Berea College
University Information
Berea College is a liberal arts work college in Berea, Kentucky, U.S.A., founded in 1855.
Important Dates and Deadlines
Application deadlines:
- 15 September: Berea Term Abroad (Spring)
- 1 October: Berea International Summer Term
- 15 February: Berea Term Abroad (Fall) and Summer Abroad
"I gaineda passion for international travel, I am a addict! All I want to do is see, see, see and experience new and exciting places!!!"
Nicholas C Berea College
"I learned a lot about the history of France."
A student Berea College
"I learned that the world is not so large as I once thought, and it was the most worthwhile thing that I have ever done. I can scarcely describe the joy that I felt meandering around the streets of Paris, taking in the splendor of the city."
brittany.mathis.14 Berea College
"I learned so much about myself and my surroundings. Completely worthwhile."
A student Berea College
"I learned a lot about French Culture and about myself as well."
Jacob B Berea College
"I learned how to adjust to a new city by navigating the maps myself. Yes, it was worthwhile."
A student Berea College
"it was very worthwhile. "
Alex D Berea College
"I bettered my German 5 fold and I learned a lot more about other cultures and myself honestly. Yes, it was worthwhile. "
A student Berea College
"I learned more about Islam than I ever thought I would. "
A student Berea College
"I gained a sense of adventure and a desire to go abroad again. It was definitely worthwhile."
A student Berea College
"The slave trade. And slave history. The connections between Africans and African-Americans. "
A student Berea College
"It was so worthwhile! I gained a wider world view in (what I think) was the best way possible. Because Turkey is a modern secular nation with a past as an Islamic Empire, the evidence of both of these made for an extremely wonderful experience. It was the best of both worlds. I also got to interact with some of the friendliest a..."
A student Berea College
"It was definitely worthwhile. I had an excellent experience in an unfamiliar class style. Students who are looking to challenge themselves in individual learning outside the class room will be well satisfied with the program. The class trips called "excursions" put into practice what I've learned in the class room. I also was im..."
A student Berea College
"Oh gosh it was so worthwhile. I gained new perspective on my own country, and others."
Emily Grace S Berea College
"I learned a lot about myself. I also now have a better appreciation for the country that I am living in. I became more independent as a person and had to make decisions for myself. This trip was worthwhile because I learned what it means to study abroad. "
A student Berea College
"I learned that the fear of traveling to other countries was all in my head. I had the stigma that I couldn't do it and that it was too dangerous because of how the media portrays traveling and Hollywood movies. Once I actually traveled I figured out that I could go out by myself and not with my group anymore. Once I was alone I ..."
Misty D Berea College
"I gained an appreciation for other cultures and can not put into words how worth it this trip was. "
brianna.d.perry Berea College
"Studying abroad in Greece was undoubtedly worthwhile. I gained knowledge and skills in the kitchen when it comes to Greek cuisine. I learned to pay close attention to every element of food- how it was planted or raised, who cared after it, who prepared it, why is it tradtion, and so on. Makes every meal that much more enjoyab..."
Amanda B Berea College
"I learned a great deal of German, which was my main reason for going on the trip. I also gained a ton of memories with a bunch of wonderful people, that I hopefully will never forget. It was very worthwhile."
A student Berea College
"Of course it was! Everyday is a learning experience!"
Martha S Berea College
"Learning and interacting with locals is not difficult at all. If you allow yourself to make mistakes and have fun, it makes for all the more enjoyable experience. YES. It is definitely worthwhile."
Yi M Berea College
"Yes, it was worthwhile. I learned a lot."
A student Berea College
"I learned so much about the Italian culture. Everything about the program was worthwhile. Not only did I learn so much about Italy and its people, but I also learned so much about myself. I loved going by myself and not knowing anyone before I went. I know that some people are very nervous to do that, but it was the best decisio..."
Betsy C Berea College
"I learned so much abroad and just became a more outgoing person. It was completely worthwhile and I feel that I improved my writing."
Lindsey H Berea College
"During my experience abroad, I gained lots of friendships from the locals as well as the other Americans from different schools who were also studying at the American Farm School. I also learned quite a bit about Greek culture and agriculture in Greece. I definitely believe that this trip was worthwhile!"
A student Berea College