Brandeis University
University Information
The Office of Study Abroad supports Brandeis students who participate on any of our 300 approved programs in some 65 different countries around the world.
On average 40% of the junior class studied abroad during the academic year while still more students took advantage of various international opportunities in the summer. There is a huge diversity of transformative experiences that Brandeis students have engaged in abroad including studying biodiversity conservation hands on in Panama, conducting ethnographic research on sacred figures in Mongolia, interning with Parliament in Edinburgh, United Kingdom, and interning in special education classrooms in Sydney, Australia to name a few.
Whatever your story, journey or adventure is destined to be, come by our office to learn more about the steps to going away!
Additionally, by logging in to Abroad101, all approved programs will be tagged with an "Approved" badge.
Important Dates and Deadlines
The Study Abroad Application Deadline for Fall, Academic Year, and Spring is mid-February.
The summer study abroad application deadline is mid-March.
"Gained independence"
Camila Lopez Brandeis University
"I got to live in an awesome city, travel to new places (like the Great Barrier Reef!), and take classes that would only be found in Australia. This semester was an incredible opportunity."
A student Brandeis University
"I learned how to get by in a completely new, foreign culture and how to work in an international setting. "
A student Brandeis University
"My year abroad was beyond worthwhile. I gained a sense of individual accomplishment, growth, and pride in my academic work due to the tutorial system. I also learned how to have a more balanced social life with my work since your weekly schedule is largely self-organized. With such a flexible schedule I was able to open my sched..."
Cynthia C Brandeis University
"I learned a lot about my subject, and did a lot of travelling on my own. "
A student Brandeis University
"I 100% feel more confident in my language skills. It was weird at the start of the semester, but I loved coming to be able to properly converse with my friends at the end or ask directions on the street or order food or what have you. "
A student Brandeis University
"The experience was worthwhile, and I learned a lot about the fascinating, yet unfortunate history of Australian Aboriginal people."
Chris D'Agostino Brandeis University
"The whole program was very worthwhile. I was able to experience several cultures while gaining a stronger sense of self and independence."
A student Brandeis University
"I gained a sense of independence, it was worthwhile. "
A student Brandeis University
"A lot. Yes."
A student Brandeis University
"learned to be independent, confident, observant. how to evaluate others cultures"
A student Brandeis University
A student Brandeis University
"Studying abroad was definitely worthwhile because I was able to live with a host family and gain a better understanding of how a social welfare state works and compare it to the US. "
A student Brandeis University
"How to live in the present. "
Gabriel Goldstein Brandeis University
"Networking is a phenomenal resource that all should take advantage of. Traveling also encourages yourself to meet new people and go out of your comfort zone. "
Zachary D Brandeis University
"My experience abroad was the best time of my college career. I become increasingly independent and confident as the trip progressed. I learned how to navigate a foreign city and become comfortable in new environments. "
A student Brandeis University
"I loved being somewhere I have never been before. It made me fall in love with a part of the world I had never experienced. "
Yael Matlow Brandeis University
"I experienced a educational experience that will be difficult to match (even when I study for my Phd) and a vast array of incredible memories with local and visiting students. "
A student Brandeis University
"Learned a lot about myself, and become more comfortable in uncertain situations."
A student Brandeis University
"I learned so much about myself and about other cultures"
A student Brandeis University
"My language speaking and comprehension (oral and written) progressed significantly. I can read academic books/catalogs, listen to entire lectures and understand everything including technical vocabulary. I speak more fluidly and with greater variation in vocabulary and style. "
A student Brandeis University
"I gained a new language, new friends, new knowledge, experiences that were once in a lifetime, new skills, hobbies, and cultural knowledge. That question is silly at this point. HELL YEAH it was worthwhile!"
Xavier Nelson Brandeis University
"Gained adaptation skills, learned a lot about the British culture. It was worthwhile."
A student Brandeis University
"I learnt a tremendous amount about Denmark, and from my classes. I am now doing an internship in Denmark for the summer at DONG Energy in wind power. Most worthwhile. "
A student Brandeis University
"Academic achievement / travel experience/ make new friends "
Yuying Wan Brandeis University