American KIIS: Traveling - Experience China (Summer)

"I gained new insight. I was semi-ethnocentric when I arrived, but after while I began to adopt those same ways of being. I learned that every situation you walk into came sometimes be uncomfortable, but it is ultimately up to you to make the best of it."

Berea College
Past Review Amazing! KIIS: Traveling - Experience Japan (Summer)

"I gained MANY new friends both American and Japanese! "

Berea College
Past Review Better Than I Could've Dreamed Study Abroad Programs in Costa Rica

"I gained a new sense of independence abroad and my Spanish improved immensely."

Berea College
Past Review Experience Of A Lifetime! KIIS: Berlin - Experience Berlin (Summer)

"I learned the importance of energy efficiency . YES"

Berea College
Past Review Five Months To Remeber KIIS: Regensburg - Experience Regensburg (Spring Semester)

"Studying abroad is an experience you can't compare to anything else: it makes you reexamine your culture and beliefs, pushes you out of the comfort zone, helps you learn a language... but all of these cliches don't even begin to do justice to the overall value of this experience."

Berea College
Past Review Challenging But Totally Worth It!! University of Stirling: Stirling - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"How to use public transport, budgetting, adjusting to a completely different place, cultural ans religious differences, and so much more!"

Berea College
Past Review Personal Growth But Not International Enough University of Nicosia - Global Semesters: Nicosia - Semester in Cyprus

"personal growth but not enough about the country"

Berea College
Past Review The Most Wonderful, Challenging, Exciting, And Confusing Semesters Of My Life SIT Study Abroad: Belgrade, Budapest, and Vienna - Comparative European Perspectives on Conflict and Democracy

"It is nearly impossible to write in this box what I learned from this experience so quickly after it has ended, but I will say that it is certainly worthwhile. If you want a fulfilling study abroad experience both academically and socially/culturally, I would highly recommend choosing an SIT program (especially the Balkans!)"

Berea College
Past Review Studying Abroad Will Change Your Life University of Stirling: Stirling - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Wow. Okay, big question. I can't even begin describe how much I learned from my study abroad experience. I gained a lot of exposure to other countries/ cultures, traveled extensively, and performed well in new academic and social environments. I grew in courage and self-confidence. Now, I feel like I can travel just about anywhe..."

Berea College
Past Review Study Abroad In The Greatest City In The World. Study Abroad Programs in England

"I gained independence and a broader knowledge of transportation methods in a large city. It was very much worthwhile."

Berea College
Past Review I'd Rather Be An Aboriginal! ISA Study Abroad in Sydney, Australia

"History is written by the winners. "

Berea College
Past Review The Experience Was Transformational! API (Academic Programs International): Grenoble - Université des Alpes

"Of course it was worth while, but I can't generalize the entire experience."

Berea College
Past Review I Feel Blessed SAI Study Abroad: Sorrento - Sant'Anna Institute (SA)

"I gained independence through solo traveling and learned how to travel, live and experience new cultures with others. It was more than worthwhile, it was necessary."

Berea College
Past Review A Trip That Was Expering, Life Changing, And Intenese. Kansai Gaidai University: Hirakata - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I gained a deeper insight on what I want to do in life and my next step in my academic career. I also learned so much about Japanese culture that I would never had learned if I did not go to Japan. I also gained the ability to be more confident in myself. This study abroad trip was indeed worthwhile. "

Berea College