Bethel University

September 19, 2024

University Information

Below you will find study abroad reviews from students at Bethel University. We hope you will find these helpful in your search for options in education abroad. If you are a Bethel University student, please check with the Office of Off-Campus Programs/International Studies for guidelines on enrolling in a study abroad program and receiving credit for your study abroad experience. If your university has listed recommended programs below, please consider them first and contact any of the program providers referenced in the reviews listed below for more information.

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Past Review Cultural Integration And Life Changing. Italy Study Abroad Reflections: Comprehensive Reviews of Past Programs

"being less ecnocentric. Working on prjects with different cultures. (Marketing project with a Russian and a Bulgarian)"

Bethel University
Past Review Amazing Experience In Which I Learned About Myself And The World. Study Abroad Programs in Switzerland

"I learned many things about myself, and yes it was completely worthwhile. I would not do it again because I have already had that experience, so if I were to study abroad again I would stay with a host family."

Bethel University
Past Review One Of The Best Decisions Of My College Career! Study Away Programs and Internships in Los Angeles

"I learned about myself and the entertainment industry. I also learned about people from all over who come together with a common goal which is awesome to see when it works. This trip was more than worthwhile and I would recommend it to anyone who even has the slightest desire to work in entertainment. "

Bethel University
Past Review City Love Study Away and Internship Programs in New York City

"Honestly I gained and learned SO much I can't possibly relate it all here. Most importantly I think though, was that I saw first hand how artist function and work in the real world - not just in a university. "

Bethel University
Past Review It Was Awesome! I Learned And Grew So Much. It Was Also Really Hard. Spain Study Abroad Reflections: Comprehensive Reviews of Past Programs

"I improved my Spanish so much. I learned to trust God. I learned to slow down and relax. I learned how to travel on my own and be more independent. I got to see how other people view life. It was totally worth it and I think everyone should study abroad for a semester cause you learn so much. But it seriously is really hard. "

Bethel University
Past Review Life Changing, An Experience Not To Miss! Study Abroad Programs in England

"A bigger understanding of different cultures, traveling, and how to cope/adapt to change and constant moving around. The traveling aspect was an key advantage for landing an internship and a job for a big-name company that specializes in travel after I returned to the States. It was most definitely worth it! Even if I hadn't got..."

Bethel University
Past Review Fantastic! Study Abroad Programs in England

"I learned that I was more independent that I thought I was. It was a nice revelation."

Bethel University
Past Review Incredible Guatemala Experience. Want To Go Back. Students International: Academic Mission Study Abroad Programs

"Spanish, and yes, it was worthwhile. It opened my eyes to a whole other culture. "

Bethel University
Past Review Spanish Integration And New Experiences Study Abroad Programs in Guatemala

"it was worthwhile. i learned how to be independent."

Bethel University
Past Review New York City...Scary At First, Better At Second. Study Away and Internship Programs in New York City

"I gained a lot. I now know how to navigate the city, ride the classes were great and I learned a lot from them. All in all it was a worthwhile experience. I want to go back and visit New York City, even though I wouldn't want to live there permanently. It is a great place with so much culture and art to see. It was s..."

Bethel University
Past Review Extraordinary, Once In A Lifetime. Study Away and Internship Programs in New York City

"So much I cant put into words. I learned things about life and people. I learned about art and being a professional independent human being. I learned responsibility and safety. I learned about friendship, and about different races and backgrounds and passions. I learned about famous artists and how the professional art world wo..."

Bethel University
Past Review A Life Changing And Challenging Trip Study Abroad Programs in Guatemala

"Talking and listening to people from other cultures is just so cool and defiantly worthwhile "

Bethel University
Past Review Extraordinary Study Abroad Programs in Switzerland

"Too much for words! It was worth every penny, every difficult moment, and the stories will last for years to come. "

Bethel University
Past Review Seeing With New Eyes Study Abroad Programs in Guatemala

"I learned to how to see the U.S from an outsiders perspective and to see differently than how my culture has taught me. I also grew closer in my relationship with God and learned how to better trust Him. "

Bethel University
Past Review A Trip To Remember Study Abroad Programs in England

"I gained a better understanding of both literature and foreign cultures. Given that this was precisely what I was hoping to get out of the trip, it was more worthwhile than I can communicate."

Bethel University
Past Review Incredible And Once In A Lifetime Experience Study Abroad Programs in England

"I learned that the Unites States way of living is only one way of living. I learned the pure joy of reading and studying particular authors and artists and their own life stories. It was absolutely worthwhile."

Bethel University
Past Review Learn Spanish, Serve Others, And See The World Differently. Study Abroad Programs in Guatemala

"I learned so much about culture, economics, and people in general. I was forced to step out of my comfort zone, invest in others, and love selflessly. I saw so much beauty in the Guatemalan landscape and people with whom I interacted. The experiences I've gained are priceless."

Bethel University
Past Review Life Changing Study Abroad Programs in Guatemala

"See above. Definitely worthwhile. Loved everything I did down there. Grew a lot."

Bethel University
Past Review The Best 3.5 Months Of My Life. Study Abroad Programs in Switzerland

"This review may have made it sound like I disliked a lot about this trip, but this is the furthest thing from true. I gained several amazing new friends and together, we took advantage of every opportunity we could to have adventures. On a trip like this, where there is a great deal of free time, your experience and memories are..."

Bethel University
Past Review Awesome Artsy Prague SIT Study Abroad: Czech Republic - Arts and Social Change

"It was completely worthwhile! I don't have time to explain it all right now but just study abroad and you will not regret it. "

Bethel University
Past Review Learning About South Africa And Seeing The Country In Action! Study Abroad Programs in South Africa

"Getting introduced to South Africa was like being introduced to a part of myself and my own history I didn't know before. Because of the oppressive past and current issues now facing this vibrant country and continent, I was challenged to question certain aspects of the Western worldview as well as aspects of my faith. I didn't ..."

Bethel University
Past Review Looking For Something Different? Try Uganda. Study Abroad Programs in Uganda

"I learned a little more of who I am, and I learned how to more faithfully live out that person in my everyday life. I learned that poverty is so different than what we think it is, than what I thought it was. Africa will be completely different than what you thought it was (even if you've been there before on missions trips). It..."

Bethel University
Past Review A Time Of Exploration And Adventure Away From Home! AIFS: Wellington - Victoria University of Wellington

"I learned how to live on my own. I learned how to advocate for myself and not depend on my professors for guidance or friends for guidance. I also became a new me through exploring new things I like to do such as camping and hiking and cooking. It was totally worthwhile! I will never forget my experience!"

Bethel University
Past Review England: Best Home Away From Home Experience You'll Ever Have. Regent’s University London: Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"With the friends and memories I made, i'll never regret it. "

Bethel University & Seminary